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Contest Mobile App Layout Design (200$) – 72 hours

Discussion in 'Design Contests' started by BeachMaster, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. #1
    I need 5 screens. For this contest only 1 will be required to win. The other 4 will need to be completed thereafter. 50$ will be given for the first screen and 150$ for the other 4. I anticipate calling a winner within the 72 hours and having the other 4 screens done 48 hours thereafter. Please only join the contest if you are able to provide speedy updates.

    I need a mobile app layout designed (not developed). This app is a game where the user drives backward in a car while punching or kicking out zombies from his left and right window and sunroof. I was originally thinking to do this from the perspective of looking through the rear view mirror, but I think that looking at it from a bird’s eye view would be easier. Feel free to do either perspective as you see works best.

    Also, I want this to be a lighthearted game, not a dark goory game.

    I also want original art. Stock art will not be accepted.

    Feel free to try realism, cartoon or pixel graphics. I can see going with either.

    It is important that the designs are created as high-resolution layered PSDs for retina iPhone screens.

    All questions and submissions need to be submitted through the thread.

    If you need ideas, search for zombie iphone games, endless running games and car games. Then put it together as said in the description. I’m looking for professionalism and creativity.

    The contest will close in 72 hours or until a clear winner is chosen.
    BeachMaster, Mar 12, 2015 IP
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  2. Ms.Mundy

    Ms.Mundy Greenhorn

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    so the first screen you want to look like a screenshot of the game? As if someone was playing it.
    Ms.Mundy, Mar 12, 2015 IP
  3. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    Yes that is correct.
    BeachMaster, Mar 12, 2015 IP
  4. imhawk

    imhawk Well-Known Member

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    There will be some points and stuff, right? Can you tell what other info will be on screen?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    imhawk, Mar 13, 2015 IP
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  5. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    Thanks for your take. I was thinking to have a power bar at the top, so the quicker you punch out zombies the quicker it fills and gives you super strength. Also having a number that says how many zomies you punch and kick out of the way such as this.

    Also, you would need to see foreward in this game if you are to steer out of obstacles successfully.

    I think the headlights are on the back of the car so they are back wards.

    Other than that I would just add more creative features.
    BeachMaster, Mar 13, 2015 IP
  6. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 11.09.12 AM.png
    BeachMaster, Mar 13, 2015 IP
  7. srodriguezdesign

    srodriguezdesign Member

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    Here are my 2 first screenshots, I was thinking in a couple of power ups (maybe bats, a chainsaw, spikes in the bumper and other add-ons to the car), also, a little mobility (just 2 steps like in the highway track), let me know what do you think![​IMG]

    srodriguezdesign, Mar 13, 2015 IP
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  8. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    @srodriguezdesign I like the two different ground settings. I like your creativity in showing the zombies brain. The zombies look very 2D. I'm not sure how to make them look more 3D but perhaps thats in the shading around the edges. I like the chainsaws but this needs to be a light hearted game so I think punching and kicking would be great (so fists and feet coming out of the window). This game will steer with tilting so you don't need the steering wheel and gas/brakes there. Thanks for your artwork here. This kind of work is what I'm looking for. I will post another general messages after this for everyone that will help know what I'm looking for.
    BeachMaster, Mar 13, 2015 IP
  9. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    So for the graphics, I need light hearted. This app is for young adults but I want a general lighthearted feeling when people play this game.

    This is what kind of graphics I was thinking about:
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.13.21 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.14.57 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.15.36 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.16.32 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.18.05 PM.png
    BeachMaster, Mar 13, 2015 IP
  10. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    For the view there is two takes you can choose from but both of them requires the user to see whats ahead of them.

    1st view can be from in the car looking through the rear view mirror like these.
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.21.50 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.21.45 PM.png
    but the dilemma with this is you would need to see zombies coming in from the side windows. It seems like a lot to fit in such a small space. If you can think of a way to make this work then that would be great.

