Native English Writer, Providing You SEO Articles for CRAZY prices @ 0.02 per word!!!

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by albag999, Sep 19, 2011.

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    Are you in need of 100% Unique SEO Articles which will guarantee traffic to your site?

    Do you want your products to actually sell by having the unique content?

    Are you in need of content and do not want to pay a whole load of cash?

    My name is Alex Peak from the UK, I am 24 and currently working part time in a store. I only work 5 hours per day during the evening, so I have a good amount of spare time on my hands.

    I started working part time as I was studying a BTEC National Diploma In IT at a local college. Once I completed my IT Diploma, I have set up my own Article Company which I have produced many articles online, the clients I have been working for have been from all over the world.


    SEO Article Writing
    Copywriting and editing
    Writing EBooks
    Writing and Editing Essays
    Ghost Writing
    Powerpoint Presentations
    Report Writing
    Technical Writing
    Travel Writing
    Rewriting Articles/Web ContentArticle Submission

    I provide a Guarantee as all the content/Articles that I produce for you will be 100% Unique.

    Pricing for Bulk Orders

    $0.02 per word for 1 article.

    $0.017 per word for 5 articles

    $0.015 per word for 10 articles.​

    I can guarantee that if you are requesting 1 article I can do this within one hour or less. However If you have bulk orders please PM or contact my on skype and we can discuss your requirements in more detail.

    Skype ID - albag999
    Email -

    You will be contacted within less than 24 hours.

    Samples of work​

    The Importance of protein in your body

    Protein plays an important part in our bodies. The lack thereof may cause certain health risks to our system. Foods that are high in protein include meat, poultry, milk, eggs, vegetables, yoghurt, ham, vegetables, brown rice, peanut butter and oat bran among many others. It is important to include all these in your daily diet if you want to maintain a healthy body.
    Protein provides us with energy and also helps in the growth and repair of your muscles. Once you miss out on protein in your diet, you are at a high risk of suffering from a number of diseases and medical conditions. One such condition is called thrombosis. Thrombosis can eventually lead to death if no treatment is effected in the early stages of the disease. A number of online medical news articles to date have been published to educate the general public on how fatal a lack of protein can actually be.

    Kwashiorkor is another common disease that is a result of a lack of protein. The condition is characterized by an abnormal bulging stomach and is common in children that are not being fed adequate protein. It is a sad sight, when you see these children, especially in third world countries where there is inadequate food for them. Death is also a possibility when you are suffering from kwashiorkor and no treatment is administered.
    Marasmus is a serious condition found in infants as a result of the lack of protein. Protein is meant to help their tissue and bones to grow well. The lack thereof, allows the tissues to shrink and hence cause problems in the physical growth of the child. This condition is not as fatal as the aforementioned, but is also detrimental to the victim’s well being in the long run.

    Other health conditions that may arise through lack of or inadequate proteins in the body include breast cancer and anemia. These can be treated, but when can also be fatal in the long run when nothing is done about it. IF your blood pressure is low, and your heart rate has subsequently reduced as well, the most likely cause can be that you are lacking protein in your diet. Protein makes an important part of your diet and without it, you are prone to a number of medical conditions and diseases that could be easily be avoided.

    Protein supplements will go a long way in helping your body maintain the protein levels that are required by your body. These may come in the form of capsules, liquid protein capsules and protein powders. Read through medical news articles that will guide you through in choosing which form of supplements will work best for you. Better yet, consult your doctor.

    What type of camera shall I get for taking photos if I was to go on holiday?

    As you know taking photos is the easy part, however if you are wanting to different types shots then making sure you have the right camera is essential. But what camera should you get as there are so many out there. Well in the next few paragraphs we shall give you a few tips on how you can get value for your money by looking at different websites for the cameras that you are looking at.

    If you are looking to get a camera for your holiday then there are a few points that you should consider.

    What size optical zoom I should get?
    What size memory card can fit in the camera?
    Are the functions easy to use on the camera?

    These questions are easily asked through different sites. For example if you look on a site called Amazon, Kelkoo or Ebay then these sites are easy to figure out what sort of camera you need and will provide you enough information so that you can make you mind up depending on what type of budget you have.

