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Buying Need Full Time VA - READ Before Replying

Discussion in 'Services' started by pieman145, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. #1
    I'm gonna cut to the chase. I need a full time worker. I need him to be obedient, and be willing to work. I don't want anyone slow.
    - Must have some SEO knowledge, it doesn't need to be great, as I will be teaching you.
    - Must be willing to listen to me (Adult work may be necessary)
    - I will run tests, and if you're not quick enough, unfortunately I shall not hire.
    - I need you to speak good English.
    - I DO NOT WANT MESSAGES FROM AGENCIES, I only want actual people responding.
    - If you have web design knowledge, that's even better.
    - The pay for this month shall be at the end of the month. But considering the amount you shall be learning from me, and how long I've been around on DP, I think that's a fair compromise.
    - I need your main focus on my work.
    - It shall be 6-8 hours work a day for 5 days a week.

    Work shall be done on my server. I do not want time wasters, I do not have time at the moment, if you can't do it, just don't message, there's no flexibility on my demands.

    This will involve possibly doing blackhat SEO work, so if you don't feel comfortable doing that, don't respond. I don't want people responding with "Oh I can do it" and then a week later they are slow, so as I said interviews shall be conducted.

    The pay shall be $150-250/month depending on your background knowledge and experience. If you have a problem with that, then don't reply. I don't want harsh comments thrown at me, people, if you can't live by that budget, then don't respond.

    If you are happy with all my conditions, please message me with the following:
    - Who you are
    - What knowledge you have
    - Do you meet all my requirements
    - Your skype details
    - Your timezone.

    If you don't respond with this information, I'm not gonna reply, simple as that.

    Thanks, and look forward to hearing from you guys
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
    pieman145, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  2. GamingOn

    GamingOn Well-Known Member

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    Well if you weren't paying wages that are not American standard then maybe people wouldn't throw harsh words at you. Why not work at mcdonalds? I mean you could do that with nothing but a food handler license.... And make $250 a week for the same amount of time offered. Just a good option B for those that think this job is worth getting.
    GamingOn, Sep 25, 2013 IP
    SystemOAD, dotcompals and Basti like this.
  3. pieman145

    pieman145 Well-Known Member

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    My friend, you think that's exploitation? Have a look at the average salaries in Tanzania, Cambodia, India, Romania, Pakistan, Ukraine. I wasn't targeting americans in the first place. Have a look on odesk.com, see what you discover and what people like me actually pay. You're saying people shouldn't take this job? Well I'm gonna let you in a little secret, the whole world is in a recession, people are struggling. I never said I'd keep the pay at that. But as I said, for those of you who are interested in experience and think that's an acceptable rate, please contact me.
    pieman145, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  4. GamingOn

    GamingOn Well-Known Member

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    The whole United States people with a high school diploma or less can get a minimum wage job...
    If you are aiming for those kind of workers not from the United States I feel bad for the other countries not being able to get what Americans consider a bad job. I was reading this to possibly help you with this work but at $250 a month you might as well be paying nothing. Anyone with SEO skills online and such and a writer can earn $250 a month in 7 days writing. If not they haven't found a good writing job yet. Again anyone try to get a good paying real job before you take on a job that demands full time work for part time pay.
    GamingOn, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  5. pieman145

    pieman145 Well-Known Member

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    Again, have a look at Odesk and the like, see what they post on there.
    Your example is pretty redundant purely because I could say the same about my friends who are graduating from top universities with Maths degrees yet end up working at Mcdonalds. Sometimes, experience is needed, and that is what I'm aiming to provide to people along with money. Westernised income is very much different to what the countries VA's usually come from are used to.
    I'm really surprised a user like yourself which has quite a substantial account isn't aware of this or neglects to understand.
    I know people in India who have MBA's and such, yet work as telephone support agents earning $100/month, and these are big corporations paying that amount, why? Because they can, with a population of circa 1.3bn and an average GDP per capita of $2000/year, I think having a low paid job is better than no job, wouldn't you agree? I think a lot of VA's would agree.
    pieman145, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  6. GamingOn

    GamingOn Well-Known Member

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    I've hired off Odesk before... Good results. But I basically paid the same as I would a American writer for someone who didn't have English as their 1st language. I hope you find someone and if you have extra people that will work this long for this rate and can write I'm sure there will be plenty of demand... :)

    This isn't Odesk and any one with the skills mentioned on Odesk costs a pretty penny not $250/month for 6-8 hours a day 5 days a week.

    Any SEO with skills can get more then the $2 and change u are offering an hour. Hell you can do 100 forum posts in one hour for $10!


