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Selling PR3 | Free Templates Site Niche | Awesome HTML5 Design | $1 starting BID / $300 BIN

Discussion in 'Sites' started by zinghana, Nov 19, 2011.

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  1. #1
    Now showing as PR3 ! Both the DP page rank tool & http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php are showing my site as PR3 now (Must of been a recent update).


    Quick Stats:
    - 100+ Members / Subscribers already.
    - 40+ daily visits. see here: TRAFFIC STATS.
    - 17+ posts currently (with about 10 new submissions ready to publish for the new owner).
    - 1-2 new submissions per day (delivered to your email account, you simply need to copy / paste / publish).
    - 8,548 Pageviews to date.
    - 04:55 Avg Time on Site.
    - 400+ Landing keywords already (and again ive been lazy in terms on adding content)

    Site Features:
    - Awesome UNIQUE Design (A design people will remember and a site people will come back to / people will share)
    - Template Submission Page: http://freetemplatez.net/submit-template
    - HTML5 / CSS3 elements (Future proofed theme, Extremely SEO friendly)
    - Awesome Sexy images mod codded into the theme
    - Affiliate link cloaker
    - Download manager (to track and manage your downloads)

    BONUS THEMES INLCUDED: (get these themes sponsored or release them with your own backlinks)


    The above BONUS THEMES above were created by me and have not yet been released or sponsored yet !!... the new owner can do what they like with these.. ive published them on FreeTemplateZ.net but as you can see ive not added any download links.

    This project also provides free content... how you ask..Via the submissions page... visitors / regular theme creators use the submission form submit their designs.. these submissions are emailed to you and you simply copy, past and publish them... currently 10+ unpublished submissions waiting to be added.

    Reason for sale: Simply need to fund some premium scripts for another project.

    Sale Time frame: Looking to have this SOLD and running from the new owners hosting ASAP.. i will be online for the next 24+ hours and will ensure a speedy transfer / installation to the new owners server.. Please do ensure you are able to make immediate payment if making a play on this sale.

    Pricing: Low Reserve, $1 starting BID.. BIN @ $300- Going up on Flippa if no interest comes from this thread shortly.. really looking to complete this transaction ASAP so i can move on with another project.

    Looking for a quick sale, please be sure if you are bidding / making a BID offer that you can make payment ASAP.. It goes without saying i will take care of the full transfer to your hosting account.. Please see my iTrader if you have any concerns.

    PM OR REPLY !!

    Regards, Darren
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
    zinghana, Nov 19, 2011 IP
    wptheme likes this.
  2. zinghana

    zinghana Well-Known Member

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    Future Revenue..

    - Get the included themes sponsored.. sell 3 links per theme @ $25 each..
    - PR3 Link Sales
    - Income from Affiliate products and services
    - Paid Submissions / Paid Posts etc

    The site it's self is very easy to run.. all features (things like the slider) of the new design of FreeTemplateZ.net are controlled by a "Theme Settings" page ive coded into the theme.

    As mentioned in need of a fast sale so if the bidding stalls i will have to resort to Flippa for the sale, My BIN price of $300 is very reasonable and does not justify the time and effort ive put into the site and free releases.

    Regards, Darren
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2011
    zinghana, Nov 20, 2011 IP
  3. wptheme

    wptheme Well-Known Member

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    Payment sent, site sold to me. thanks
    wptheme, Nov 20, 2011 IP
    zinghana likes this.
  4. zinghana

    zinghana Well-Known Member

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    Sold, Thanks to all interested parties.. currently awaiting for the new owner to accept the domain transfer and provide hosting details so i can configure the site for him.

    Regards, Darren
    zinghana, Nov 22, 2011 IP
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