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myspace sites

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by klown, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. #1
    So i've got a myspace resource site, and I figure i should get some people going there.

    I assume myspace bulletins might be a good way to market it. I was wondering about adsense problems with this though..

    Any other ways to get lots of people coming to a myspace resource site?

    The tools etc. do insert links back to my site so thats part of it.
    klown, Nov 27, 2006 IP
  2. kip

    kip Notable Member

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    your best traffic is going to be myspace. hit some myspace forums, and tell your girlfriend/wife/sister, and friends about it, and have them use your layouts, etc.

    Tell them to leave comments with your images, and more. If they don't like your layouts, add what they want.

    There's lots what you can do. Thats why so many have became so popular.
    kip, Nov 28, 2006 IP
    klown likes this.
  3. klown

    klown Peon

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    Thanks for the idea, thats something i'll be doing, in fact i already started :)
    klown, Nov 28, 2006 IP