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Selling Popular File Sharing Site For Sell

Discussion in 'Sites' started by hostmela, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. #1
    Why are you selling this site?
    We run the file sharing site 3 month ago but currently don't have time to maintenance it busy with my personal work.

    How is it monetized?
    Third party ads.

    Does this site come with any social media accounts?

    How much time does this site take to run?
    3 Months

    What challenges are there with running this site?
    Need to expand & run PPD system on it.

    Megacloudfiles using xfilesharing pro latest script & We still offer it free to use. Megacloudfiles currently hosted on Europe based server & server cost $100+ monthly.

    We are currently earning $4USD/day from site.

    After purchase i will handover domain+site access + xfilesharing pro account access.

    Attached Files:

    hostmela, Sep 23, 2015 IP
  2. Matthew Sayle

    Matthew Sayle Prominent Member

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    What is the source of your traffic?
    Matthew Sayle, Sep 24, 2015 IP
  3. hostmela

    hostmela Well-Known Member

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    It is sharing many site search on google or check alexa you will get details about it without PPD getting 1000+ UV per day & it will be go smoothly if start PPD but don't have time to manage all of thing. anyone can buy & run business everything is ready & server bill paid till October.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
    hostmela, Sep 24, 2015 IP

    NAZAM.COM Well-Known Member

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    I don't understand why you would kill all the content of the website before you have sold it?
    NAZAM.COM, Jan 16, 2017 IP