Looking for Beta Testers for Webinar Software with live chat

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by ArchieI91B, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. #1
    Hi I am looking for a couple of people who are holding webinars to use my software to do this.

    It include live chat and live invites as well as live youtube feed.

    You can use it with unlimited users. Obviously I'd like the test to used with as many users as possible.
    ArchieI91B, Sep 7, 2014 IP
  2. www_HypeFree_com

    www_HypeFree_com Active Member

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    I run tons of webinars with gotowebinar I'll be happy to test it I have a Mac. If it runs on Mac feel free to PM me with details.
    www_HypeFree_com, Sep 17, 2014 IP