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Linking advice

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by Jim bob 9 pants, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. #1
    Hi all,

    I would like a bit of advice on how to progress, my site is www.visitdevonandcornwall.com curently I am pointing the vast majority of my links to my index page, using a range of relevant anchor text.

    The following are important pages and allow for specfic on and may be off page optimization.

    Self Catering Cottages
    Disabled Friendly
    Bed & Breakfast

    Should I be dividing my co-op weight (4,200) and backlinks amongst these pages, using specific anchor text or should I concentrate on my index page? I am worried that I will just dilute my back links accross my site and not have enough to show in the serps for anything!!!

    Your thoughts would be appreciated as I seem to be treading water, I have pointed some weight to disabled friendly and am seeing results in the serps!!

    Look forward to hearing from you all :)
    Jim bob 9 pants, Mar 18, 2005 IP
  2. andy

    andy Peon

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    I would recommend focusing on your index page unless your other pages have decent PR. I had one site with a pr4 index page and PR1 or PR0 for the rest. I found that pointing co-op weight to other pages did very little, but pointing weight to the index page, even though it didn't have as much on page relevance for the key word worked much better. That is just my experience. Take it for what it is worth.
    andy, Mar 18, 2005 IP
  3. gian22

    gian22 Well-Known Member

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    You should change your title pages... why don't u use Cornwall hotels, or Cornwall accomodation... the title tag is one of the most inportant things the search engine looks! Also, your key words are very abroad.. why don't u change it to something more narrow like Cornwall accomodation or hotel?
    gian22, Mar 18, 2005 IP
  4. Jim bob 9 pants

    Jim bob 9 pants Peon

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    Thanks for your comments, my index is PR3 and second level pages pr2 the ones listed above are new, and havent recived a pr yet!!

    I am so confused i need each term to have cornwall and devon in it, atleast i think i do to get targeted traffic. so I think i need for example.


    title - hotel cornwall - hotel devon

    then h1 - hotel cornwall - hotel devon

    Anchor text pointing to this page - hotel cornwall - hotel devon

    etc, etc. is this workable.

    GIAN i have been no. 1 to 4 in msn and yahoo serps for accommodation cornwall and accommodation devon, but it sent me 2 visitors a day although the K/W tools all quote a lot more than this, I realise that google will send me more traffic than those two but surley if it were a good kw i would get more than 2 visitors from the others?

    ANDY how long did you point your weight to your internal pages?

    Thanks guys

    - still confused -
    Jim bob 9 pants, Mar 19, 2005 IP
  5. tomecki

    tomecki Peon

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    Try to optimize site by dividing keywords. I think the best way to get higher rankings is to optimize webpages for different keywords.

    One site for "Self Catering Cottages" next webpage for "Disabled Friendly" and next for "Bed Breakfast" (& is a stop word - don't use it) and so on.
    tomecki, Mar 19, 2005 IP
    Jim bob 9 pants likes this.
  6. LaCabra

    LaCabra Goats R Us

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    Jim Bob,

    Your page http://www.visitdevonandcornwall.com is visually appealing, has a nice design, clean and functional. :)

    You are using the coop so nothing to recommend there. :D

    You may want to consider a few adjustments.

    I would for example swap the "Quick Find" area with your "Useful Resources". This will make your relevant information better accessible.

    Consider using plurals in some of your keywords and anchor links such as "Holiday Accomadations Devon" , "Cornwall Hotels" and "Cornwall Holidays". This will allow for another set of search terms for your site.

    Consider adjusting your Page titles and meta tags a little more. Place your most important keywords closer to the begining of the title. For example "Kerrier, Cornwall Holiday Cottages" this will give you optimization for both township and region.

    Where ever you have images, use ALT tags and place your keywords as applicable. You are doing this for some but not all your images.

    Consider modifying certain pages to include a little more text and text links within that content. For example when they click into a region or township you may want to have a paragraph or two prior to your map and listing.

    For example, you write the following which is a good start:

    We believe the county of Cornwall boasts the longest coastline, some of the most picturesque countryside and some of the prettiest Villages of any English County. Whether you are looking for a coastal B&B in Cornwall, a rural holiday home in Cornwall or a family holiday home Cornwall, we will be able to help find your ideal accommodation Cornwall.

    One last thing, you have a good number of pages on your site, so concentrate on your main keywords with your weight BUT use some weight for your internal pages to optimize more for more specific keywords.

    Hope this helps! :rolleyes:
    LaCabra, Mar 19, 2005 IP
    Jim bob 9 pants likes this.
  7. Jim bob 9 pants

    Jim bob 9 pants Peon

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    Tomecki and sayles

    Thank you both for your comments, frank i feel you are saying I am going down the right avenue,but need to tweak and hone what I have, if this is what you are saying then thank God! I am really getting frustrated with this SEO thang!!

    Anymore advice would be cool, this evening I will attempt to start tweaking thanks for your thoughts ont the positioning of my quick search and useful menus, sticks out like a sore thumb that they are the wrong way around now its pointed out to me.

    With rergard to co-op weight what do the figures 1-15 represent in the drop down box?

    Jim bob 9 pants
    Jim bob 9 pants, Mar 19, 2005 IP
  8. LaCabra

    LaCabra Goats R Us

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    Yes Jim Bob, you are on the right track. (Needs some tweaking.) Don't get frustrated, take your time and things will work out for you. Patience is the game. Don't get overwhelmed, take one step at a time. Look at the big picture and don't forget to go after those hidden little gems (keywords) that your competitors are not optimizing for.

    The figures 1 -15 represent weight distribution so you can allocate more/less weight to keywords. For example 15 on Frank and say 3 on Jim allocates more of the weight to Frank (in percentages).

    Keep up the good work!
    LaCabra, Mar 19, 2005 IP
  9. Jim bob 9 pants

    Jim bob 9 pants Peon

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    I have updated those pages and the navigation

    http://www.visitdevonandcornwall.com/self_catering.php for an example

    Hope it is an improvment - also pointed 1 worth of weight at each of them, my competetors have only about 50 backlinks, nearly all from there internal linking!
    Jim bob 9 pants, Mar 20, 2005 IP
  10. tomecki

    tomecki Peon

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    Now it looks ok. But if you would like to have a good seo advice I would use WebCeo - (free edition). This program will give you an advice what you should do and not to do with your website.

    I am not WebCEO affiliate but I have tested it and I think that program is ok.
    tomecki, Mar 21, 2005 IP
  11. LaCabra

    LaCabra Goats R Us

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    Looking better Jim Bob - just add a few plurals as my previous post indicated. Then keep an eye on your logs to see if the changes are producing results. Keep it up!
    LaCabra, Mar 28, 2005 IP