Buying Need Simple Website Developed - PSD>HTML Project - Easy $30

Discussion in 'Services' started by Checkmait, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. #1
    I have a website design already completed in a .PSD file. I need this coded into HTML/CSS.

    Website will require the following:
    - One embedded YouTube video
    - One download link to download a .PDF file (provided to you)
    - One download link to download a video file (provided to you)
    - Text
    - A few images
    - A basic lightbox to display images clicked in a gallery

    Send all messages to my inbox if you are interested.

    Please note that I need this site completed today. Please write your message with "I can complete this website in the next 3-4 hours today" at the top.
    Checkmait, Aug 14, 2011 IP
  2. Jaya_allways

    Jaya_allways Peon

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    Done.. Check your inbox, Chris.. :D
    Thank you for the opportunity.. :)
    Jaya_allways, Aug 14, 2011 IP
  3. Jaya_allways

    Jaya_allways Peon

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    What the??? You have deal with more than one person??
    What kind of attitude is that??
    Very unprofessional..
    At least let me know the information that the job have done by another person..
    You even didnt read my PM message and reply..
    So Untrustful..
    Jaya_allways, Aug 17, 2011 IP