    Most SEOs charge allot for any real ranking. So gl!
    GamingOn, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  7. pieman145

    pieman145 Well-Known Member

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    As mentioned in the post buddy, this isn't for experience SEO's, this is for people with some basic knowledge, but looking to learn more. The knowledge I shall provide is worth it's weight in gold.
    pieman145, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  8. GamingOn

    GamingOn Well-Known Member

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    Can you send me a sample of some of this training.... If I haven't upset you so much!
    I could work for $250/mo with training provided. Cause its like I am getting paid to learn.


    Hey at least you have fast responses right.
    GamingOn, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  9. xceedbd

    xceedbd Well-Known Member

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    That is not true salary($150-250) structure for skilled and educated person in Tanzania, Cambodia, India, Romania, Pakistan, Ukraine, and Bangladesh.
    xceedbd, Sep 25, 2013 IP
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  10. bogartkick

    bogartkick Notable Member

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    $150-$250 a month with those expectations? Are you kidding me? You can hire my dog if you want. Tsk tsk tsk....
    bogartkick, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  11. alex06295

    alex06295 Well-Known Member

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    Exactly, $150 to $250 is not reasonable.... that much amount can be paid for your house rent as well... how can you manage your personal expenses?

    The reason salary should be above $800
    alex06295, Sep 25, 2013 IP
  12. .3rok3n

    .3rok3n Well-Known Member

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    Alot of expectations from a VA, and i don't see any new stuff, plus everything has to be done on your server, and working full time, getting paid $250 per month. Do you think its barely gonna help us to work for you the next month. either its just one month work or i am not sure. well there is nothing to learn i guess besides a bad deal.
    With those expectations and principals, mate you should learn to invest. and stop making this online work a cheap work.

    It has to be silicon valley!
    .3rok3n, Sep 26, 2013 IP
    GamingOn likes this.
  13. Souleclipse

    Souleclipse Well-Known Member

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    Let me help in some math.

    Let say 250 a month
    8 hours per day .
    22 working days per week.
    Souleclipse, Sep 27, 2013 IP
  14. manish0109

    manish0109 Active Member

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    Digitalpoint has global workforce and people from different countries are working here. 32% of Indian population earns less than $1.25 a day after they work full time for 8 hours in extreme conditions. Here a Guy is offering 1.42$/hour for a job which needs to be done from home and suitable conditions. Now tell me one good reason why an Indian or a Pakistani, Nepali or any 3rd world citizen will not take this job?

    For 250$ a month, one can make a healthy living for a family in India. I am up for this job
    manish0109, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  15. dotcompals

    dotcompals Prominent Member

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    True salary structure for skilled and educated person in India is in the range of $700 - $1000 per month .
    dotcompals, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  16. philancer2010

    philancer2010 Active Member

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    Im a filipino, but our normal wage as an online freelancer is 250$ above. Those who accept lower than that are just new in this field and doesn't have much experiences. If your paying that low rate you should not expect more hard work from them.
    philancer2010, Oct 1, 2013 IP
  17. SystemOAD

    SystemOAD Well-Known Member

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    How can you have all those demands for such a low wage? You'll be lucky to get someone that knows how to turn the pc on and search on google let a lone do seo rofl

    Really, if you want someone in the seo field that can do some real work for you, drop me a message when you can offer that per hour because that's an hourly wage to a professional seo with real knowledge! And I wouldn't need to do black hat seo to your site's' to rank, plus on top of that your sites would continue to rank for a much longer time if you where to pay for a real seo that knows what they are doing!

    Remember "You get what you pay for!" So if you hire at monkeys wage don't expect more then monkey business! - In other words, your not going to find anyone worth hiring for that price, especially with all those terms, I give it a couple of days until the person you hire turns around and says they can't do the work, or are too slow, or quite simply can't get the pc to turn on lol
    SystemOAD, Oct 1, 2013 IP
  18. pieman145

    pieman145 Well-Known Member

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    Guys. What I didn't add is i double my workers salaries each month. One of my previous workers reached $2000/month. Do you think thats bad now? Go search placements on google everyone. People are desperate to even get work for free, let alone a paid salary at the comfort of their own home, flexi timing and the offer of other fringe benefits. Have any of you heard of IT farms? Have a look on google how much big corperations pay to those guys, and see if they offer any bonuses at all. To get someone to work initially on a high salary means they will eventually become lazy. You offer a bad salary at first, and offer incentives along the way means they will be motivated. Go search theory x and y or mazlows heirachy of needs or hertzberg theory. Many of these guys say incentives is the only form of motivation which is fundamentally true, why? Because people dont ultimately work or enjoyment, they work for their needs to be met. I know thousands of people who would much rather work for a low salary at first and be rewarded for their hard work each monthrather than have a stable salary. Why do people offer free trials or reviews of their products or services guys? Its because they know such an incentive is enticing, similarly offering an option of bonus related salary offers a motivated approach to their work.

    Please guys dont be so naive when it comes to work, read milton friedmans books on capitalism, and then learn a bit about business.
    pieman145, Oct 2, 2013 IP