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PopAds -- PopAds.net Unethical Behaviour Scam Alert

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. #1
    Hello everybody, I believe in JUSTICE and also in ethical being and ethical business, this is why I am here to tell you my story with Popads.net, PopAds network, which is make me struggling due to unprofessional and unfair behaviour.

    I tried to signup with them, from Brazillian IP, because even if i am Italian, I live in Brazil.

    After signup, I tried to deposit money to run campaigns as advertiser, and I suddenly realised that PopAds blocked me from depositing funds because I was living in Brazil (weird but ok).

    I saw a webmaster note saying that, if I was representing a media company or had references I could send an email and ask to be approved.

    I do own a media company, so I sent them all my details, and also, I told them that I was Italian, and that I could join the network as an italian if they preferred.

    Popads owner, tomasz, replied to me asking for references, I told him that I was already advertising on many networks, I sent all my details, the details of my company etc. He asked me about references on propellerads, and I told him that I would ask propellerad for that. So, he realised that I still had little or no history on Propellerads and told me that without references I could not join from Brazil!

    I wrote them many times, I sent them all my details, I begged for being approved, I sent examples of the products I wanted to promote, and I never had a "normal" reply from them, Tomasz was always saying that my words would make no difference for him, because meny times from Brazil he received fake documents and apparentely had problems.

    I told him I could send italian passport and more details, I told them I own a website, well known website in Brazil, I offered them to upload a file on my site in lrder to prove that I was the owner. Nothing worked. I was ignored or their replies were always the same.

    So, when I traveled to Italy, after many weeks of trying to br accepted in popads.net, I tried to open another account as an italian, since I AM ITALIAN, and I managed to make a deposit of 50 USD with my paypal cresit card.

    The next day, my new account was DELETED and my money had disappeared. I wrote them about this issue and they keep replying to me that this was due to the fact that i violated their policies running campaigns that did not meet their policies. BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN APPROVED AND I NEVER ADVERTISED ANYTHING ON POPADS, so I could NOT have ran some campaigns and violated any policy, because I never managed to get approved, even if I own a legal media company.

    I opened a dispute in Paypal, they dis not reply. I tried to contact Tomasz and nothing.

    I paid 50 USD, my account has been deleted and I spent months trying to get approved. I wanna leave here my testi onial in order to tell my story to the public.

    I am good guy, very ethical, never had any problem with any website or ad network. I got really stressed and depressed with this situation and I would like to have some help from you. What can I do? Can I talk to an attorney and can he force popads to accept me? I just want to do business and I think that stealing my 50 USD is something much worse than anything I could have done to them. and I didnt do anything bad to them, I told many times to them that I was their big fan, because i love popad advertising, I only wanted to be part of it,

    I think their behaviour is UNACCEPTABLE and unethical. P,ease Tell me what I can do.

    I can provide the list of all email conversations I had with them.

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
    oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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  3. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    do you think I should post there!? I dont want to make anything bad to anyone, I just think that I did not deserve such a bad behaviour! do you agree? would you post there the story?
    oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I was thinking you might benefit from reading the more recent pages.
    sarahk, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  5. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    Thank you Sarahk, I posted there a reply with my story, because this behaviour is unacceptable to me.
    oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  6. abdmjz

    abdmjz Active Member

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    I wont give a damn about any company who isn't interested in my $$$
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
    abdmjz, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  7. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    they took my money, 50 USD, and also deleted my account without ANY reason. So, I want my money back and also I always fight for JUSTICE, I believe in JUSTICE, so I want to tell this story to the whole world of advertisers community, and also publishers, because publishers need to know how new advertisers are treated by this company. If everybody would care more for JUSTICE, this world would be much better.
    oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I just read your post properly, here's my take on things:
    • You ask for an account
    • They say no
    • You whine
    • They explain that they're not taking anyone from your country as they've had problems
    • You travel to another country and create an account from there
    • They discover your deceit and close your account
    So, in their eyes, you are now a proven trouble maker and no better than the other trouble makers from Brazil. You might get your $50 back but you have now publicly outed yourself as someone who will flout the rules and have a tantrum if you don't get your own way.
    sarahk, Oct 30, 2016 IP
    abdmjz likes this.
  9. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    NO WAY, I were being ignored with no reason, and I opened another account from Italy just because they do allow accounts feom Italy. And I do am Italian. And I am being honest here and telling what happened. I didnt do anything bad, And also, do you think I could not use a friend's name to open another account? I have friends ALL OVER THE WORLD, so I coulb be cheating NOW if my intention were to cheat. I mean, I could EASILY find a way to have an account, but i prefere fighting for justice. very sad u dont get this.

