Buying Looking for some one who can recover my websites in google

Discussion in 'Services' started by great_friend, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. #1
    As title says some of my websites are penalized by google, this is not a panda or penguin it is manual penalty by google. I had received the message from google:

    Unnatural inbound links:
    Google has detected a pattern of artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site. Buying links or participating in link schemes in order to manipulate PageRank are violations of Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

    As a result, Google has applied a manual spam action to There may be other actions on your site or parts of your site.

    so I am looking for some one who can recover my sites. Candidate should have good reputation on dp and also give guarantee because we will not pay full amount until penalty will not revoked.

    Please PM your rates and time for this task.

    Note: I will prefer those who give us cheap price and less timeframe.

    great_friend, Jan 29, 2014 IP
  2. hopeless4

    hopeless4 Active Member

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    And you'll get ripped off. No SEO'r worth their salt will touch your offer. You won't pay if penalty not revoked?

    You're in the XXXX-house right now and you'll be lucky to get out.

    I know you're not looking for a reality check here, but you can't buy your way out of a manual penalty -- certainly not with any legitimate guarantee.

    Any self-respecting SEO service would ask for upfront payment, with no guarantee. And it's going to be the guys who could potentially help you that'll see you asking for cheap, fast and guaranteed that'll click out of here and move on to the next fish.

    With your offer, you'll get some desperate wannabe who doesn't have a clue how to help you.

    Still, best of luck to you. And I'm not an SEO service guy, merely someone who's been in the same spot -- and knows several other people who've been in your position.:D

    My advice: Clean up your links on your own and do better from here on.
    hopeless4, Jan 29, 2014 IP
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  3. BCyber

    BCyber Well-Known Member

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    What he said. Spend your time trying to get all the spam links removed. I'd also start a new site in the mean time because you're probably screwed anyways.
    BCyber, Jan 29, 2014 IP
    hopeless4 likes this.
  4. BluRank

    BluRank Member

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    You know how Captains of large ships need to be sure that the ship is sinking for them to make a Mayday call? Yeah, you're past that point. If I were you, I would start over on a new site. If you'd like assistance in this process, please add raz.vamped on Skype and BluRank would love to assist you.
    BluRank, Jan 29, 2014 IP
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  5. tommy6336

    tommy6336 Well-Known Member

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    Wouldn't even touch this with a 10' pole lol.
    tommy6336, Jan 29, 2014 IP
  6. great_friend

    great_friend Active Member

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    I have not said that I will not give any upfront payment. Please check again my post it says will not pay full amount if not succeed.

    great_friend, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  7. rohit09

    rohit09 Well-Known Member

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    no one can help you.

    "Google has detected a pattern of artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site. Buying links or participating in link schemes in order to manipulate PageRank are violations of Google's Webmaster Guidelines."

    do you understand what that even means.. If I pay a google staff even my site will be watched out for 1/2 months and going to same again. If someone read everything and delete your links even you can't make out.

    I get this long time ago, The best thing I did - I put my attention to my other website and completely clean page added in my affected website's front page and waits for 365days. Then I'll start the website again.

    There is no any other permanent wayout.
    rohit09, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  8. great_friend

    great_friend Active Member

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    You mean penalty will not revoked even we removed all bad links ?

    great_friend, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  9. ranvijay

    ranvijay Active Member

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    @rohit09, This is not true. Getting revoked may take little longer than expected but it doesn't mean that it will never be revoked. I must say people fail even after submitting their 6th or 7th reconsideration request, but if you notice , during the course most of the bad links are deleted or modified either by us or the webmasters we approach.

    There was a case when one of our client's penality was revoked after 16 months of link removal process, reconsideration requests.

    For me @rohit09, there is a wayout.

    ranvijay, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  10. great_friend

    great_friend Active Member

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    16 months :confused: I think this is better than forget this website if it will take 16 months for recover.
    great_friend, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  11. ranvijay

    ranvijay Active Member

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    My response was only related to the fact that "Yes" there is wayout for Google Manual Action.
    ranvijay, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  12. rohit09

    rohit09 Well-Known Member

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    1. It's 12 Months.
    2. ranvijay@ Ask Google or Anybody educated SEO on Google. > Is Google's accusations are absolutes? they all said YES! if the link deletion the solution google may just ask for delete the links but they didn't, they said "manipulate PageRank are violations of Google's Webmaster Guidelines.".
    For example get and new email id and open a adsense account, get approved then use that account on a porn site. Your account will be freez forever even if you get a new email and apply for a adsence account they will not approve it or freez it later.. no matter what you do - your actions and your ips are going to be recorded forever.-TRY IT!
    -Still there - I made some ph. calls talk with few peoples and they assure 365 days with a blank page the only option. Google's can record your one click vibration for 3 days. And spam recorded for 245 days straight (your IP, your current last search, your website name everything, if you use chrome - they how many other website you search today or until 245 days) But after that they stop collecting your data and make a new window to collecting your data again. and then store the old data to other place and connect the old and new window. if your website got scam like that (manipulation) they scan you an your website for 245 days! but if you never open the website from your chrome or not search from your PC. Every time google's spider failed to find those links again so after 245 days your website useless to google. And after 100 days google's spider's stop crawling to your website - then safe days. Then you can start it again - that's the case here.
    And never pay for Page 1 on Google Search in 7days or less - because it's a crime to go with.
    rohit09, Jan 30, 2014 IP