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Penguin Recovery?Techniques

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by Linksbuilder, May 17, 2012.

  1. #1
    IF your site penalized sue to recent penguin update than you must do that for recovery.

    1-Remove site Webmaster tool

    2- Remove footer links

    3-Reset all pages (keyword density or stuffing)

    4-Mionimized anchor text optimization both internal or external

    5- Add some unique or quality images

    6- Remove duplicate content

    7-Resubmit sitemap and site in Google webmaster tool

    Linksbuilder, May 17, 2012 IP
  2. delton yell

    delton yell Peon

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    hey linksbuilder thanks for the recovery tips ..
    delton yell, May 17, 2012 IP
  3. sisatel

    sisatel Active Member

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    1. Clean up on-page spam you know you’ve done
    2. Clean up bad links you know you’re been involved with, as best you can
    3. Wait for news of a future Penguin Update and see if you recover after it happens
    4. If it doesn’t, try further cleaning or consider starting over with a fresh site
    5. If you really believe you were a false positive, file a report as explained here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVxdmdRWFJRTjRoLWZVTHZkaTBQbkE6MQ&ndplr=1
    sisatel, Jun 6, 2012 IP
  4. AllenRobinson

    AllenRobinson Guest

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    If you already hit by the latest penguin updates, follow these steps to recover from:

    1. Remove Paid Text Links Using Exact Match Anchor Text: You must avoid sponsored or paid links that use exact match anchor tag keywords.

    2. Remove Comment Spam: Another easy footprint for Google to spot! Avoid using automated link building tools.

    3. Remove Guest posts on questionable sites: Most “private” blog networks that allow you write a guest post/article, which you would upload it, many of their networks have all been identified by Google.

    4. Remove Article Marketing Sites: Links from article marketing sites have been classified as being unnatural links by Google

    5. Avoid Links from Dangerous Sites: Sites that have been flagged for malware, numerous pop-ups, link farms or other spammy issues are another indicator causing sites to lose rankings in the Google SERPs.

    6. Focus on Social Media Links: Social Media Links have increased over 25% in estimated value to Search Engines this year alone. This is because SE’s know they are from real people – for the most part.

    7. Focus on relevant Directory Links: Directories are a great way to get links – especially if they are relevant to your website. How do you know which directories to get? Simple: Just type “[your field] directories” into Google and you will get a long list of good directories to get listed in.

    8. Focus on Press Releases – Adding a photo or an image increases views of the release by 14%.

    9. Focus on sharable content on your Press Release: Adding a video gives you a 28% increase in views.

    10. Press Releases Sharable: Add a Video, Info-graphic, Image and a Download to each: Go all the way and put in a photo, a video, a graphic and a download and you’ll see a 78% jump in the number of views!
    AllenRobinson, Jun 6, 2012 IP
  5. war_machine

    war_machine Active Member

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    If you have a content site, quality content will get spread around and linked to--naturally. Unfortunately, I did what everybody else did and put out a thousand links to my money site with a single keyword. It seemed I was losing the effectiveness of the backlink if I didn't do it that way, even though many warned that wasn't a good strategy. A bot CAN read those patterns.
    war_machine, Jun 6, 2012 IP
  6. webserv

    webserv Active Member

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    I did blog comment in blog site. but not able to remove them, cause i have no admin control over those blogs. Emailing to admin to remove comments.
    webserv, Jun 6, 2012 IP