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Religion, what it should be? What is religion?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by TheMightOfLove, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. IsraeI

    IsraeI Peon

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    Blah Blah..those violent passages do not seem "uplifting" to me....you can try to explain all day..I'm not buying into any of it.. there's so many things I didn't even post here. :)

    good luck to you Christians, your numbers are declining because people are finally reading the bible instead of hearing the "Jesus loves you" mumbo jumbo.


    PS: I hope you realize it's not nice to bring 4 verses, come to your own conclusion and ask others to write an essay for you in explanation of those verses, nobody is your slave here, if you are going to ask questions, you do it 1 by 1.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2011
    IsraeI, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  2. Meenakshi

    Meenakshi Peon

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    Don't Believe in Religon ! As we all r human being we should not be religious !
    Meenakshi, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  3. Digitalisextremis

    Digitalisextremis Peon

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    Why are you a Hindu? Did you come to that belief system as an adult of your own free will or were you taught it at an early age and now don't question it? Why aren't you a christian or a muslim or a buddhist? You're a hindu becasue religions survive by indoctrinating young children, it's immoral and disgusting.

    Now, you believe in gods, what evidence do you have that they exist? If you're right that means everyone else is wrong, if someone can be wrong that means you could be wrong. Can you accept that you might be wrong? of course not, that means that every time you prayed you were talking to yourself and that would be mildy insane wouldn't it. Religions also count on this.

    I could go on and on but I have other things to do, I look forward to your answers to my points.
    Digitalisextremis, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  4. Digitalisextremis

    Digitalisextremis Peon

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    Actually, numbers are declinging because access to information and education in general is at a higher level than ever before in history and educated people are far less likely to believe in fairy stories, they ask awkward question which religions struggle to answer, that's why reliigoins would stifle learning if they could.

    But... in the current climate of the upsurge in Islamic beliefs, the worst in 500 years, I'm starting to wonder if the only thing that stands between us and an Islamic world is christianity. The irony is deep. For that reason, perhaps we shouldn't be attacking religious beliefs but supporting the ones that help us remain freee of Sharia and the taliban....
    Digitalisextremis, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  5. laxman363

    laxman363 Active Member

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    No one forced me to believe. I was not a hindu i would still be a good person which is what matters.

    What is this. I cant understand anything. Take some english lessons.

    You have hardly asked any question.

    I did not post this post why did you put my name in that qoute.
    laxman363, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  6. Digitalisextremis

    Digitalisextremis Peon

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    Really? You invented this belief system all on your own? Remarkable.

    I'll try to make it more simple for you:

    1. Hindus have a belief system.

    2. That belief system differs substantially from many of the other 2000 religious belief systems.

    3. Since they differ so much, they can't all be right.

    4. Therefore (stay with me here this is the tricky bit) someone is wrong....

    5. If one religious belief system can be wrong, it's possible that any of them could be wrong.

    6. Therefore... you could be wrong.

    Simple huh, so, can you accept that you could be wrong? It's a yes or no answer.
    Digitalisextremis, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  7. laxman363

    laxman363 Active Member

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    Why do you speak English. No one forced you to. did you invent it yourself. Did you make your clothes on your own.

    If you go into details then you will always find differrences. The major thing is what matters. In short most of the religion say to indulge in peace stay away from violence etc etc which is what matters. Anyway nowdays no one is so devoted that he reads the whole scriptures and start doing exactly what is mentioned in his religion so its not a big concern anyway.
    laxman363, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  8. TheMightOfLove

    TheMightOfLove Peon

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    1. I know it is hard for one to get rid off delusions.
    2. It is hard for those who don't love the truth to search for it and accept it if it does not fit their old beliefs.
    3. You said a lot of things about "Jesus" wanting to "kill" and all those are nonsense. You are pinning a killing in parables on Jesus. Man, you don't even put enough time for a research, but nevertheless you think you can bring a meaningful argument. All of your conclusions about Jesus are either twisted, distorted, or a plain lie. Was Jesus crucified because on the accounts of murder, or inciting of violence, or physical rebellion? If you are right He should have been crucified for that. But He was not, which proves you are wrong.
    Well, why should one have a discussion with a person who shows no interest in the truth even if it requires deeper research and study?

    If you don't come with honesty at the discussion table, I am sorry, but I won't be sitting at it.

