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Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    I don't care. When I'm dead, I'm dead. Not going to anywhere fluffy with clouds and wings growing out of my back. We've had this discussion before ;) And no, I'm not gonna "be nice" - the person is a whiny doofus, and I can't for the life of me grant such people any good-will. I don't have the patience for irrational stupidity.
    PoPSiCLe, Nov 4, 2016 IP
    sarahk and mmerlinn like this.
  2. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    maybe you still did not understand that I DONT MIND about your opinion, and also i didnt read your Message, just mind your own business, and just try do not mess up other people life and issues, just LEAVE ME IN PEACE AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS

    you are going to be banned soon...

    so, OFFICIALY, I am going to ask to BAN POPSICLE because he already called me idiot, he told me to shut up and many more offense, a serious forum should BAN THIS GUY. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    He is not going to get banned. He is a valued member who gives out expert advice on technical issues, that many of us have learnt from. What exactly have you contributed to this site?
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  4. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    i contributed to show that this site is allowing offenses and also that there is a lot of people that suffer from a big lack of empathy lol, anyway, i am laughing here too, but i can not accept such kind of offenses, you should agree with me about that. and digitalpoint too. you do not need to agree with me, just need to respect other people even if you dont agree with them, offenses are something that is UNACCEPTABLE, and you should agree mate... nothing personal, but you should agree

    guys, lets do the following, i started private converations with popsicle, offering my friendship to show him i am not pricky guy.. but YOU ALL KNOW, sometimes we get pissed off, a lot pissed off by something we think it is not acceptable, so we fight, even with critics, even alone, this is good, fight for your rights, as BOB said... anyway, i will not sue anyone nor digitalpoits, you can leave there the idiot offense you told me, i dont mind, i know very well who i am, and please, no need of banning popsicle... and you can ban me if you want.. sorry to everybody, but i still think i did the right thing, too many times we just shut up.. big hugs from Brazil...

    gotta go now, having some nice caipirinhas with some niiiiiice brazilian girls... and forget this.. ADIOS!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  5. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I think you need to put the pipe away and quit smoking that stuff, it's not doing you any good.
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  6. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    I already smoked in my life, that was 15 years ago... anyway, thank you. I am tired about this.. will have to go and will just tell you something, my story is very long, i was an immmigrate in brazil without docs, i was running away from italy because of crisis, i had friends in brazil because i made a volunteer job here with homeless children in the past and i think in brazil i could startup a business, so i decided to come here and try.. i had many many problems in my life, this is why i always say that empathy is the key, you can never know the war somebody il fighting, i can not see my family, i need too much money to always go there.. i am alone in here, with my dog, and brazil has crisis too. i spent meny years without social rights, could not go to the hospital or they will send me back to italy, i had dengue fever, and could not go go hospital or i would have been deported.. THEN, a new amnisty law was made for those that could prove they were working (WITHout social rights) and had no criminal historiy, i presented to police all my documents, and they saw i had no criminal history in italy nor in brazil, AND FINALLY AFTER 15 YEARS OF STRUGGLING THEY GAVE ME A GREEN CARD, i firstly knew brazil as a volunteer with homeless children in 1997, and decided to come back.. but things are not easy at all, and i cant see my family... i was just trying to make money to pay somebody that can wahch my dog and go to see my family more ofter... anyway, thank you, will stop bothering here..
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  7. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    You are a very emotional person, nothing wrong with that. I too am Latin and understand the value of being in touch with ones emotions. But emotion without discipline will ultimately land you into trouble. You need to start exercising self control, it will make your life easier. Good luck to you with all.
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  8. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    you are right, i already try to work on control, but you know, too many times i just shut up, i had been stolen everything and i had to shut up, this happened many times, so this time i had to talk, to prove myself that i was able to figght even with critics... anyway, thanks really thanks for your words.. yes i am latin, italians are latins, and we have a BIG EMOTIONAL WORLD into us, this is by far the best quality God gave me, but it is a very hard gift to handle.. i am also a singer and a writer, in italian, not in english, and yes i fight for a more emotional world... the workd would be much better if more people were like this, you can be sure... all the best for you and thanks again. and also sorry everybody AGAIN

    and to those that would like to know who i am, just pm me and i will send you facebook profile... cheers..
    oltreoceano, Nov 5, 2016 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  9. geekability

    geekability Greenhorn

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    Actually, because of this thread I would be more likely to go to that company. Why? Because of them policing their clientele that way it would make it safer for me. Their rep would be better than the companies who don't try to keep it honest. Like web hosting companies that allow spammers and scammers on shared servers it affects everyone negatively eventually.
    geekability, Nov 6, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  10. IG2010

    IG2010 Well-Known Member

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    To OP, I ve read around all of your complains, you do have a point but overall, man, you can't even keep your story within the line, trying to find some lame excuses, trying to blame people for something you can't understand, you are trying to make yourself look good but most of the time your anwsers differs from the previous answers. You are still coming up with this story while Popads Tomz said that with more experience he is ok to give you what you want, I mean, try to mess with some bigger companies and they don't even reply to your concerns (have you ever tried to talk to adsense or paypal after breaking their rules?) You can cry and shout around that Popads is a scam but many many people can prove they have been succesfull on both ends, advertisers and publishers. Why don't you just try to do what tom said, getting more experience with other network and then come back later, keeping this thread up won't do you any good since popads is not the only network company around and you are actually make yourself looking as a difficult client, don't xpect more succes with other network as it will hit back right into your face one day or another.
    IG2010, Nov 6, 2016 IP
  11. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    @PoPSiCLe IS minding his own business. He has EVERY RIGHT to reply to ANY public thread on this or any other site he is on. If you don't like it, move on. We don't need nor want cry babies here.

    If he called you an idiot, it is because YOU ARE ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT. Grow up, be respectable, and no one will have any reason to think you are one.

    And whether you like it or not, you DEFINITELY need to shut up and move on.
    mmerlinn, Nov 7, 2016 IP
    PoPSiCLe likes this.
  12. pmf123

    pmf123 Notable Member

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    Holy shit dude, move on!
    pmf123, Nov 11, 2016 IP