PopunderAd.com | Ad Server | Increase your ad revenue from Popads.net, Popcash etc.

Discussion in 'Pay Per Click Advertising' started by PopunderAd.com, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. #1
    With our platform you can work with multiple popup and popunder ad networks and exactly define which network gets what traffic and how much of it, to increase your ad revenue. Combine all your popup/popunder ad networks into a single ad code and see for the first time how much traffic you actually send to which network!

    Stop getting fooled by ad networks which count not all of your impressions, and compare which network actually pays you the most per 1,000 impressions. We offer even more powerful features like bot/proxy filtering and ad-block bypassing.

    Create your free account here: PopunderAd*com

    We support all major ad networks like Popads, Popcash, PropellerAds, Ad-Maven and many more!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
    PopunderAd.com, Aug 28, 2018 IP