    (Best wishes to all who need them.)
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2011
    TheMightOfLove, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  9. Breeze Wood

    Breeze Wood Peon

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    In fact they do nearly all of them seek peace and condemn violence....as though that is what matters.

    The Garden, the true text and meaning for interpretation by the Deity for Mankind, particularly its origin is anything but a study of peace and non violence. In fact violence is a fabric of its existence as well as the other amenities the prophets have expressed. A Volcano is unbridled and violent.

    What matters by the accounts of Edenist is the persuasion of life in existence today is the persuasion of its Deity and is what must be understood for acceptance to the Outerworld of the Everlasting.

    Either Peace or Violence may and do exist, they must simply be free from evil. The Spider who captures a Fly for sustenance, a moment of violence is allowable so long as the motive is pure.
    Breeze Wood, Jul 14, 2011 IP
  10. Digitalisextremis

    Digitalisextremis Peon

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    Of course they did, I didn't invent it and the point I'm trying to make is that you didn't arrive at your views on your own, they were urged on you as a small child.

    Religions have to indoctrinate children, if all children were allowed to grow up and make an informed independent choice there probably wouldn't be any religions.

    Yes, that's my point and it's significant because it means some of the religions must be wrong in what they believe. They simply can't all be right and if that's the case then any (or all) of them could be wrong. There can't be Vishnu, shiva AND allah/god, Zues, Appollo, Anubis, Ra and Anansi etc etc, buddhists can't be right if christians are right, heck, christians can't even agree amongst themselves what to believe, neither can muslims.

    I repeat my question, can you accept that you could be wrong? Are you open minded enough?

    And yet most of them do nothing but perpetuate violence and misery, war, oppression and persecution.
    Digitalisextremis, Jul 15, 2011 IP
  11. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    It seems to me you're confusing religions with 'governments' as 'most' religions these days preach peace.
    Bushranger, Jul 15, 2011 IP
  12. laxman363

    laxman363 Active Member

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    Thje beliefs are never transferred 100% . One must pass on his experiences and how to live life to another generation. My ancestors will help me know that this path is not right, because they did the same and got pain. If i went their and got pain again then what was the use of them experiencing it. There are moral values which are transferred and there are most which are inborn which cant be taught. Why does science keep on transferring itself. Why did you learn science, why did you not learn it yourself, your arguements are so stupid.
    laxman363, Jul 16, 2011 IP
  13. viny30

    viny30 Active Member

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    Religion is a way of life and without faith the world would be a brutal and a cruel place. The argument whether God exists or not have been going on for centuries but what religion do is to only spread love and peace in the world. All religions say the same thing using different languages but the central point is the same. religion is a way of life and to promote universal brotherhood, peace and love among all people.
    viny30, Jul 18, 2011 IP
  14. Digitalisextremis

    Digitalisextremis Peon

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    My arguments aren't stupid, they're just not what you're used to. I'm not trying to prove god doesn't exist, how could I possibly do that? What I'm trying to show you is that what you believe was forced on you.

    The difference between science and religion? In science there is a theory but it has no weight until there is evidence to back it up and science changes its views based on the collection of more evidence and increased understanding. Science evolves, it learns, it helps us progress. Science never says 'this is the truth' like religion does, it says 'this is what the evidence suggests at the moment', science is open minded.

    Religion does none of those things, there's not much point asking questions when the answer is 'god did it' so the religious paradigm is constrained and limited, religious 'learning' is inward looking, religion stifles learning and prevents progress.

    You still haven't told me whether or not you accept that you could be wrong? It's really simple, just say yes or no.

    Are you a christian?
    Digitalisextremis, Jul 19, 2011 IP
  15. laxman363

    laxman363 Active Member

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    Religion does not say this thing is crap until its really big thing like murder etc. If you ask then 100 people will have 100 other opinion on anything except science ( like if you ask them what is 2 +2 Most will say 4 but ask them what they like etc then you wont get the same answer ). So i guess you got me that its just advices. I dont remember the last time a preist raped a girl for not doing exactly what he had said. They are just advices. When you were small and i put potty in front of you you would have eaten.Your dad would have stopped you, why did he , you would have learnt it on your own someday. So understand that.
    laxman363, Jul 20, 2011 IP
  16. windy

    windy Active Member

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    i prefer to using these words "Love, Wisdom, and Truth". more clear.
    windy, Jul 21, 2011 IP
  17. charline

    charline Peon

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    religion only threatens people's life :(
    charline, Aug 1, 2011 IP