Need some marketing advice, please.

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by howie87, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hi guys,I started a blog about a month ago (, have had very modest success in a pretty competitive field (NFL news). I've had about 4,000 pageviews this month, I'm wanting to go to about 3,000 or so a day. I've got about $175 I can throw at this thing right now, but I don't really know where to put it. I haven't figured out exactly what "backlinks" are, except that they are just links to other sites, yes? NFL writing is so competitive and there are so many services, I don't know how well I could do in the SEO market. I am on page 2 of google if you look up "cover two football", and I have been found before using different google search words. I'd like to increase the traffic, but even more than making money on the site I want people to actually read and enjoy what they are reading, so I'm not really sure about using one of these "buy traffic" sites. Like I said I've had about 4,000 pageviews this month but that hasn't translated to a lot (or any at all really) of Facebook Likes. So I'm wondering if I should spend money on targeted fans... As you can see I really don't know what to do or where to go, any help would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
    howie87, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  2. WizIMS

    WizIMS Member

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    Do what u did to get the 4k pageviews a month 30 times

    And you will get them each day

    It's as simple as it sounds bro, believe me!
    WizIMS, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  3. TopPR

    TopPR Peon

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    You could read up a little on SEO and backlinks. You are right that a backlink is a link from someone elses site to yours. Effectively the more you have from high PR sites and a good variety the higher in the search engines you will be. You need to use the keywords you are targeting as your anchor text (the text you click to go through to your site).

    If you don't want to do that then do some searches for terms similar to what you are going for and contact the webmasters and ask about advertising by putting up a small banner and see how this goes.
    TopPR, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  4. kuddus

    kuddus Peon

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    i would do do what you have been doing and purchase some backlinks so that you will rank#1 on google for some keyword.
    kuddus, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  5. plrnexus

    plrnexus Peon

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    Have some other football writers guest blog on yours.
    plrnexus, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  6. Augra

    Augra Member

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    I'd recommend using Social Adr. Rather than using the free version, pay $17 to get about 200 credits. The other members in Social Adr will bookmark your pages for you. That will help keep your site ranking where it is or do better.
    Augra, Oct 24, 2011 IP