Buying Offshore Online Facebook Social Game E-mail Support & Quality Assurance

Discussion in 'Services' started by Seiya, May 4, 2011.

  1. #1
    Looking for someone based offshore (from the UK) that writes very well in English, has incredible patience and good internet skills.

    The Task
    -Play, try and replicate bugs and Q&A the following game app:
    -Provide e-mail support to the game's users via e-mail
    -Write daily reports to your supervisor summarizing things, submit & maintain bug reports on our debugging software

    Extra Requirements
    You are based in a country where a low UK/US salary goes a long long way.
    You are easy to communicate to and easy to reach on-line via Skype or GChat

    Please PM if this interests you with a small cover 'paragraph' of why you fit the job.
    Seiya, May 4, 2011 IP
  2. nationhealth

    nationhealth Active Member

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    We can provide you writers and app. tester from various country check our thread and let us know about your requirement in depth.

    nationhealth, May 5, 2011 IP