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Selling Premium Funny Picture Website (AutoPilot)

Discussion in 'Sites' started by romioaa, May 3, 2013.

  1. #1

    This website add picture automatically from flickr and RSS websites feeds​
    - Beautiful Domain name
    - Beautiful Premium Logo
    -This is a Funny Picture Website
    - Optimized for (Adsense, ClickBank, Amazon, Infolinks, PeerFly, CJ, etc.)
    - The domain is from Namecheap. I will use free push to your account.​
    If you want me to transfer the website for you. you will have to pay the BIN price + 15 dollar extra.​
    Optimized for Penguin & Panda​
    - LIFETIME SUPPORT: Support includes helping setup the website, adsense help integration. Support does not include adding new features.
    Optimized for Penguin & Panda​
    NOTE: This is a new website and does not receive traffic yet or revenue.

    romioaa, May 3, 2013 IP