    Amazon – Amazon will help you decide by showing you the types of rating that each camera has. You will also able to try and find the one that is best suited for you and you will able to make sure that it fits in with your budget. The only problem is with Amazon is that you have a set price on the site but you do get other people selling the same camera for less which is not bad at all.

    Kelkoo – This is a very good site as if you have a particular camera in mind that you would like to take on holiday then you will able to make sure that you get the camera the cheapest that you can. Let me explain. Kelkoo will search through a whole list of sites and will provide you the cheapest camera to get. Although it does depend on how fast you are looking to get the camera to you so that you can use it, so it might mean that paying a tiny bit more on a site that it has recommend then you will get great satisfaction from using that particular site.

    Ebay – This is a site that many people now look to go on if they are purchasing something for a really camera. Ebay is an online auction where you can bid for cameras and if you have a camera in mind then 9 times out of 10 they generally do have the camera for you that you want at low prices.

    Taking photos will make remember your holiday forever

    We are going to answer a of couple questions in the next few paragraphs to help us understand why taking photos will help us remember the holiday that you have been on forever. The first question is “Why should we take photos whilst we are on holiday?” “What shall we do with the memory card in our camera?”
    Now that we know are questions we are going answer them in detail so that we have a full understanding of what each question means.

    Question 1 – Why should we take photos whilst we are on holiday?

    We should take photos whilst we are on holiday because it will able to jog your memory on what you did. If you had gone out one night and took photos that you
    can’t remember taking then you will able to look back at the photos that next morning, some of the photos you may not what to keep from that particular night but others you may feel like you are happy in keeping some photos. Taking photos on holiday will allow you to show all your friends what you have been up to. If there is a specific site or venues that you went to that you insist on seeing your friends then this will be the best way of showing your friends through a camera as they can think wow that’s amazing. So this is just one way of remembering your holiday forever, we are now going to answer the other 2 questions.

    Question 2 – What shall we do with the memory card in our camera?

    You have just come back from your holiday all nice and relaxed, you have taken lots
    of pictures on your memory card and your not sure what to do with it. Well having experience in this section I will tell you the best ways what to do with the memory card if you have just left it in your camera. Its all well and good showing your immediate friends the pictures that you took on the camera but what about people that are far away from you and want to see what you have been getting up to. Well the first thing you should do is load your pictures on the computer so that they are stored there for life, if your computer should break down then I would suggesting putting the photos onto cd as backup, however you then can load the pictures onto social network sites like Facebook, if you have different holidays that you would like posting up there then you can put them in different sections and write each title for each holiday that you have been on.

    Buying cheap bedroom furniture does not mean cheap quality.

    Very often the word “cheap” is a misnomer, especially when it comes to furniture. Only for tagged with low price, it is right to signify it as a low quality material. You can really get great bed furniture at very reasonable price. There are various types of bedroom furniture available on the market and their styles are also different so it is really a tricky job to choose the right bedroom furniture. The best thing you can do is just look at the bed area and then try to visualize what you want actually or what you think will be best suitable for the place.
    Most of the people automatically think that cheap bedroom furniture will look cheap and tacky, but this is not always right. You can also find some bedroom furniture in sale time then you can save a good amount of money and this is really pocket friendly way. The only thing you need to make sure is that you can bargain well. You want to home the best bedroom furniture on a budget and sale time is the best way to do this and get something that cannot normally afford. You can still furnish your bedroom in a royal way with cheap bedroom furniture, as well as saving money at the same time.
    Because the bedroom furniture may be cheap but you should not automatically dismiss it as being poor quality. Very often companies provide a discount on certain bedroom furniture to cut the draws of customers with competitive price and only because of this you can buy some best furniture on your estimated budget.
    You should check some crucial aspects before buying any bedroom furniture on a discount time. After all you are the one who has to be satisfied with your purchase and who has to make sure that new buy fits in with the rest of your bedroom furniture.
    Low cost materials- You should go for a thorough inspection before you buy your bed for the quality and genuineness of the wood because there are many procedures to make cheap wood like costly wood. Since the pictures and images can be refined and perfected, this technique will allow you to properly check the finished furniture.

