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Natural Links

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by Kamaldeep Singh SEO, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. #1
    Hello Webmasters,

    As you know google loves Natural links but I want to know how can we create Natural Links because now we can't do guest blogging also its also a part of spamming according to Matt cutts. so please suggest me how to create Natural Back links for websites.

    Kamaldeep Singh
    Kamaldeep Singh SEO, Apr 11, 2014 IP
  2. maverickk3

    maverickk3 Notable Member

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    You can continue to do guest blogs but not in a way that the post seems paid .
    All the good articles have out bound links .You can add your link inside these articles in a good and clever way , also no follow links helps too.
    You can also use some comments in blogs , in the niche you are interested.
    Forum posting is a very good idea too .
    maverickk3, Apr 11, 2014 IP
  3. image2all

    image2all Member

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    @ maverickk3, This is really good idea to get natural link. I think we can make our link contextual.
    image2all, Apr 11, 2014 IP
  4. patco

    patco Well-Known Member

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    Social Bookmarking, Forum marketing, a few blog comments and good content are the thing to pay attention right now. Don't forget Social Media sites (like Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc.)... Also concentrate on your On-Page SEO (title, description, meta tags, alt tag for images, title for links, H1 for your main keyword, H2 for your secondary keywords, good and NATURAL content, etc.) :)
    patco, Apr 12, 2014 IP
  5. vedant4

    vedant4 Greenhorn

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    Natural links tend to be one way links that will site owners didn’t deliberately generate during his or her web page link making plan. Natural link building is a optimistic item coming from all of those other SEO as well as online marketing operate that you do including social media, online PR, content marketing and much more. Individuals discover as well as url to your articles simply because it’s great content, not since you also went seeking links!
    vedant4, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  6. John Dave

    John Dave Active Member

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    I would say concentrate much more on the social media, You can build links by participating actively in the forums, yahoo answers. Just use their signature panels to build back links.
    John Dave, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  7. ArchieI91B

    ArchieI91B Active Member

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    Joining the right social groups helps especially in Facebook. Someone with just a few friend can interact with thousand if your member of the right Facebook groups. However, finding them is the real problem. Once thing I've found is Facebook doesn't have the best search facility for their groups.
    ArchieI91B, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  8. meethi jain

    meethi jain Active Member

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    I would say completely focus considerably more within the social websites, You possibly can construct back links by partaking definitely within the discussion boards, Google advice. Simply use the personal systems to create inbound links.
    meethi jain, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  9. luanatf

    luanatf Well-Known Member

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    Get in touch with people in your niche and offer advice when a need comes up. They may just link back to you publicly as a way to say 'thank you' (you'd be the valuable resource to link out to). Backlinko.com has some interesting link building methods based on relationships.
    luanatf, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Get clients to blog about their experience using your services
    give out free product with the condition that people publicly review the product
    It all depends on the site you are working on.

    If it's a crap site then it's going to be really hard.
    If it's a quality site then the natural links will almost build themselves.
    sarahk, Apr 14, 2014 IP
    luanatf likes this.
  11. KylieSweet

    KylieSweet Well-Known Member

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    If you are able to create quality and interesting content and knows how to reach your targeted audience effectively then your great content will generate natural links for you. You must help your website and optimize it for your visitors for them to be benefited with your product and services.
    KylieSweet, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  12. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    You have to start thinking outside of the box. SEO is a sales gig or, you are selling something. SEO is not hurling links at the problem.

    It helps to start in a vertical or complimentary market. Canonical and I had this conversation a number of years ago. https://forums.digitalpoint.com/thr...inking-my-first-large-domain-project.1835616/

    We start getting into the meat of things at post #6. Canonical always did a better job of explaining things in plain English lol.

    EDIT: Guest blogging is still fine if you heed some advice ;)

    hope that helps a bit,
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
    Nigel Lew, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  13. KonRadicool

    KonRadicool Active Member

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    I find that the best and most effective way to generate good backlinks is to first focus on the type of traffic you want to get to your website, Find communities, forums and blogs that work well with your website and become involved in the communities. Join discussions and after a while people will see you as a expert figure and will search for you and your information. You can build up your presence by creating video's have G+ interviews, and syndicate your links to social networks. But always focus on who you want visiting your site and not the backlinks themselves
    KonRadicool, Apr 14, 2014 IP
  14. imrizk

    imrizk Active Member

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    You can use social midia for that, or simply have good content, i would avoid guest posting
    imrizk, Apr 15, 2014 IP
  15. Rick Salas

