my friend, 26 years old. drinks everyday, admits he is an alcoholic and is ok with making this film. I already started collecting footage. He is the life of the party and a very funny guy but there is a dark side to his life. lol. I am just starting to compile ideas for different shots, situations, questions and would love some outside ideas and input as i am taking on this project mostly solo. I am trying to think Out Side the box and present a different sort of film though Im not sure how it will differ. Ask me any questions and I would love all suggestions and ideas.
Does he hate his job or something? Does he hate his liver? Is he trying to escape his woes through alcohol? I remember a show called "Oz" on HBO. In the show there was a guy sentence to prison because he was drinking and driving through a suburb and ended up running over a little kid. That's a possible future situation right there. He should know the consequences of being an alcoholic and how alcohol will not only destroy his life and others as well.
yes my friend is an ego maniac that cares of no one but himself. Despite multiple 24 hour suspensions for drinking and driving he still drives after drinking and thinks its a joke. His mother is in law enforcement but has only helped him get off lighter for his being pulled over drunk. Anyways. I kind of think drinking is a problem for many but not seen as a problem, This is the same for many addictive things including food
Hey, how's it going so far? Is there someone you can go to above the head of the mother in-law? Maybe file a complaint about him because he sounds like an accident waiting to happen. He might get someone killed and then what? He thinks it's a joke now, but it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Do you live in the US?