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Suggestion Need a post, well posts removed rather quick

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Laceygirl, Dec 15, 2010.

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  1. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Not even a little bit. You are the one that pulled me into your tiff with other users that had nothing to do with me. I didn't seek you or your topic(s). You started this thread in the only area of the forum I read seeking help because you felt someone was bullying you because they didn't believe you were a girl. I didn't seek you or your drama out, you are the one who sought me out and then got irate because I didn't take your side. That's exactly what happened.

    I'm not sure anyone knows (including you) what debt is owed you to. You wanted to masquerade as someone you are not and got called out on it. Accept responsibility for your actions (or don't I suppose) and move on. The only reason anyone even remembers any of it is because *you* keep bringing it up. If you asked anyone here a week ago who Laceygirl was, I suspect not a single person would have remembered off the top of their head.

    No one cares what you did on a stupid public forum more than half a decade ago. Literally no one. The only value it has to anyone at this point is a weird entertainment value that some guy acted like a fool a long time ago and he keeps reminding everyone how mad he is about it long after everyone else has long forgotten and moved on.
    digitalpoint, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I try and be reasonable but when people can't behave nicely, I'll admit, I sometimes stoop to their level. If I was out to get you in some way, you'd know about it and so would everyone else here. I'm sure if there was some big conspiracy that we ran and caused Google to slash your traffic and Paypal to close/limit/whatever your account and make you unemployable by even a Subway store I'd remember it because, damn, that'd be quite a power kick. We can't do that, we run a goddamn forum not the CIA or it's Canadian equivalent and we are all such small fish that we'd be laughed at if we even tried. Hell, America can't get rid of the clown masquerading as the President, what makes you so important?

    I have definite concerns about your mental health but I wish you no harm. I struggle that you have walked away from your son, I didn't think modern fathers did that anymore but maybe you're old school and maybe that's me projecting my values onto you.

    I find it odd that all of this vitriol has blown up from a thread with a religious bent and not even one to do with business.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    sarahk, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  3. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Well, that's your own ridiculous example though. I agree you cannot alter the google engine that way. I didn't say that at all. When you make up crap like that and pin it on me then obviously I sound bad. That doesn't count though.

    It doesn't matter how much bullshit talk you say about no knowing anything. YOU are the person who laughed and mouthed off when Shawn starting throwing personal information of random people out that know me. YOU are the one who joined the gang of people targeting me. You may not have known why they targeted me and why shawn joined or who he was doing favors for but YOU saw that.
    You watched phone numbers be thrown there and people trying to get everyone to call them. You might not have known why but now you do. I lost everything and after you found that out a couple of days ago, what did you do?
    you JOINED then anyway. The reason is because you are just part of the team.

    Well, I have a right to be pissed and I have a right to want YOU and your stupid friends dead. You guys planned that shit.

    And I don't give a flying fuck if you have to play it good with the cool kids for your reputation. You are an awful human being for being part of this. My ex almost died because of stress from you asses. then my son almost died a bunch of times. I don't think you have the FUCKING SLIGHTEST CLUE on what that was like.
    I'm considering showing you but I really doubt that there is a point with you snakes. Besides it'll just be MORE content for your friends to jabber and be a prick about and you can join them making fun of a newborn baby.

    I asked to remove personal information, you saw it was your friends and in return went in the topic and ADDED more personal information. Some type of online bully reputation thing.

    Yeah, it was easy for you to forget. You didn't get screwed over. You just burned me down on the last minute to torch my chance and I lost everything. Of course YOU don't care. You had no consequences. It was YOU that did it with your friends. It was not my actions at all. YOU. And you can run around talking all this "I'm so important to remember" all you want. You can do as much awful as you want. I care and I remember and you would if it happened to you.

    Weird entertainment value was the whole purpose for you the whole time. It's all a big fat joke. I lose my network, I lose my business, I lose house, I lose my wife, my son almost dies and it's all entertainment. It doesn't matter what I say here because we're online.
    the only way you are going to care is if I make you. You and your stupid ignorant friends. Well, I can't do shit from where I'm at.
    I don't care if you don't care. I want you to know I have no care for reputation nor life. I want you to know.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    Laceygirl, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  4. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Has anyone in your life ever mentioned to you that you might be delusional? No one "planned" anything. You asked us to get involved in your dispute between yourself and random members. We laid out the facts the best we could and left it at that. I don't know who the dispute was even with, nor do I care (it certainly wasn't any friend of ours who "called in a favor"). The only reason admins/mods are involved with this thread is because you wanted us to be. Again... YOU wanted us to be. No one else.

    In trying to get to the bottom of it all (again at your request), you simply didn't like what we found. That right there sums up your entire issue now. Just so we are clear, let me repeat that... You didn't like what we found when you asked us to intervene in a dispute between you and other members. No one fed us information, no one asked us to get involved other than you.

    Somehow copy/pasting our findings from the public Internet ruined your life made you lose your house, family, job, traffic to your website, etc, etc. The list if things we did to you is the list of a crazy person.

