My New Sites Ranking is Fluctuating Regularly, Why?

Discussion in 'SEO' started by Vishal Bohara, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. #1
    My 15 Days old domain have 150 Posts and when all posts had ranking on 1st Page of Google. But after some days my all posts moved to 2nd page.
    And there is another URL of my site for other Keyword. For Ex..

    Assume that I have a Keyword: Example 123,,, And URL for this Keyword is www abc com/Example-123

    When i search the Keyword in Google (Example 123) so there is another URL exist for this particular keyword.

    Example 123 >> and Ranked URL is www abc com/Exaple-456
    So what is this and I want to know some Black Hat SEO tips from you guys, Help me to solve the issue.
    Vishal Bohara, Dec 25, 2015 IP
  2. kb24

    kb24 Well-Known Member

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    It depends on how old your site is. If you just started building it out with content it will fluctualte. Overtime when your site gets older and google trusts it it will "settle" into a position. Also I wouldn't look into black hat techniques. It might work for a short while but sooner or later google is going to catch on and your website could be gone from the rankings..
    kb24, Dec 25, 2015 IP
    dcristo likes this.
  3. Vishal Bohara

    Vishal Bohara Active Member

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    I totally agree with you. But i am working on event niche blogging, so just i want to grow my site only for 3-5 months. So in this case what should i do for instant ranking?
    Vishal Bohara, Dec 25, 2015 IP
  4. kb24

    kb24 Well-Known Member

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    If you are going to rely on just content for your site to rank in the search engines its going to take a while (3-6 months at least) With a lot of content But to rank well in the search engine you need to do good keyword research. For this I would look into a good keyword tool like jaaxy. Forget about looking to get instant rankings like I said it may work for a while but google will catch on and your ranking can be gone. Let me ask you are you selling anything on your site?
    kb24, Dec 27, 2015 IP
  5. DanielMartens

    DanielMartens Member

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    Same question happened here on mine, posting several pages and didn't see any high position on ranking, for sure my content is fresh one
    DanielMartens, Jan 4, 2016 IP