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Marketing, SEO, & Design Firms - Offer Your Clients Professional Press Releases!

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by jhmattern, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. #1
    Do you run an Internet marketing firm? SEO firm? Web design company?

    Do you have multiple clients either launching and promoting new sites or products, or clients looking to build authority backlinks?

    Are you offering them professional press release writing as a service option? No?? Now is the time to start!

    Why you should consider offering press releases:

    If you aren't offering press releases to your clients, you're missing a chance to upsell and offer them real added value. Here are a few reasons you should consider offering press release writing:

    • They're a great way to announce a new website or project to bring in some initial traffic, links, and exposure (why they're great for Web designers working on sites pre-launch).
    • They offer real SEO value - many distribution sites are SEO-friendly, and they can rank well in search engines.
    • Depending on your distribution outlet choices, you may be able to offer them targeted keyword-rich links as well.
    • Marketing companies need to help their clients build regular exposure and traffic. Press releases tie your clients to something timely (when done right), and pit them against competitors as a go-to authority source to build trust and repeated visitors with increased visibility over time.

    By offering professional press release writing, you're able to offer a more comprehensive spectrum of services to your clients. Many clients understand that the real value in press releases isn't just ordering one, but managing a regular campaign (such as monthly or bi-weekly releases).

    This can mean regular orders for your firm. You decide how much to markup the service, and how much profit you'll earn. With this special offer, it will only cost you $124 if I write your clients' releases and deal with the distribution service (plus the cost of the distribution service itself obviously). Industry standards can fall within the $250 - $800 range or so (meaning there's a hefty profit potential for your firm without investing regular employee time to do the bulk of the work!).

    The key to making those orders last is to work with a writer who can actually make those news releases newsworthy! (Otherwise they're nothing more than simple SEO articles, which you may already be offering.)

    But what if you don't know how to write press releases, your full-time staff doesn't have time to take them on, or your existing press release writer only understands the SEO side and is missing the ball on building authority status for your clients? You should hire an experienced PR professional!

    Why hire me?

    • I'm a real PR professional and not simply a "press release writer." (I hold my degree directly in public relations, and previously ran an online PR firm - I was actually one of the earlier specialists in online PR. I've also served as a writer and editor for large online outlets, meaning I've been on both sides of the fence, and know what bloggers to online journalists are looking for in a news release.)
    • I've written a large number of releases for webmasters, online entrepreneurs, small business owners, independent and creative professionals, and even larger corporate clients. (check my iTrader for reviews from plenty of folks right here on DP, or visit my business site for more feedback).
    • I'm qualified to help your clients choose or improve their news angles if they don't already have something in mind.
    • When you hire a real PR pro, you won't just get a generic article thrown into a press release template. You'll get a news release that can lead to more than those quickly-buried backlinks from PR sites and scraper sites - they can also lead to real pickups. "Content writers" who dabble in offering cheap press releases generally can't offer the same.
    • I work with various other "middle men clients," and can be as involved or discrete as you prefer - for example, in some cases I have no direct contact with the end client, and get the information I need through the firm; in other cases I work with the end client directly. Years of experience in this type of sub-contracted work also means you don't have to worry about your writer trying to "poach" your clients to work with them privately - firms make up a significant portion of my client base, and I prefer it that way.


    If you want to get a feel for past press releases I've written, you can find several examples at www.ProBusinessWriter.com via the "portfolio" link.


    My regular rate for individual press release writing is $179 per release. I offer bulk rates that range from $125 - 143 per release (depending on the number ordered). The $125 price tag is generally reserved for orders of 10 or more releases.

    Through the rest of March and all of April, I'm offer a firms only introductory rate for firms that subcontract at least five press releases to me monthly! What's your special firm rate? Just $99! (and if you come in during this introductory special, that rate won't go up at all for at least a year!)

    Remember, this offer isn't available to individual clients for their own releases, and it's not available on orders of less than 5 press releases.