    Comparing prices: There are a couple of ways you can easily compare prices on beds, first you need to select the right furniture, whether it’s in store or online. Now you can do an extensive google researches and there are many online sites which will show you the comparison scenario so that you can easily judge that the furniture is suitable for you or not.
    Display beds: There are many furniture outlets that provide the huge discounts on bed frames that have been used as displays. But you cannot avail the same discount opportunity at online stores since displays are not used.
    Overall cheap bedroom furniture is not always tacky so you should not rule it out until you have seen what is really available.

    Are your Children low in confidence at school?

    Parents want to have the best interests at heart when it comes to there kids. If your children are feeling low in confidence at school then there is a few things that you could do to make them get that confidence back. In this article we are going to look 3 ways that you can make you children have that confidence back at school.

    1) Grades – Kids have the pressure now a days in performing great results for there parents and there teachers. Many teachers have a table of performance to show how the kids are doing in the class room, this can lead into a child going into low confidence as if they know that they are in the bottom of that table then the confidence will drop. If the grades are slipping then a good way to boost your child's confidence at school is to ask the teacher how they can improve and help them out. Another way is you can give your kids presents to say well done for all the improved hard work that they have done.

    2) Organising Homework – This can be very tough for a child as trying to organise homework can be a brain buster. To be honest the last thing your kid needs is to lumbered down with a lot of coursework, this will get the low in confidence at school and won't be interested in the subjects. A key way to help you children keep there confidence when doing home work is organisation. Set a structure out for you child and make it fun. If you make it fun for them you will able to see that there confidence will be boosted dramatically.

    3) Bullying – For a child this is can be a massive blow in confidence low when they are at school. It happens in every school and it could just be your child that is on the radar for being picked on. They may not talk about it, they may express it in various different ways like being angry towards you. To prevent this from happening if you see your child in a bad mood or just seems in an odd way, then you should just sit them down and ask what is the matter with them. Sometimes they may have a full on conversation with you, but if you are struggling to get it out of them, it maybe wise to talk to there teachers and ask to see if the problem can be resolved.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
    albag999, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  2. Vexez

    Vexez Well-Known Member

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    I think your pricing has a typo

    $0.175 per word for 5 articles
    $0.150 per word for 10 articles

    That's $45 for a 300 word article. :)
    Vexez, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  3. albag999

    albag999 Active Member

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    Thank you for that. It was not the wrong typo, just got the maths wrong. :D Hope you enjoy these NEW prices.
    albag999, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  4. Vexez

    Vexez Well-Known Member

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    Honestly $10 for a 500 word article is kinda expensive if you continue to do your maths.

    Else I'm interested if it's cheaper. :)
    Vexez, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  5. albag999

    albag999 Active Member

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    I charge this amount as my services provide a guarantee which entails quality, Unique content with a quick turn around.
    albag999, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  6. awundrin

    awundrin Well-Known Member

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    $10 for a 500 word article is NOT expensive by any stretch of the imagination and in fact, it's a real bargain if the work is done well like albag999 says it will be. People here on DP really need to get a clue regarding prices.
    awundrin, Sep 19, 2011 IP
  7. Vexez

    Vexez Well-Known Member

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    It's endless debate.
    Writers will say it's worth and it's cheap.
    Buyers will say it's not worth.

    It always happen. Sorry if I shouldn't post here but I just wanted to share.
    Writers charging at higher prices should try to understand the fact that people who buy articles from you are internet marketers.
    Most internet marketers that outsource the writing job is to reduce the time spent and will need many articles.

    For example if I'm to create a few new websites that require content. It may need 20-30 articles.
    To you writers, you look at every article you write and you earn per article.
    To us marketers, we look at the total amount spent for all these articles.
    Think about it, to spend $200-300 for 20-30 articles is kinda ridiculous.

    That's just one of the thoughts of different perspective.
    People are providing content services everywhere and it's not hard to find a cheaper solution.
    Yes, there are many who write junk or simply rewrite and send the articles to customers.
    I caught afew in DP and rejected their article, it's a shame that there are people doing such things.
    Some of the article even look like spun content.

    In comparison, does allow people to get good writers for a decent price and $10/500words is just simply overboard.
    I do get articles from DP because I have some special requirements like I need 150-200words content instead of 300/500words.

    Sorry to be so negative, just me point of view.
    Vexez, Sep 19, 2011 IP