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Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. bagongjigong

    bagongjigong Member

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    Why don't you just send him your birth certificate, that would work.

    Ya know if someone doesn't want my money, I'd turn my back and find someone else that really wants. But you seem so insisting and pushing, are you sure you were not going to propose to him?
    bagongjigong, Nov 1, 2016 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    People want to see originals. You can fake anything online. Honestly, if a company doesn't want your business move on.

    If there really is no alternative then maybe there's an opening to set up your own business and take the niche that they've abandoned. I'm guessing the OP won't want to take the risk and do the hard yards though.
    sarahk, Nov 1, 2016 IP
  3. bagongjigong

    bagongjigong Member

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    Please note: that was me being sarcastic
    bagongjigong, Nov 1, 2016 IP
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  4. bagongjigong

    bagongjigong Member

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    Yeah, I think it's like on Youtube or some sites that use country blocking, it doesn't matter where you from, it just blocked the place where you watch it from.
    bagongjigong, Nov 1, 2016 IP
  5. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    I am not going to argue with anybody in here. If you find me wrong, its ok. I am sorry for that, because I thnk that every human being should have that kind of empathy that lets him understand when something has been done with the intention of doing something wrong or not. I had no bad intentions, I just paid for a pop advertising course and it was talking about popads, I tried to signup and I have been always polite and I explained them why I opened another account. I souldnt, ok, i am sorry, i really beg pardon for this, but I was only ignoring that I could not open an italian account , I disnt read TOS, ok, I am here to ask to be forgiven, I tried to explain the situation and have been ignored, now I will really stop arguing with people that say that I deserve to be banned, you dont know me but i assure you that I am a good guy, really good guy. And I recognise that I didnt read TOS but I just wanted to be forgiven for this, and I see there is no forgivenes for me. Very sad. Anyway, thanks you to anybody that understands that I wrote this in order to be honest and telling the world what happened, I am not that kind of person that can not recognise that maybe he is wrong, I can be wrong, I sould have red TOS, so I deserve no forgivenes. And my business deserve suffering for this situation. And also the money I spent on the course I did, I deserve that I lost everything. Even if i am here asking publicly for forgiveness. Ok. You dont need to forgive me, but I will continue being honest and telling the truth. I could show you my email conversation with them, I have 20 years of internet working, I never saw anything similar, I have been affiliate manager in Booking.com, in Rome, for many years, I know people that want to cheat, I didnt want to cheat, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE BUSINESS HONESTELY, and if you dont think i deserve to be forgiveness, dont forgive me. Blame me for anything that you want. I think this world is so bad due to this kind of people that do not have the hability of forgiveness. I didnt kill anybody, I am sorry for my faults, I just feel very sad that nobody apparentely jnderstands my pain here. Anyway, I wish all the best to everyone. I hope you will be forgiven when you will some day recognise your limits and faults. My fault here have been the following, i was too enthousiast of being part of advertising strategies I paid somebody to teach me. My real falut has been loving too much the idea of working with the company that wants to keep banning me. I hope somebody will understand me and think that I would deserve to be forgiven.