    Now fast forward 7 years later and you have a newborn baby that no one knew about except you keep talking about how everyone is making fun of your baby. I have not seen a single person making fun of (or even talking about) your newborn baby. The only person talking about your baby is you. You just keep spewing falsehoods and making threats against people for things they only did in your fantasy world. No one remembered you, and I haven't even seen a single thing that someone "did" to you (even small). Not saying that no one did anything to you ever, but whatever it is, *I* don't know what it is.

    You keep repeating your catch phrase, "You know what you did, I haven't forgotten." Yet no one here knows what they "did" to you. They ask you what they did and you just say something stupid like, "I'm not repeating it again." So don't repeat it. Give a link to it or something so everyone is clear who did what to you. As it stands now, no one knows. If it's more conspiracy bullshit, you should just drop that. There is no conspiracy for or against you. You are 1 in about a million users here. Staff doesn't have the time or desire to "go after" any user (in fact there was once a staff member that did a long time ago [nothing to do with you], and they were stripped of being a staff member after one incident without warning).

    I've had no conversation about you with anyone *ever* in a private conversation (on this site, or any other means of communication). If you feel I wronged you somehow then whatever it is publicly available on this site. Post a link to it so we can refresh our memory.

    Until then, stop blaming people for your life. Stop crying that people are "making fun of" your newborn baby, etc. No one is doing that, and no one knew or cared that you had a kid. *You* are the only person here talking about your newborn baby.
    digitalpoint, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  5. denniss

    denniss Well-Known Member

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    How did I rip of you off or screw you over? By publicizing the fact that you're impersonating a girl, while you're really not?

    And what's so wrong about doing that, Justin?

    You were pretending to be someone you're not, you got exposed for it.

    And what do I have to be worried about?

    Are you going to come and hug and kiss me while pretending to be a girl?

    Sorry, don't see a reason to be worried.
    denniss, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  6. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    I understand this concept. you talk and instigate to get me to get pissed off. You don't have to try to do that. I already am pissed and would freely say something such as I would kill you on the spot if I were in front of you. In fact, the only reason why you are talking smack is because you are online. If you knew me in person you would shut up and hide out like everyone else who caused me trouble. The truth of the matter is I am fiercely dangerous.
    You are at the limit of your power and as long as you hide out you'll be fine. I don't know though.

    Never in your life, you'd have the guts to see me. Even in the busiest public place you would be in serious danger. Around me, I'm not the nigger. You are.

    go ahead, laugh it up. Have a blast but remember in 5yrs, 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs, I'll still be waiting.
    Laceygirl, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  7. denniss

    denniss Well-Known Member

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    Waiting for hugs and kisses? While pretending to be a girl and perpetrating online identity theft? LOL

    You're dangerous in the sense that you're dangerously entertaining.

    Tell me, what would you like to do to me, Justin, you bad girl, you? :)))))))))))))

    Honestly stop being a sore loser that blames people online for his wife leaving him for losing a supposed deal when living on the edge of poverty, which all happened because you were perpertating online identity theft in order to be someone you're not and bashing those said people online.

    Did your supposed buyer back in the day know that you're not Lacey, but actually Justin? That you're carrying a FAKE online identity whereas you're actually a guy that has a totally different name = https://www.facebook.com/Dinosaurfact ?

    Look in the mirror and admit that you did all this to yourself.

    And you remember how you were attacking people here on DP and proving us that we're all worthless and don't know how to do online business?

    Somehow you're the one who is VERY SORE after 7 years, while everyone else appears to be just quite fine in their businesses and jobs.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    denniss, Mar 22, 2017 IP
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  8. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    I'd like to put you in a wood chipper. I've never did that but I saw it once in a movie. That would be a respectful way to go too because think of the news. You'd be famous. I can imagine the media frenzy. Not only that but it's just another frenchy that should have been killed anyway. I hate the quebec french like most Canadians. I love Montreal though. The women are nice.

    Oh, are we having a serious conversation here. I assumed you were just spewing random insults like this is high school. Now you want to talk?
    No thanks. I'm not going to have a civil conversation with you.
    And you obviously missed what I said before. I really have absolutely no care for reputation. You can accuse me of identity theft, pretending to be a girl, or throw me all of these locations where I live, and facebook links.

    I don't care about any of that stuff. I have no friends. I will never get any friends. I have no girlfriend. I will never have any girlfriend or love. All I want to do is revenge everyone to destroyed my life. My life is over now. I've missed my prime. I'm infatuated with a handful of women who are so out of my range that they wouldn't even fart in my direction. I am a horrible person now. I work alone and just think all day about the people who deserve karma. I pump iron 6 days a week to become as fierce as possible to keep guard for the neighborhood and my cocaine addict brother. At night I turn on the tv and lay down putting in the same 10 movies over and over again to sleep to. I go to sleep pissed off about people like you and the rest that screwed me over. I wake up pissed off that I have to go through another day.
    I don't give a flying fuck about reputation. I've had like 3 people enter my apartment in 4yrs(3yrs?). All I think about is lonliness and that I fucking hate you and your friends and a few other fuckfaces of this planet.
    So you can jabber on and on trying to look cool or seem slick. Face to face would be a different story.

