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Question About Using Postback URL

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by JoefromPhilly, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. #1
    I would like to know your experiences with using postback URLs. I am a PHP programmer, but I want to know how well these work. I am having a horrible time with content lockers from three different companies, meaning that most times the dang content won't unlock, even after I get to the end of the "survey".

    One of my questions about postback URLs is this - Do they convert on the designated action, as in email submit, or do they make you wait until the user goes through all the crap including having to commit to some form of payment on something.

    How easy are the incentive offers to use with postback URLs?

    When a user completes an offer, how do you handle the integration of what the user sees afterwards? Do you add a "Location" command in the PHP script to send them to some page?

    I would appreciate any feedback that any of you have on using these postback URLs.

    JoefromPhilly, Jul 10, 2011 IP
  2. WeTrackMedia

    WeTrackMedia Active Member

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    Postback is really easy once you get the hang of it. Don't worry. We was all in the same position as you when we started. I am a PHP Programmer myself. Let me give you an short explanation of how the postback system works.

    So, when the lead is credited or reversed. It will send a postback to your postback file. So the link coming from the network would be; http://www.example.com/your_postback_file.php?campaign_id=XXX&subid1=XXX&status=XXX

    The subid1 can we the user id or username, just an example.

    You would then get the variables what are sent in the URL. So...

     $campaign_id      = $_GET['campaign_id'];
     $subid1              = $_GET['subid1'];
     $status              = $_GET['status'];
    You will then check that information with the database to see if it all matches. You will then update the database, depending on weather it is a lead or not. That will then run through that status variable.

    You can then setup a JavaScript script what will check the database every 10 seconds weather the lead was credited or reversed. If the lead is credited then you can let the user see the content or download the content, your choice. Just an example.

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to fire them at me i will be sure to do my best to help you.


    WeTrackMedia, Jul 11, 2011 IP
  3. JoefromPhilly

    JoefromPhilly Peon

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    HI Michael,

    Thanks for the input. I see what you mean. So, when a user is doing a survey or an offer, and a postback url is being called, this does not affect what the user sees, correct? If nothing happens, they just still sit on the page they were on, I assume. So, essentially, I would need to have a JavaScript script that is querying the database to see if the postback URL was called and the DB updated. Is this correct?

    Thanks. Your info has been of help. If you can help with this question, that would be great as well.
    JoefromPhilly, Jul 11, 2011 IP
  4. WeTrackMedia

    WeTrackMedia Active Member

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    No problem at all. Yes, you would have to create a JavaScript function what will check the database every 10 seconds or whatever to see weather the report has been updated to a lead. Then if it has been updated as a lead then it would then allow the user to see the content or download what is desired. Else; If the lead does not credit then they will then have a choice to complete another campaign.

    I hope I helped.


    WeTrackMedia, Jul 12, 2011 IP
  5. emoneysinous

    emoneysinous Peon

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    I work with YeahIncent.com which use hasoffers tracking system and have their gateway better than anyother. you can put in your postback easily.
    emoneysinous, Jul 13, 2011 IP