    2ed view can be from above but you still need to see foreward even though you are driving backward. Here are some general examples.
    Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.25.29 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.25.37 PM.png

    I hope that helps.
    BeachMaster, Mar 13, 2015 IP
  11. sparkle92

    sparkle92 Well-Known Member

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    Hey, I would suggest that you seek the services of one designer, rather than using a contest, it takes some time, experience and artistic skill, it's not just graphics slapped together kind of thing :) , the idea seems nice tho, good luck! :)

    P.S. Some of the screenshots you posted are 3D modeled graphics, which takes quite some time to get right, and will definitely cost a lot more probably, make sure you settle on a type of graphics, just trying to be helpful :)
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
    sparkle92, Mar 14, 2015 IP
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  12. Ivo Ivanov

    Ivo Ivanov Greenhorn

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    car-project-fnished.jpg Hi i had so much fun making this image i wish i had more time to work on it there is room for so much ideas i really wanted to make it look like 90s video games.I hope you like it.
    Ivo Ivanov, Mar 14, 2015 IP
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  13. srodriguezdesign

    srodriguezdesign Member

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    Corrections added, I have to render the zombies for the mirrors, let me know what do you think

    srodriguezdesign, Mar 14, 2015 IP
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  14. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    @srodriguezdesign thanks for your render. Thanks for initiating the rearview mirror view. I'm thinking of taking a total viewpoint of looking through the rear view and side mirrors. What I mean by this is the total view of the phone will be seen through the rearview and side mirrors and not looking from above. Here are two examples of what I was thinking.
    Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 11.43.03 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 11.42.21 PM.png
    The side mirrors would need to be positioned so that you are able to see the side windows Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 11.24.33 PM.png , so that you would be able to see the zombies trying to get in the window and being kicked out.

    This would also required a front view of the zombies.

    Similar graphic type art from the game Plants vs Zombies Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 11.51.26 PM.png would work fine with this project but of coarse uniqueness is required.

    You would need to see the road in the rear view mirrow as similar to what it would look like in a rear car. Not graphics but positions. Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 11.55.04 PM.png

    There is no need to have any punch or kick buttons. The game will play simply by tilting the phone to steer and swiping the phone to punch or kick.

    Thanks again for your recent render. It seems like we're getting closer.
    BeachMaster, Mar 15, 2015 IP
  15. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    Thanks for your advice. I was also thinking of just working with one person as something like this does take some time to complete. For this reason the winner of the contest has the opportunity to win more money than ususal designs, and only the first screen is required to win. Once I see what I'm looking for (for the most part) in one screen by a designer than I will work with that one person to complete the project.
    BeachMaster, Mar 15, 2015 IP
  16. BeachMaster

    BeachMaster Active Member

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    @Ivo Ivanov I'm glad you enjoyed working on this project. I think that's what makes the best designers and workers in general. If you love what you do you'll become the best at it. I like your zombie features and how you understood that this is a reverse game. My recent reply to srodriguezdesign explained my most recent advice on what I'm looking for. Let me know if you have any questions.
    BeachMaster, Mar 15, 2015 IP
  17. outwork69

    outwork69 Well-Known Member

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    I will post my design soon!
    outwork69, Mar 16, 2015 IP
  18. srodriguezdesign

    srodriguezdesign Member

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    New one!

    srodriguezdesign, Mar 16, 2015 IP
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  19. outwork69

    outwork69 Well-Known Member

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    Here is my try. Feedback appreciated. Iphone 6 plus ready design. I can create the daylight version too if it is needed!

    outwork69, Mar 16, 2015 IP
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  20. Tarcea Sergiu

    Tarcea Sergiu Active Member

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    Here are my sketches

    Zombie characters design

    And some sketches for enviroment
    Tarcea Sergiu, Mar 16, 2015 IP
    JohnScott, BeachMaster and imhawk like this.