    No, it was not about that at all.
    Sore for 7yrs? No, actually it started 15yrs ago I think.......... Hell I can't remember. It's been a long time.
    I wouldn't call is sore. I'm beyond sore. How about suicially murderously fucking pissed the hell off for eternity.

    Shawn or his mod friends are dumping a bunch of infractions on me now. They and you are just doing what they did the last time. Last time Shawn was like "Oh, you'll be treated the same as anyone else" then of course him and friends like Sarah and more team members jabbered on saying shit like "You need professional help". I would respond back to the insult and Shawn could be justified into throwing infractions to me. Of course none of his friends though. Then the next time I confront him years later he turns and says "Oh, I don't know who you are" and then he plays the whole "I treat you like everyone else. blah blah," but really it's just a show and he is a vicious awful person who won't admit anything. I never understood that part about him. It's the type of thing a religious person would do, slip into justifications, but I never actually pictured him a religion type guy.

    Anyway, I feel this may be one of my last posts because the infractions are coming on strong. I'll come back after I'm banned and if your email still works then I'll remind you that I wish you were dead. Of course if you block me you'll avoid that. I'll talk to shawn again and of course he'll pretend he doesn't remember me and do the whole I'm too important routine and some of his friends will talk trash at me and he'll talk trash and it'll repeat.
    If I don't come back then I'm dead or in prison.
    Have a nice year and remember to lock up tight. I'm sure your mother taught you that things are not what they seem sometimes? I really don't think you have the slightest clue of what's happening here.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    Laceygirl, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  9. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    He's a joke, not a serial killer.. All he's threatening people with is going to destroy our grave.. So he's just playing a waiting game and if shawn dies before him, and shawn is burried somewhere, he will go on his grave and do whatever he has in mind.
    JamesColin, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  10. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Shut up James.
    Laceygirl, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  11. SpacePhoenix

    SpacePhoenix Well-Known Member

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    @Laceygirl don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out;)
    SpacePhoenix, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  12. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Might I mention that he now has made specific death threats against at least two members of this forum? Since both we, and the Internet (it seems) know who this person is, wouldn't it be time to just report this to the police?

    Granted, he's a joke (oooh, Hells Angels is afraid of him... yeah, I'm gonna take that for what it's worth), but still, he IS a mental case, and those people are the ones climbing church towers with a rifle. This isn't really all that funny anymore.
    PoPSiCLe, Mar 23, 2017 IP
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  13. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    A) I didn't say the hells angels are afraid of me. I said there is a fucking loud ass clubhouse a few doors down and they don't give me trouble because I follow the street rules. (For example, they don't like cop callers)
    B) Great idea. You should call the police in your country and they will contact the FBI, and the FBI will serve an investigation to the OPP, and the OPP will information the local cops here, and finally the cops down here will look me up then say "Nah, I don't feel like going into that neighborhood to talk to that nightmare about something stupid like this".

    Cool idea though. Really awesome guy. Don't forget to put your justin bieber wig on before you rat just in case the girls see you walking in there and telling on me.
    Laceygirl, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    How do I verify that it's on the record?

    The cops know never to approach you? Reality or your own paranoia? I guess the cops know not to approach me too because they see a completely normal person behaving completely predictably and they have better things to do with their time. With you, hmmm, I'm not so sure.
    sarahk, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  15. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Mainly because it's on record that the past 20 times I've dealt with them was a nightmare because I hate them so much I don't work with them. They end up wasting their time. I have not been criminally charged with anything serious in over 15yrs but I'm what they would consider high risk because my brother has been convicted with over 100 charges. he's a career criminal.
    I also have a viciously serious crime I was convicted for.
    When someone has a serious crime with a long family history of criminals but they have not done crime in several years they do not "rock the boat". I can tell cops act weird to me because of what's on record on the rare occassions I dealt with them over the past 20yrs.
    Ha, 7yrs ago this cop was in my garage arguing with me and I leaned against my car and he unbuttoned his hoister. They don't like that charge I got in 99. they will never get over it.
    Meh, I would never call a cop anyway.

    Anyway, I'm going to the gym. Say hi to Jeremy for me.
    Laceygirl, Mar 23, 2017 IP
  16. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    This thread is so dumb. The original intent of this thread has far more than run it's course. Whatever posts you were trying to get removed either were removed or aren't going to be removed.

    If you want to start a thread about how tough you are and how cops and gangsters are afraid of you, do it in a more appropriate area. Or better yet, make a blog about it so you can can control who can/can't comment on it.

    Either way, going to close the topic because it's so far off-topic at this point, it's silly.
    digitalpoint, Mar 23, 2017 IP
    tattoos likes this.
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