    one more thing, they do accept brazilians having media company, and I have media company, I just had no refernces from propeller ads. There is an advice saying that they dont accept payments from brazil and that if i represent a media company I could contact them, this is what I did I have been polite, I told them who I am, I offered tham all possible kind of proofs. Yes, I tried to give him ALL POSSIBLE PROOF OF MY IDENTITY, no luck, no forgiveness for me, ok, and you all think this is right, great. I have a different way of being, I always give a chance to people that try hard to show me their good faith. And remember, everybody in this cruel world deserves a second chance. And after all, my TOS breach was minimal and unintentional, because I thought that as an Italian, I could open another account. This is my only fault. Shame on me! I will Burn in the hell of all the bad advertisers! Even if I didnt advertise anything AT ALL and I am here asking for forgiveness. I really have no more words to explain why all this have been a big misunderstanding and this really makes me feel BAD. Anyway, thanks to everybody that agree with me, there must be somebody on my side.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 2, 2016 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You do realise that Italians don't have the best reputation for ethics, morality and honesty either?
    sarahk, Nov 2, 2016 IP
  7. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    this is really too much.. Even if that is something that you have the right to think, I would never say something like that to somebody I dont know. You know, this is your problem, you all think you are superior, you think you can give sentences, sentence somebody for being italian, or black, or green. This is something actually racist for me, and look, I will say the following, even if this could sound weird to you, I agree that many italian are not honest, as many americans or polish, but I know about myself, I can prove you who I am, tons of people can talk about me. you know, i came to brazil in 1997, as a volunteer with homeless children. bEFore, i was working in italy with children with handicaps, always as a volunteer. and i can PROVE THIS, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, so just try to figure out what the real situation is in here. You are attacking and avoiding to defend somebody that is fighting for his own reputation, asking to be forgiven publicly, and you say that italians... are... WHAT? this is becoming really unbelivable. I will ask to my italian and brazilian friends to take a look at this.. this is becoming really unbelivable. Anyway, just remember my words, you dont know me, but I can show you who I am ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE and prove the kind of guy I am. And yes, even being an Italian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    also, what are you talking about? i was able to open accounts in banks, in every company i knew until today, and popads is working with customers from everywhere in the world, so they do not receive original documents from anybody, i never had problems with my documents to enter any company, you are writing nonsense. I AM IMPRESSED with somebody from the staff talking this way! you should be above parts, you should help both part to try to find a deal, but you seem to like to put wood in the fire. I am really impressed and I will try to show this to as much people I will manage to.. Only because I am trying to fight this kind of people that have no compassion, empathy, love.. ThIs is too much HATE for me.. I will just let you write anything without trying to defend myself anymore. Your words speak alone.

    I Am not losing here, bro, just because my intention here was just to tell this story. And I am sure somebody will understand why, BRO!

    YES, I HAd opened another brazilian popads account in the past and YES I didnt remember that!!!!!!!! I open accounts everyday with new companies, I cant remember all! Are you sure you are not working for popads to defend them? I Repeat, I worked as a manager for BIG companies, really BIG, and I can prove that also. And your behaviour here, as a forum Staff, is really UNPROFESSIONAL, really BAD. You should be above parts and help people to find a solution, but you seem to like to put your finger in the wound, this is something that is unacceptable from a Staff member of a forum like digitalpoint and I hope that somebody will notice that too! I AM SURE that somebody will notice that....
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 2, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Show me where the rules for my behaviour are set out... it's probably right by my payslip!

    I guess we get jaded by the constant stream of people who come in here claiming to be one thing and turning out to be something quite different. It does make it hard when someone genuinely naive comes along who expects the world to embrace them with open arms and see that they are so much more than the scoundrels who have preceded them. As I've said, you have a brilliant business opportunity staring you in the face. Run with it, beat PopAds at their own game. Be aware that PPC companies are started every week, I know because they come here trying to find advertisers and publishers. I'm guessing you've done your due diligence on those and decided they're no good.
    sarahk, Nov 2, 2016 IP
  9. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    One dollars (U.S.) for every warning given and $10 for every member banned. Also let's not forget the BIG Xmas bonus to the moderator who has banned the most members in the last fiscal year.
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 2, 2016 IP
    Arick unirow and sarahk like this.
  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You forgot the $25 for every time one of our own posts gets reported :)
    sarahk, Nov 2, 2016 IP
    mmerlinn and Arick unirow like this.
  11. bagongjigong

    bagongjigong Member

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    Thanks for giving me like sarah, but
    I'm not an Italian but generalization like this sentence shocks me, I feel sorry for him. You might hurt him personally, Trolls have feeling too you know.
    bagongjigong, Nov 2, 2016 IP
  12. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    thank you bagongjigong, i am really SHOCKED and i will do everything I Can to show this post to brazilians and italians.. this is RACISM! And this should really be fight!

    I am not talking and replying to you anymore, will also talk to digitalpoint staff to show your behavirour, if you think you can blame me for having created unintentionally two account at popads and then you think that in your payslip there are no rules and that you can be RACIST, then you have a major problem you need to solve in the ethycal part of your own head. Well, that's all from me, Sarah, I AM thinking many things now that i can not write, but you have been racist and i will report this to digitalpoint.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  13. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Last time I looked there wasn't a race called "brazilian" or "italian" - there's a country, and a culture. If you're from Italy odds on you're either Caucasian or African, you might be Asian but that's less likely.


    sarahk, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  14. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    look, please read about ethnicity and racism about wikipedia, read about discrimination and stop trying to pretend that your comments were not racist, read in wikipedia.
    racism is not just a matter of skin, racism can be discrimination of an individual, I feel discriminated and I need your help and support. Please check the definition of racism in wikipedia:
    And also, MRS Sarahk, just keep in mind one more VERY important thing: EVERYONE IS FIGHTING A WAR YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT, SO JUST BE KIND, ALWAYS. Period.