    Also, talking this way, you are justyfing they took my money! This is very sad, someone from staff..should help people! very sad!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Oct 30, 2016 IP
  10. tomksoft

    tomksoft Well-Known Member

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    Exactly this.

    Let me explain how it looks from our end:
    1. We do not accept deposits from Brazil due to around 90% chargeback rate. In the past, when we accepted deposits from Brazil, we lost hundreds of thousands of dollars due to this. It is really not my fault that nearly all deposits from Brazil are from stolen credit cards. I remember that we had around 10k USD loss weekly on advertisers from Brazil so not blocking deposits for Brazil would be madness. Be aware that in case advertiser charges back money, we never charge back from publishers. Whatever loss we get due to chargeback is our direct loss.
    2. The customer contacted us about opening deposits. I tried to help him - asked for references from other adnetworks. Unfortunately, his agency is new and he does not have any useful references. He did provide some link to Brazilian real estate website that he owns, but I am not really sure how would that help.
    3. The customer sent lots of long emails describing what a good and honest person he is. While I am not saying he isn't, he has problems with understanding the fact that his words are not a proof of his innocence for me. Couldn't a thief say he is not a thief? Especially in the Internet where there is no established trust and pretty high anonymity(*at this level of conversation, not talking about law enforcement).
    4. The customer attempted to open another account, but it had locked deposits too. (TOS breach)
    5. The customer opened yet another new account from Italy(another TOS breach). Now, did someone just fly from Brazil to Italy to open a PopAds account? The payment was blocked(as it came from Brazilian PayPal account) and soon the account was locked due to multiaccount.

    Your $50 USD deposit will be returned. As you opened a PayPal dispute, it might take up to the time specified in PayPal dispute resolution procedures.

    I really want to know one thing - I see this every single day. Why on earth, when I throw out people through the doors, they immediately try to force themselves back in through a window...
    I understand the feeling about country being blocked. I am not from US and there are many services that I would like to use and I can't because of that reason. Yet, I just turn around and walk away.
    We can compare this situation to paying for US Netflix and for VPN to be able to access it and then complaining that Netflix banned that particular VPN.
    tomksoft, Oct 30, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  11. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    Now You already saw that my payments are not chargeback, and never on earth I should be banned since I can prove my identity in MANY WAYS. Also, as an italian I should not be a problem for your TOS, and my two brazilian accounts were opened because I did NOT REMEMBER I had another account on popads, it was old account. Also, I am publicly complaining, when I could just ask a friend to open an account for me. DONT YOU REALLY GET THIS, TOMASZ??? I just want to be treated as the good person I am and have the chance to advertise, I will delete all my complains but just give me a chance to show you that you will not lose money with me, and that I am the guy I pretend to be. I work with MANY AD NETWORKS and i never had this problem, so dont tell the world that letting me advertise would put your cimoany ar risk because I already advertise on MANY networks. Just lets finish this with a happy end, open an account, put my money in there and I will stop writing posts and delete all this.

    And dont pretend to be right, Tomasz, because you KNOW that I did not do anything wrong with your popads company! So just lets close this in peace, ok? Can you PLEASE open an account for me? And sorry for unintentional TOS BREAK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  12. tomksoft

    tomksoft Well-Known Member

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    OK, so now blackmailing - "unblock my account and I will delete complaint". Don't you think it is a bit weird that you still want to send money to a company that treated you that badly and stole your money(as per your narration)?
    Regarding proving identity - there is not a single way that works. We tried that many times in the past, but people just go to one of TOR forums and they buy high quality scans of fake passports and other documents for few dollars. And that's what I am getting as identity proofs.
    Also you are contradicting yourself - "I did not do anything wrong with your popads company" and "And sorry for unintentional TOS BREAK.". Either you breached TOS or you did not do anything wrong. You can't have two at the same time.

    My answer will remain no. I will not change rules or my decision neither due to bullying nor begging nor complaining. Rules are rules. Respect that.
    tomksoft, Oct 31, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  13. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    If my intention were to cheat, I could just ask a friend to open an account for me. So i have NO intention to cheat and to breakTOS, that was UNINTENTIONAL. Anyway, I just asked you to understand the situation, I just wanted to be a customer, My TOS break was unintentional, I never ran any campaign, so it was a small TOS breach because I had an old account, I didnt remember that. And then, due to you ignoring my messages, I think I could open a new account as an Italian, because I am italian. So this was more a misunderstanding than a TOS breach, and I am begging pardon. Anyway, if this is the way you treat your customers, I am happy, at least, that everybody now can SEE IT. I was not bullying, I just dont like to piss people off, this is why I would like to delete all this. You.. you seem to like pissing people off. You really do. You know what? You managed to make me hate a company that I had loved for the smart cpm bidding style. You have lost a lor of reputation here. If I were you, I would admit that you are being really too unfair.