    ** You must be a marketing, SEO, design, or similar service-oriented firm contracting the releases for your own clients. **


    I no longer offer distribution for individual clients at all. For firms, I will occasionally make an exception, although I do not do mass-submissions of any kind, and I no longer take on manual distribution campaigns.

    Here's how it generally works: The firm (you) choose a distribution service that you offer in your press release package to your clients (PRWeb, Webwire, EmailWire, BusinessWire, etc.). You setup your account there, and add access for me.

    I take care of uploading the release, formatting links and such according to the service's preferences, and dealing with any SEO options (adding keyword tags, choosing industry targets, etc.). This runs at $25 per release if you opt to outsource it to me rather than taking on the distribution yourself.

    Payments / Policies

    Payments can be made via Paypal accounts, or via credit card through Paypal invoices. In some situations I'll accept wire transfers (with an added fee). Please note that payments for press release writing are always due at the time the order is placed. Once the information I request and payment are both received, you can expect about a 24 - 48 business hour turnaround on releases (this can vary a little bit if the order is large - if an order for ten releases comes in and all end clients immediately get the information back to me, it might take an extra day or so to work all of them in).

    Please remember that this special, limited time rate is only available on orders of 5 or more press releases at once (meaning you'll be invoiced for those 5 together). Orders for fewer releases will be billed at the regular single or bulk rates depending on the number ordered ($179 each for 1 - 2 releases, $143 each for 3 - 4 releases, and $134 each for 5 - 9 releases).

    How we deal with payments to distribution sites varies with your distribution service choice. For example, if you opt to offer PRWeb distribution, you'll pre-fund your PRWeb account for the service level fees. If you use a service like WebWire, you'll send that upgrade fee to me when you pay my invoice for my services. I then pay it directly when distributing the press release. Given the nature of the work and distribution, there are obviously no refunds.

    Need another reason?

    Here's another financial benefit for firms that subcontract out their press release writing to me: you can earn a profit on my other writing services as well! While I'm in a regular working relationship with your firm (and for up to 6 months after our relationship ends, if it ends), I won't take on other writing projects privately for any of your clients that you've had me complete work for. In other words, if you have me write press releases for Client A, and they approach me about writing a white paper as well, I'll run it by you first. If it's a service you already offer, I'll direct them to you. If not, you have the option of approving the work, telling me you'd rather I didn't take on the project at all, or even contracting the project yourself through your firm (at a markup so you earn a profit). You would then just subcontract the project to me as you did with your press releases. I don't even discuss my rates with them until it's run by you (so they don't know what rate you're paying me, versus the rate you're ultimately charging). By essentially bringing the client to my doorstep, you deserve that opportunity, right?

    If you're still unsure, or want some time to mull it over before bringing in a professional press release writer for your clients, give my e-book on online press release writing a read.

    Feel free to PM me or email me (info at probusinesswriter dot com) if you have further questions about whether or not press releases might be beneficial to your clients.
    jhmattern, Mar 16, 2009 IP
    shaklebolt likes this.
  2. vgal

    vgal Active Member

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    It's nice to see this here. Maybe more people will realize that the real writing market where professionals are found is not a $2, $5, or $10 playground. I hope some firms take you up on this generous offer.
    vgal, Mar 16, 2009 IP
  3. jhmattern

    jhmattern Illustrious Member

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    Several already do. :) I just realized I haven't actually reached out to them specifically yet, so I'd put the offer out there.
    jhmattern, Mar 16, 2009 IP
  4. omshanti

    omshanti Well-Known Member

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    I had certainly say, she is Professional enough and her offer is Recommended because she has a lot of experience backing her in this area. She has credible experience and I will certainly recommend Jen for her offer here without even she asking for it, certainly. Thumbs up to you Jen!

    Check her credibility on the web and you will find out your self! I learnt quite a few things from her and that's why I had recommend her for quality reasons. She is unique, one of a kind, professional!
    omshanti, Mar 16, 2009 IP
    jhmattern likes this.