New violations were detected. As a result, ad serving has been restricted or disabled

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by John D, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. #1

    Got this today from google, I have no idea what it is about..

    I don't see any contact details specific to this and the email is from a no-reply email.

    Has anyone had this happen recently?

    Been using adsense for years but haven't had this.

    Thanks :)

    John D, Aug 4, 2017 IP
  2. basketmen

    basketmen Well-Known Member

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    open your adsense account > Settings > Policies, there will be more information there, which page & what violations

    get back here again if you needed after that
    basketmen, Aug 4, 2017 IP
    John D likes this.