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Not able to add my site to Google Search Console

Discussion in 'Google' started by newbie191, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. #1
    I am trying to add my site using the html file upload. But each time getting same error.

    Could not find your site. Please check that you provided the correct URL for your property.

    In my browser my domain is resolving without any problems and wordpress is installed.

    Url is startblog(dot)xyz
    What am I doing wrong here?

    BTW the domain folder is outside public_html. Which should be OKay?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
    newbie191, Mar 16, 2023 IP
  2. seomanualsubmission

    seomanualsubmission Well-Known Member

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    Its not a reason ... What google need is access of html file at your website.

    When you upload file to root directory of your website ..... are you able to open that file like .... startblog(dot)xyz / googlefile.html ??? If yes then may be taking some time .... will validate soon in next attempt (Generally verify instantly). I think in wordpress there will be some boundation to access your file either by htaccess or by some plugins.

    Why are not using other verification method .. like meta tag verfiication or domain property verification by add txt record ????
    seomanualsubmission, Mar 16, 2023 IP
  3. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Your site redirects to www version. Make sure that you are filling the URL property field with www domain of your site.
    Problem is, when I do a ping to www version of your site, I get request time out errors.
    Same thing is happening with non www version also.
    The only reason your site is loading in browser is because out of the 4, one ping reply is coming back.
    There is so much problem with your DNS setup also.
    Go to:
    and enter your domain name, without www.
    You will see all the errors.

    If possible, contact your domain provider, see if they provide DNS management service. Most of the times its free.
    If you have this service, then add "A records" pointing to your domain IP.
    Add a record for www and for non www version both.
    It is easy, you simply have to enter the IP of your server in the IP box, and www in the host name box.
    For non www version, leave the host name box empty, and enter IP in the IP box.
    After a few hours, DNS will start resolving.
    JEET, Mar 17, 2023 IP
  4. Dr Doomain

    Dr Doomain Peon

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    I always add my sites to search console by adding the Google Anayltics code first, and it always goes through without problems.
    Dr Doomain, Mar 22, 2023 IP