Question about -1000 PayPal account

Discussion in 'PayPal' started by spikers12, May 21, 2015.

  1. #1
    So a guy buyed 1000 dollar of game keys from me now wanting his money back! Saying it's unauthorized you know the deal. Now my question is if I do lose this case can I leave the account and diconnact bank and all and not get debt collectors or letters after me? I live in the Netherlands. Thanks for the help!
    spikers12, May 21, 2015 IP
  2. mareslo

    mareslo Member

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    i think if you deconnect you are screwed still...If there was ever anything attached or you bought anything from ebay or amazon where they could get your address you are pretty much screwed.That is just my opinion.1k dollars isn't such a small amount so they could take action against you.

    BTW: choose words wisely coz paypal support is a fcking retarded.Collect proofs and try to win it somehow.In my opinion paypal is always on buyer's side tho

    good luck man!
    mareslo, May 21, 2015 IP
  3. spikers12

    spikers12 Peon

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    Thanks for the answer it's so stupid that this is possible if I'll lose this I'm going to call them. I just don't have the money how fast do they expect you to pay this as it's such a big amount thanks for your help!
    spikers12, May 21, 2015 IP
  4. mareslo

    mareslo Member

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    Man just try to get as many proofs and act professionally..I managed to win 1¸dispute and i lost a few...with digital products it's sh*t....Even fake proofs...just throw them something in their face and don't act too ironical like: THIS GUY SCAMMED ME.... Act calm.And pray that you will get a smart guy who will resolve your dispute...Last time i got one dickhead and i needed to return 200$ to one guy for a website + he kept it.

    My last 200$ dispute was about to last for like 2 months (if you are answering slow,on last days).

    If you see that you can win fight otherwise just buy more time by answering slow!

    mareslo, May 21, 2015 IP
  5. Mkcoy

    Mkcoy Well-Known Member

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    Yet another paypal dispute over virtual items possibly lost. I wouldn't hold your breath or get your hopes up. Like others have said fight it, show all proof, chat history etc not that it means anything to them. They expect you to pay it back right away. Or just keep the account open and wait for you to put enough money in to counter the negative balance.

    Let this be a lesson to you with selling such high priced items. Best to hold the buyers money for as long as you can like 3-7 days before dispatching the items. Unfortunately many people want these virtual electronically delivered items instantly like game codes so you're always at risk.

    If you would have written them down on paper and then sent them to the buyer you would have been protected though. Provided you have proof of delivery, tracking number etc.
    Mkcoy, May 21, 2015 IP
  6. spikers12

    spikers12 Peon

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    The problem was that the guy had the story that he had a shop and he just kept buying and buying. And now he opend like 7 cases. I do have one where I waited more than 3 days which will hopefully help. Is it good that on case 1 I will show stuff he did on let's say case 2? Thanks a lot for helping out.
    spikers12, May 21, 2015 IP