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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ipheo.com, Jun 27, 2006.

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  1. #1
    Well, hello.

    I came here mostly because I like the fact, unlike Sitepoint forums, that they don't charge for selling your domains/sites. I have little interest in SEO I must say, though I like when my sites come up high, such as 1UP, mostly a matter of pride. As most users, I'd like to make money with my sites, however I hate advertisement over content so I just don't put ads. I really feel like the black sheep here where money seems to be the main motivation. Nah, just teasing or I'll get banned soon. :)

    I've launched a new site recently, it's called ipheo and the purpose is... well, indescriptible ! Haha, sounds like a heavy promotional trick, but seriously: see by yourself.

    Anyway, I guess I'll stick around for a while, the appraisal forum is fun and I'm willing to sell one of my sites, Samurai Nintendo. I have many projects going on though at the moment I'm way too lazy and as a result I end up here... damn summer.
    ipheo.com, Jun 27, 2006 IP
  2. Nixies

    Nixies Peon

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    Hi ipheo welcome to the forum. What is the ipheo all about, I had a quick look is it some kind of research site?
    Nixies, Jun 27, 2006 IP
  3. ipheo.com

    ipheo.com Peon

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    Hi Nixies, no, it's not a research site, basically you could say it's a test, an attempt at recording as many IP as possible, kind of crazy, stupid idea, but well, we'll see how it goes. I'll tell more when I put the site in the review forum.
    ipheo.com, Jun 27, 2006 IP
  4. spyrit

    spyrit Well-Known Member

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    welcome here man !
    spyrit, Jun 27, 2006 IP
  5. redhits

    redhits Notable Member

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    Well... welcome to the free world!
    redhits, Jun 27, 2006 IP
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