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Suggestion No Longer Valuing The Employer On Dp?

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by cbusiness, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. #1

    i wanted to make a statement/suggestion. This new 'established member' rule is stripping employers of their right to give jobs out on this board. That brings traffic to your board and helps bring revenue to your board in various ways.

    To make employers pay to hire I think is a little unreal. I dont know if this post will gain me a few likes but I'd assume people can relate and I would love to get other employers replying. Feelings on the new changes when you're trying to HIRE people?

    - CB
    cbusiness, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    Helvetii likes this.
  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    We've always had an established member rule. In fact it's actually easier/faster to become established now. Before you had to wait a minimum of 14 days after signing up. Now it takes 48 hours, but instead of focusing on quantity, the focus is on quality. If a user does not have the ability to post anything useful on the site, honestly... we'd rather not have them as a user. The marketplace as *always* been a benefit for existing users. If that wasn't the case, we would have let them in right away before rather than how we made users come back in 2 weeks.
    digitalpoint, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    rebelagent likes this.
  3. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    Well i've sat quietly for the last few days pissing myself laughing at some of the retarded posts people have made since the changes have taken place, and the thing that gets me most is the fact that everyone thinks they have some sort of "divine right" to come and do business here..well heres a revelation for you..YOU DON'T.
    This forum offers you a FREE marketplace in which to sell your products and services and not one of you seem in the least bit grateful for that..why are you all so dead against changes that are made in an effort to clean up what was becoming a warez and scammer haven, the changes are long overdue and if you don't like it you know what you can do (and if you don't i'll tell you..SOD OFF somewhere else!!)
    See if you can find another "free" market place that offers the exposure DP does and ill bet you can't.
    If the changes raise the member and post quality by only 1% then its a huge success as far as i'm concerned, so why don't you all stop whinging and moaning like a bunch of spoilt kids, embrace the changes and just get on with it?
    And before anyone says it..i'm not a creep or a brown-noser and i couldn't give a hairy toss if no-one "likes" what i'm saying, i'm just sick of reading peoples pathetic whinging posts.

    just my 2 cents..
    malky66, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  4. jimmyn115

    jimmyn115 Member

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    So people have different opinions to yours on how the new forum privileges work, and you call them all retarded? Nice one.

    I agree though, it will weed out the spam for those who read the forums, it just would have been nice for people who contribute to the thriving BST community in this forum to be recognised in the same way as those who contribute in other ways.

    Can understand this set up for new members, but not for the established members having to start again.
    jimmyn115, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  5. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Generally, all the old-school, good users *were* automatically established members because the old rep was imported as likes. That's how some people had thousands of likes right out of the gate.
    digitalpoint, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  6. cbusiness

    cbusiness Active Member

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    I hire people. I sold sites prior. I've made posts were people commented a lot but very few. Doesn't make sense to get likes for what I do.

    I just made one simple comment. The ironic part, read these guys replies and they got likes for it. And this is what Digital Point cares to base their established member from?

    I'm just calling a spade a spade. Good luck though to DP. I care not to argue and waste my time. It generates no money.
    cbusiness, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  7. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    If only there was a dislike button.

    Option 1) make a thread to complain about the new system or 2) go into a section you're knowledgeable about and help some people? Or option 3) do both (exercise your right to free speech, but do what needs to be done and get on with business, too).
    ryan_uk, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  8. indyonline

    indyonline Prominent Member

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    The time he has spent in this thread he could have got 3 likes already. It's just 3! Is it too much to ask to contribute to the community...?
    indyonline, Jan 23, 2013 IP
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  9. kingipod

    kingipod Well-Known Member

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    Yes, this post has brought out some great replies. The point of this new change is two-fold. Firstly, it cuts out the fly-by-night users who leverage these forums in order to take, take, take while never giving back. With the new "3 like rule" it forces many users to become more involved with this site and these contributions will elevate the overall quality of this website and its corresponding forums. Ultimately, if you earn a living off these boards, you should appreciate anything that'll make the site better. After all, the better the content, the more potential customers who'll find your services. It's a win-win for everyone!
    kingipod, Jan 23, 2013 IP
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  10. rebelagent

    rebelagent Well-Known Member

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    I've been using Xenforo on numerous sites. It's not hard to get 3 likes. IT'S NOT HARD AT ALL.
    Just go around contributing posts and help (or humor) where your business specializes in.

    I.E. if you're a host go provide something useful for the community pertaining to hosting outside of the buy/sell/trade category. If you're a content writer go write something useful in one of the many categories outside of here. I primarily used this board for the buy/sell/trade but the 3 like rule is not an issue for me at all.

    HEY it could be worse. DP could have entirely done away with the buy/sell/trade or strictly made it paid to use. I'm pretty sure SitePoint did something like that. People complained about it being the downfall of them, but it wasn't.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    rebelagent, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    indyonline likes this.
  11. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    I may very well be the odd nut here but, hiring some fuckwit from the BST is not a contribution to Digital Point. That board is there as a courtesy and a service from one guy who codes shit all day trying to better the experience for the rest of us. Which, if I may, involves the spreading of info etc. Digital Point does not exist as a marketplace. It just happens to have one.

    but I merely opine,

    and... ajaxy edit in place dialogue is pretty freaking sweet!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    Nigel Lew, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    ryan_uk, digitalpoint and rebelagent like this.
  12. Mick2012

    Mick2012 Active Member

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    To be honest, it's not very hard to get likes. You just have to make quality posts and contribute to the forum. This definitely will get you likes.
    Mick2012, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  13. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Why do you expect to be able to do business before making a contribution to the forum? A forum thrives on quality content or it would decline rapidly. Shawn is not an idiot this is exactly what was needed. Complaining about the requirement to get likes shows your motives for using the forum and it's EXACTLY the reason these new changes came into affect. Also when it comes to hiring NEW members, I think it's a good thing as well. Most of them are incompetent and huge time wasters just looking for a quick buck, at least from my own experience. If they're willing to put in the effort, it demonstrates some level of competency, which has to be a good thing.
    dcristo, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    Mick2012, rebelagent, ryan_uk and 2 others like this.
  14. ironmanv8

    ironmanv8 Active Member

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    While I do agree that it strips employers (that are not established) the ability to make posts, it a) isn't that hard to get likes - just make consistent quality posts and b) provides a stronger core of people on DigitalPoint.
    ironmanv8, Jul 16, 2014 IP