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Potentially Sensitive/Offensive Product Content - Clickbank Approval

Discussion in 'ClickBank' started by cleloux, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. #1

    I recently attempted to get my eBook on pregnant awareness for couples (which includes very tastefully drawn diagrams exploring appropriate sexual positions to use during pregnancy) and the customer service team told me that that content was too explicit and therefore I cannot use the site as my payment portal.

    This presents an issue as I would like to leverage the affiliate program and a number of other features that are not available with Paypal.

    I was hoping that people may be able to point me to similar products that are using Clickbank to help facilitate me building a better case.

    My eBook explores all facets of pregnancy, from debunking the myths to the psychology of the expectatnt father. I feel a little hamstrung here and certainly feel that none of the material in the book is explicit or offensive.

    Anyway, hoping someone can help in some way, shape or form ;)


    cleloux, Jun 28, 2011 IP
  2. Morrow66

    Morrow66 Active Member

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    Why not try and get your product listed on Plimus they are the second best to Clickbank these days in my opinion.
    Morrow66, Jun 29, 2011 IP
  3. rolf

    rolf Active Member

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    Hmm...there are many sexual products on Clickbank, I'm kinda surprised they did this for drawn illustrations.

    For my PE product, I got rejected first time because there was a medical photograph of an erect penis! lol! I just took it out.

    But it seems that yours is more critical.

    Yes I would try Plimus. I think Plimus is becoming really attractive these days, a lot of people will be moving over I reckon, especially as they have their own Mastercard.
    rolf, Jun 29, 2011 IP
  4. g36

    g36 Peon

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    If your product is rejected, try other affiliate managers. Beside Clickbank and Plimus, there are also Paydotcom and Click2sell. They're similar with Clickbank.
    g36, Jun 30, 2011 IP