    Here i am talking about DISCRIMINATION, unnecessary comments about the population of my country, that is living a bad moment with earthquacke, and that is full of HONEST PEOPLE like MEEEEE!

    The point here, MRS Sarahk, is HUMAN LACK OF EMPATHY.

    Anyway, i will show here AGAIN my real way of being, andp tell you that: I AM SORRY for any mess I made here, I Really DIDNT MENT to make any mess, not here and not with popads, but the reason why i am here is only one, this situation hurt my business and myself as an italian, I love to tell the truth and I needed to tell my truth about these facts, AND I didnt deserve your stupid comments about the population of my country!

    Now, if I were you, I would say I am sorry, but you think you are right, and you have not the hability of seeing yourself with the others eyes. Now, just levave me in peace, you were not part of my problem, you offended me, now just GO and Take care, I REALLY WISH ALL THE BEST TO YOU ALL, as to anybody, always. I am here because I try to run blogs, portals, stuff, and I am studying a lot and I am trying to get more and more results, that is why I tried to solve the situation with popads, and I also have many other different kind of problems, AS ANYONE, that is why I NEVER TRY TO HURT SOMEBODY AND ALWAYS GIVE A SECOND CHANCE.

    TAKE C-A-R-E
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  15. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Wikipedia sticks to the concept of "race" though

    You are caucasian, I'm guessing. I am too. I come from a pissy little country at the bottom of the world, you come from the country that was instrumental in founding many facets of modern society like law and justice. You clearly have the upper hand.

    and with that, I'm gone!
    sarahk, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  16. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    Racism does not stick to race! Racism means also DISCRIMINATION, general comments about my country and population WERE NOT appropriate and were OFFENSIVE and, to me RACIST. And just stop trying to demonstrate that you havent been unpolite, rude, discriminative, offensive, do not try, everyone can see this, I red today your comments to many people, all of them felt offended as italians. You should be able to understand better the feelings and the meaning of words like those. Now just leave me in peace.. You already STRESSED ME A LOOOOT, and you had nothing to do with my popads problrm, you have been aggressive, sarcastic, discriminative without me having never been rude with you, Shame. Yes, you have been racist. And that's ALL.But I forgive you, dont worry. I understood that you have not the capacity of understanding why you shouldnt have been writing to me those words. Take care!

    and remember, even if you dont agree with people, you own them RESPECT
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  17. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Ah, like you do... lol
    digitalpoint, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  18. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    YES, like I always do. I had respect for everyone here, I did not offender anyone, even those that offended me... and i really dont care about your opinion.. I must be STRONG to accept writing here where YOU ALL HAVE MANY FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS, and I dont.. But I am a WARRIOR, so I just dont care and I fight until the end for what I believe is JUSTICE. And you are so funny too.. lol, defending your friends, oooownnn.. cute... lol
    oltreoceano, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  19. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Why do you keep on being an idiot? RACISM can be discrimination, yes, but it's still discrimination based on your race. Not that you are a vegetarian, or that you like wearing leather pants, or in this case, come from Italy. That you feel it's racist doesn't mean squat. It just means you have problems grasping word's meanings, and that you don't understand basic definitions. Now, can we please, for the love of whatever you find holy, stop this nonsense? You're not even entertaining in your whining, you're just boring, and going on and on about what a good guy you are, that you made a few minor mistakes, and that you didn't mean to defraud anyone, or do anything that wasn't allowed, completely skipping the fact that
    1. We don't know you
    2. We don't care whether or not you're a "good guy"
    3. We have no bias whether or not you are honest or the worst villain in the universe
    4. What we do know is that you're whiny, and that you try to blame a company for your own shortcomings
    5. The company has answered your allegations in a professional manner (up to a point)
    6. The company is in its full rights to do what it has done
    7. The company has just as little knowledge of you and your intentions as we do
    Now, as I said, for the love of something holy, shut up!
    PoPSiCLe, Nov 3, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  20. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Odin, Thor, Loki? Now please soften your tone @PoPSiCLe or you will never get to Valhalla.;)
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 4, 2016 IP
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