Question on percentages?

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by kiteguy123, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. #1
    I'm in the process of writing an ebook which I plan to sell for around $30, and my plan is to get some affiliates involved as I don't have that much free time to advertise so I need some people to take the workload.

    So, my question, for a $30 ebook, how much percentage (%) should I expect to pay people?

    kiteguy123, Oct 8, 2008 IP
  2. RichUser

    RichUser Banned

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    If it's an e-book; then 75%.
    RichUser, Oct 8, 2008 IP
    1 person likes this.
  3. kiteguy123

    kiteguy123 Guest

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    So I'd expect to pay them a minimum of $20 for a $30 ebook, seems a bit steep doesn't it? Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob to affiliate marketing. How many affiliates do you think I would get if this was a really good ebook, and how many sales can I expect them to make?

    Should I give a minimum payout of say $100, or just award with the money after every sale they make? Ideally, the first option would be better for me because it means that the affiliates have more incentive, but if no one will agree then there isn't much point :p
    kiteguy123, Oct 9, 2008 IP