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Logo Designing Experts Are Far Better Than Any Template Expert

Discussion in 'Graphics & Multimedia' started by Charlie Wilson, Jun 4, 2024.

  1. #1
    Recently, I hired a logo design expert who created an exceptional design for my brand.

    I faced trust issues a year ago when a designer offered a $30 logo, only to deliver a copied design from Canva.

    This raises concerns about professionalism and legality.
    What are your experiences with such situations?
    Charlie Wilson, Jun 4, 2024 IP
  2. Charlie Wilson

    Charlie Wilson Peon

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    One thing I forgot to add: are logo design experts only focused on minimalist logos?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    Charlie Wilson, Jun 5, 2024 IP
  3. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    I've been in a situation before where I've hired designers who promised to create something unique for me, only to end up with something that felt like a knock-off. It can be really frustrating and disappointing, especially when you're paying for a service that's supposed to represent your brand.
    To prevent this from happening again, I now always take the time to research any designer I'm considering thoroughly. I check out their past work, ask for references from other clients, and make sure to have a detailed contract in place that covers the project's terms and guarantees original work and copyrights.
    It's essential to be diligent when hiring a designer and to be clear about your expectations right from the start. This helps to prevent any misunderstandings or issues later on in the process.
    GreenHost.Cloud, Jun 8, 2024 IP
  4. UVAconcept

    UVAconcept Peon

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    This is a big problem, especially "designers" from Upwork like to do this. If you need a unique logo, it will not cost 30 dollars. If you need a professional and unique logo, write to me. I do not know if it is possible to write your own website here.
    UVAconcept, Jun 30, 2024 IP
  5. Petergoff

    Petergoff Active Member

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    I also had a situation where I had to be cheated by a copy from Canva... Since then, I make logos and signatures either by myself using online signature generator, or I turn to professional services. It is much more reliable than trusting freelancers with Fiverr who can cheat with 90% accuracy. Trust only big and professional services with Trustpilot, which have positive reviews. Good luck, hope it helps.
    Petergoff, Jun 30, 2024 IP
  6. Pervenchees

    Pervenchees Peon

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    How can I earn trust and credibility with clients and aspire to progress as biggener in graphics disign
    Pervenchees, Jul 22, 2024 at 4:00 AM IP