    and it is SO hilarious that, OH WOW, WHAT A TOS BREACH, I HAD 2 BRAZILIAN ACCOUNTS BECAUSE I DIDNT REMEMBER MY FIRST ONE, TWO ACCOUNTS I NEVER USED! Then, since i am italian and you do accept italian customers, I opened an italian account, and then I contacted support to explain the situation, I didnt know I could not open an italian account just because i had a brazilian account. And do you know why I didnt know that? BECAUSE I HAD ASKED THIS QUESTION TO YOU BUT YOU WERE IGNORING ME.. this is getting really a nonsense..
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
    oltreoceano, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  14. tomksoft

    tomksoft Well-Known Member

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    Well, if you only logged in from Italy(which you did not, you logged in to that Italian account 1 day after registration from Brazil), had Italian PayPal(which is not the case, you had Brazilian one only) and had a phone number from Italy(non VoIP), then there would be no problem. But you made deposit from Brazil and continued to log in from Brazil hence you are from Brazil(you see, these are facts, not words - see difference?).
    Also you provided me your Brazilian tax id which also suggests me that you spend most of the year there(not like I can verify if it is your tax id or not - I can't).

    Multiaccount while against our TOS, does not directly lead to account suspension. You attempted to bypass country restrictions by using a multiaccount and that got you banned.
    And as you keep mentioning your friends from all over the world, please ask them to open accounts for you, go ahead. Just please do not come here crying again that your new accounts got all shut down.
    tomksoft, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  15. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    I logged from Italy and one day after from Brazil, yes, Its 9 hours flight! And I didnt give you another tax id or a fake name BECAUSE I WERE NOT HIDING AND CHEATING! Anyway, I do NOT want to be part of the business of a company that threat his customers like that, IT IS CLEAR, VERY CLEAR THAT ALL THIS WAS A SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDING, I was only trying to do business, man, only trying to do business! And I dont know why you are so scared about new advertisers man! People need to know this story because you guys think you can piss people off whenever you want, but this is not fair. I am ONLY an advertiser, I was thinking your comoany was good for me to buy some pop ads for normal affiliate offers, now you made me hate your cimpany, because if you are so rude with people that like your work, with customers, at least I managed to show this to the community. I am happy with this, and I will not ask any friend to open accounts for me because I dont want to be part of your business, just MAKE SURE YOU DONT LOSE MORE CUSTOMERS SHUTTING DOWN OTHER ITALIAN PEOPLE NEW ACCOUNTS WHILE TRYING TO BLOCK ME lol, and I have friends all over the world.. goodbye Popads.. I dont like this company anymore.
    oltreoceano, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  16. tomksoft

    tomksoft Well-Known Member

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    Well, if you are Italian(or any other nationality) who is living in Brazil, has Brazilian PayPal, logs in from Brazil and has Brazilian tax ID, please DO NOT use PopAds.
    I am not usually rude. I do become rude when I am annoyed by people who do not understand simple words like "no".
    tomksoft, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  17. oltreoceano

    oltreoceano Greenhorn

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    You have being rude since the beginning, but I am the winner here, I have shown what I wanted to show. You can NOT treat customers, nice people this way, I have been nice with you, OR YOU WANT ME TO POST ALL MY EMAILS CONVERSATIONS? I have been nice. Period. Since the beginning. PERIOD. and if you think I will give you the last word here on this, you are wrong. jFor me, we can discuss this until you stop replying and try to justify your behaviour.
    oltreoceano, Oct 31, 2016 IP
  18. bale

    bale Active Member

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    You are losing here bro! Move on!
    bale, Oct 31, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  19. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    @oltreoceano sorry, mate, but you are the one losing here. You have breached TOS (which you are meant to read before you sign up, or at least during signup), and you've purposefully tried to circumvent policies and rules for your own benefit, without listening to the reasoning from the company representative. The information he has provided in this thread shows that you are in the wrong, and that they have just followed the rules. They do not allow brazilians to sign up and transfer funds. It doesn't matter that you yourself is from Italy. You run a business in Brazil, you live there (I assume, since you have a brazilian Paypal, and a tax ID) and that makes you, in their eyes, a brazilian. How is this hard to understand?
    PoPSiCLe, Oct 31, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  20. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    wrong and sloppy. Had two accounts but didn't remember?

    PopAds are coming out of this looking professional and responsive.
    sarahk, Oct 31, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.