Buying Need eCommerce Wordpress Theme Please PM ASAP

Discussion in 'Design' started by plrnexus, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. #1
    General description and specifications for the Web site:

    We need a website design for a store that will sell eBooks. This is a site that will be using Wordpress with the Digital Access Pass plugin installed, along with the S3 and SSS store plugin installed.

    We need the look and feel of the site to be like an eCommerce site, and we could not find a good Wordpress eCommerce theme, so we need to have a custom theme designed for the site. We need controls set up in the back end so that we can edit and make changes to the store.

    Main Basic Layout:

    We like the following pages (please use these as inspiration in designing our theme):

    This is a theme that we REALLY liked for layout. I will make some basic changes to let you know what we would change in it below, but this can give you a starting point.

    In addition, we found this site that sells PLR. We like the layout of this as well (not the categories, but the rest is ok). Here it is for you to look for inspiration as well.

    Color Scheme Needs to be the following colors (We will include a copy of our banner for you to get exact colors from): red, black, grey, and white

    Basic Layout for Theme:

    Please use the attached graphic to start your imagination. I really like the placement of the “blocks” of info on this put together graphic. Use it as your basis and go from there. I have a larger Photoshop file you can have as well (it is just layer that are cut and pasted from things I liked.

    Please be able to code the design onto Wordpress.

    Please let us know if you have any questions, and please show examples of your past work on eCommerce sites.

    Thank you
    plrnexus, Oct 24, 2011 IP
  2. Dstanley

    Dstanley Active Member

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    Hello I can do this for you but I already have a stock website I use for the wordpress ecommerce designs. Please email me or pm me and i will send you a link to the website where you can preview the demo
    Dstanley, Oct 25, 2011 IP