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PR2 Pet Site for Sale - Site Active 2 Years

Discussion in 'Sites' started by potentmix, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. #1
    I have a pet site that I haven't done anything with for about a year, and probably will not have time to work on it in the forseeable future.


    I once had an offer of $600 for this site, but thought I would develop it further and didn't sell. But, alas, that never happened. Too many other opportunities to pursue. Here's what the site has going for it:

    1. Page Rank = 2
    2. Site is aged for two years
    3. Great domain name - age 5 years - registered, Godaddy
    4. 152 pages indexed in google per FF toolbar
    5. 141 inbound links

    Admittedly, traffic is not exciting, around 1,200 page views monthly. Income, ytd, is $62.01 from Adsense. There are some broken affiliate links. Also, while it shows a blog, I never got around to doing one. So, the site needs some maintenance. There's a lot of plr type content.


    I think the site has considerable potential for someone willing to organize it and develop it properly. I, personally, have a high opinion of the domain name as carrying some value, in and of itself. The development of a site around it is a real plus.

    Selling as is:

    Minimum bid - $100
    BIN - $600

    Bidding open until midnight, pst, December 10, 2008.

    Payment only through PayPal.
    potentmix, Nov 30, 2008 IP
  2. Sean9

    Sean9 Well-Known Member

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    $100 here.
    Sean9, Nov 30, 2008 IP
  3. potentmix

    potentmix Peon

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    Thanks for the bid. Anyone else?
    potentmix, Nov 30, 2008 IP