    Rick Salas Member

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    I believe, for most people it's all about creating daily strategic content that can be used in a multiple of ways. Products, coaching, trainings, emails etc. With that being said, you can write clear, deep, strategic and opinionated information that will allow you to move from being seen as an expert to the expert that you can be in the future and attract those natural links from people that appreciate your content. (it all is about expertise) I cant go into everything content needs to attract natural links but I'll say for example, you can mastermind your content, on a whiteboard or some kind of way to see all the different components of the topic, digg deep and then add the logical and linear aspect and present it in a formulated fashion . The secret is the preparation, when you go through the process of getting it to become strategic and opinionated and then add the linear and logical aspect to it it will work at a much higher level. A much higher level than the non expert will use such as just the logical and linear aspect of daily content. The secret is really the preparation and presenting it so people can understand. Expert level content people can use. Then you will get natural links, but remember that you have to have all the components on your site for those natural links to do that they have to do. Increase views so you can provide value to a targeted audience so that you can become profitable from that information.

    Rick Salas
    Rick Salas, Sep 15, 2014 IP
  16. YoGem

    YoGem Active Member

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    And now, I'll say the truth: All that have been already said is wrong except for Rick Salas that actually is the one that has a good point but what people haven't got from the recent google updates is that Natural doesn't means that have to be of good quality. It's all about "niches". The problem is that many people post articles in the wrong niches ie: if someone talks about SEO on a blog dedicated to gardening that is unnatural. Natural is all about content yes but it has to be consistent with the category, it has to be written by an authority, not an occasional guest blogger, it may backlink if the niche is the same.
    The trick is to choose few "consistent sources", not tons. Good PageRank and "ranking" on searc engine for the right keywords... once you build that list and you can have someone of the author to write articles for you.. then it's done! You got what you want. Social network won't help too much.
    YoGem, Sep 23, 2014 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  17. LifestyleUTM

    LifestyleUTM Greenhorn

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    You can act in many ways but I suggest to keep in consideration this best practice:
    1) Get in touch with people of your niche via Social Network. Tweet, post, likes, comments etc.. Provide Value
    2) Make them aware about your contents when they post something related, so follow the conversation every day.
    3) Setup some Google Alerts on their blog, to know when some results related to your keywords come out and write them
    4) Search for other post related to your topics on google, and with software like Majestic SEO, OpensiteExplorer of SEO Moz etc.. download their link profile.
    5) Check one by one all the link and try to find out if there are broken links, you can suggest to substitute a broken link with a fresh new content
    6) However if there are no broken links you can issue an email to make the owner aware that you have content related that cna be interesting to complete the info

    Those are only a few of the good advice I think you can have, if you think in that way more ideas will come, and you will be involved in a lot of good stuff doing relationship via social.
    Hope it help
    LifestyleUTM, Sep 23, 2014 IP
  18. mariatech

    mariatech Greenhorn

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    Well bro it does not mean that not do the old conventional Link building techniques in such a way that look like natural not do rapidly...
    mariatech, Sep 24, 2014 IP
  19. suwandichen13

    suwandichen13 Well-Known Member

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    according to Unnatural links , it's depend how you do it , example :
    1. Blog Commenting also can be Unnatural if you over do it like spamming .
    2. Guest Blogging also can be unnatural if you posting your links in related niche , that will great if you post article on niche related to you and tagged it with no-follow
    3. Directory Submission , Usually some guys provide service 100 or 500 or 1000 high Directory submission services "MANUALLY" in 1 or 3 weeks for a hundred buck, Can you believe it?? I just can't imagine how they submit site "Manually" in that short time. << this also causing unnatural link.
    4. etc

    All it's depend on your self , why must hanging around when you can do it by your self ?
    suwandichen13, Sep 24, 2014 IP
  20. Seo Power

    Seo Power Greenhorn

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    Guest blogging is also a natural way to gain backlinks if done right. If you submit to real and active sites, it won't cause you any problems. However, if you decide fo submit to sites that look like they are from a blog network, it will be considered spammy.

    Good content is all that matters for getting natural backlinks, content that contains:

    - new knowledge
    - interesting information
    - good resources

    You should then perform link outreach for your site to increase awareness of your new articles.
    Seo Power, Oct 3, 2014 IP