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Page Rank Versus Alexa Rank.

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by SCOBAHCAN, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. #1


    At the moment my site is doing terrible at approximately $20- $30 per month. Although a year or so ago I had a page rank of 3 and my Alexa ranking was around 1,500,000, At that time my site was making me $150-$200 per month, which is not great by any means but is a lot better than now.

    Saying that what I would like to really find out is it the page rank or the Alexa rating that really counts in determining a websites income? Also what is really the one that is not only easiest to bring up in the rankings on the Internet.

    The whole reason for me asking this is to find the best ways of making my website rate higher in the rankings and therefore make me a better income.

    If anyone has any suggestions as to the best ways to go about this please let me know.

    Thanks a lot Craig www.victoria-bc-canada-guide.com

    SCOBAHCAN, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  2. temp2

    temp2 Well-Known Member

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    all SEO scores are good, PR, Alx, MozRank, Page Authority .... and all these scores need good backlinks
    temp2, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  3. sadiyakhan750

    sadiyakhan750 Greenhorn

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    I would like to clear you a thing about Page rank and Alexa rank that is Page rank shows how your site is authentic and it depends on the back link for your site. If you are getting back links from high PR then you can get good rank easily. On the other hand Alexa rank shows the traffic condition of your site, if your site has good traffic then Alexa rank of your site is automatically low.
    Now it depends on you that which factor is necessary for your site and you can work better with your site by keeping these factor.
    sadiyakhan750, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  4. VisionzZolution

    VisionzZolution Active Member

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    I always disregard both Alexa Ranking and PR.. I would just focus fully on my website and utilize Google Webmaster Tool to check for which keywords my website/blog getting impressions and clicks and concentrate in creating content with those keywords. In such way you have advantage of ranking for many keywords... Other than that, concentrate more on your conversion rate optimization rather than working hard to increase your Google PR and lowering your Alexa Rank!
    VisionzZolution, Jan 24, 2013 IP
  5. FBZ

    FBZ Active Member

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    I run a site with around 5K uv's per day, and it's only ranked 333K on Alexa. I've seen many sites on here rated below 25K on Alexa with only 1,500-2,000 Unique visitors per day. Unless you're willing to pay Alexa's premium for better tracking (lol, hell no), then they only track people who visit your site with the Alexa toolbar.

    A lot of the time when somebody is selling advertisements on a site with a high Alexa rank, but minimal traffic, it's because they have many internet marketers on their websites who use the Alexa toolbar. Those sites usually get plenty of visitors from sites such as this one. Devaluing the traffic potential.

    PageRank, again, does not necessarily do much. I believe it will rank your website higher than others even for sub-pages that do not have many links towards them (such as a massive website with lots of content). This version of Pagerank, however, I believe is internal. External pagerank (what your site "appears" to be rated as), updates around twice per year. I disregard pagerank and strictly focus on using proper Stats on my webserver to give me the information I want. If you're getting lots of traffic, you're getting lots of traffic. If you're getting lots of traffic from search engines, you're doing it right.
    FBZ, Jan 24, 2013 IP
  6. w11guy

    w11guy Member

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    Alexa only takes account of site visits by people that have the Alex toolbar installed. Internet marketers are more likely to have it installed, so their sites will show a better rank than a non-internet niche that has more visitors. Forget about Alexa, as it has no relevance to how you rank in Google. What counts is how many visitors you get.
    w11guy, Jan 25, 2013 IP
  7. JLeon

    JLeon Active Member

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    In my opinion, Alexa rank is just a help tool to determine wheter your site is converting good. If you hit below 2million ranking and not making any sales there's something wrong. And a 1.5 million rating should be seeing at least 1 sale every day.
    JLeon, Jan 27, 2013 IP
  8. jipolis7

    jipolis7 Active Member

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    I think creating more backlinks will be only way of developing the situation. And the other things are good enough.
    jipolis7, Jan 27, 2013 IP
  9. ArchAxis

    ArchAxis Well-Known Member

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    Page rank, Alexa and traffic analytics, ugh who cares? You shouldn't. All you should care about is how many of your visitors are happy with your website and the only way you're going to know that is by talking to them.

    If you're truly an expert on Victoria BC then you should be providing customers with updated, unique and useful stories about your favorite places not just the pages you currently have.

    The biggest question you have to ask yourself is, "does my favorite website treat me like I treat my own customers?" For me my favorite website is Apple.com. It's a thing of beauty and none of their pages has Goggle AdSense or popups. They only have valuable updated, unique and useful stories about their products and services.

    If you're sad because your website isn't making enough money then your underlying intent is to make money from the site. On the other hand if you're sad because folks planning trips to Victoria are sad then you'll use their sadness as your analytics to make them happy!

    Here's my advice. Move your site from being a website to being a newsletter and follow the success story of http://www.launchbit.com/blog/taking-a-hobby-from-0-to-60k-in-a-year/ by doing this all you would be asking for from folks searching for Victoria BC info is their email see http://rubyweekly.com/ for an example of how your new website should be designed. Your newsletter would send subscribers the content of your current website and Launch Bit would insert relevant advertiser links. Doing this versus what you're currently doing will yield much more personal and financial success because you'll have your subscribers permission to be advertised to.

    Before you say "But Virgil I've worked so hard on this site etc" just take a trip down to http://www.sethgodin.com/permission/thanks.asp read everything there then buy Permission Marketing and you'll clearly see that your website isn't working well because you don't have permission from your visitors. Once you get it you can walk them up the permission ladder and move them from strangers to friends, friends to customers.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
    ArchAxis, Jan 28, 2013 IP
  10. websolutions85

    websolutions85 Well-Known Member

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    Alexa rank and page rank does matters but the main thing is your website. What is it all about? Is it beneficial for people or not? Are you making any informative or interesting content on your site. These things attract people. Also upto some extent Alexa attract people that this site alexa rank is low there should be something in this site and also page rank that this person doing something on his site. Well take care of all these things.
    websolutions85, Jan 29, 2013 IP
  11. sadiyakhan750

    sadiyakhan750 Greenhorn

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    If your website has good authority then its page rank will be increased automatically and if there is good traffic on it then its Alexa will be decreased automatically.
    sadiyakhan750, Feb 1, 2013 IP
  12. superrichguy

    superrichguy Well-Known Member

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    Read this ^ That is the best answer you will get. Don't focus on a magic number to bring you traffic, focus on your site and it's content to get the traffic.
    superrichguy, Feb 1, 2013 IP
  13. Tasu

    Tasu Member

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    Internet marketers are more likely to have it installed, so their sites will show a better rank than a non-internet niche that has more visitors.
    Tasu, Feb 1, 2013 IP
  14. Assignmenthelp

    Assignmenthelp Greenhorn

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    There are 2 parameters
    1. Page Rank ( google rates your website in terms of value on the basis of page rank)
    2. Traffic ( bad page rank may or may not imply traffic)
    Now If I talk about Alexa it isn't of much value.I have seen few websites which features in top google results and have bad alexa ranking.I would suggest you to concentrate more on google
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2013
    Assignmenthelp, Feb 4, 2013 IP