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Likely an Old Topic, but times change. I want to leave GoDaddy, where to?

Discussion in 'Domain Names' started by ceebee, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. #1
    They used to be, IMHO, the best bang for the buck. Warts and all, i didn't mind the occasional outage for the $10 domain names and the cheap hosting.

    Now their domain names are pushing $18 and they are getting 2nd tiered by many DNS services - meaning their hosting now really sucks.

    So... their prices are sky-rocketing while their service is slumping. I need another place to spend years on with all my domain names.....

    Anyone have a strong opinion?

    Q. where is the best place for buying/renewing domain names?
    Q. where is the best place for hosting?

    Please cite example costs, including 2nd year or renewals

    I have looked at namecheap, but they make it damn hard to figure out exactly what those 2 numbers (buying, renewing) are.

    P.S. If you are a budding registrar, these are NOT the drones you're looking for. :)
    ceebee, Jul 27, 2014 IP
  2. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    I have to say for domain names Namecheap is great. Go Daddy is expensive for privacy protection. With discount code WGSPECIAL (it worked for years and was working as of a few months ago), you can get Whoisguard privacy protection for $0.99 per domain per year at Namecheap. If you search, you may find coupon codes for Namecheap transfers. There are almost never codes for renewals at Namecheap, which means that for renewals you will usually pay the full rate which is $10.69 plus $0.18 ICANN fee (with discounts for multiple year registrations). So for a renewal, you would pay $10.69 + $0.18 and if you want privacy protection add another $0.99 for Whoisguard. So that is $11.86 per domain per year for renewals. When you register a new domain or transfer in, you get one year of Whoisguard free. First year cost for a transfer is $9.69 (plus you get a free year of Whoisguard). Here are the prices:


    GoDaddy is notorious for overloaded servers. I cannot say their hosting was ever good. It just appeals to the cost conscious segment of the hosting market and newbies.
    billzo, Jul 27, 2014 IP
  3. Variable

    Variable Well-Known Member

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    Q. where is the best place for buying/renewing domain names?

    Namecheap. It's services are awesome. I mean their "Private Registration" cost $10 itself whereas Namecheap's WHOIS protection service comes along the domain for free! Plus, if you can manage GoDaddy's bs complex panel, you can easily use Namecheap's very friendly domain panel..

    Q. where is the best place for hosting?

    Again, Namecheap. I am not nearly overrating it.. It's absolutely true. Namecheap's web hosting services are great as well. I bought a 2-year hosting plan at the Black Friday deal and am very very glad.
    Variable, Jul 29, 2014 IP
    fadhi123 likes this.
  4. cborrx

    cborrx Member

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    Who is your hosting company? They can probably sell you domains also. I use Hostgator for both
    cborrx, Aug 12, 2014 IP
  5. pupul

    pupul Prominent Member

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    pupul, Aug 12, 2014 IP
  6. S Ahmad

    S Ahmad Greenhorn

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    Yes, i agree with "pulpul". Namesilo is the best. I have 9 domains with them. I previously had domains with godaddy and namecheap but transferred them to namesilo. If you want to choose between godaddy and namecheap, then go with namecheap. But if you want the cheapest pricing, free whois and straight forward pricing, try namesilo. Transfer Comparison is available here https://www.namesilo.com/transfer_compare.php . You may use coupon code "ONEDOLLARLESS" to get $1 off. Hope it helps. :)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
    S Ahmad, Aug 19, 2014 IP
  7. toniya

    toniya Well-Known Member

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    ResellerClub is the best over all as far as service, security and reliability is concerned.
    Good luck
    toniya, Aug 20, 2014 IP
  8. maddenitrous

    maddenitrous Well-Known Member

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    For domain names I recommend namecheap, name.com, domainsite, joker, and there many other. I have been with them since years. For discounts name.com and namecheap are always the first options.

    For hosting I am hosting with hostnurse.com, been with them since 2 years and I am happy with the service.
    maddenitrous, Aug 21, 2014 IP
  9. fadhi123

    fadhi123 Well-Known Member

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    nice answer man
    fadhi123, Aug 27, 2014 IP
  10. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    Each registrar has its own pros and cons.

    Ok, I am a fan for namecheap they are the best for general domains. I have domains with other registrars, but the bulk of all my domains are with namecheap.
    However, they fuck up the com.au domains. Not once, its all the time. I have had to move several .com.au domains off to another registrar as it got ridiculous. Their are a couple of other tlds that namecheap fucks up (dont remember which ones so you will have to find out the hard way)

    Something important to know to all those that buy domains via namecheap.
    Few months back went to purchase domains, (via namecheap), keep being told "not available" Sent in support tickets to namecheap and the like, answer took days to answer why its available everywhere else, but not available on namecheap (as I wanted to buy it from namecheap) by the time support answered, the domain was taken. They still never fully explained the issue, and I am sure that many others are being told their domain is "not available" but if they went to godaddy, they would be able to grab the domain with no hassles at all.
    When you are dealing with support, and you explain clearly, that the domain is available on other registrars, and it takes them days to reply to you, and by then its taken for real, the support at namecheap do not recognise that their system is at fault, they are absolutely retarded to simply write back that the domain is not available because its not available. their answer (or lack of admitting they were at fault) has since cost me several domains.

    After months I finally found out why and what is wrong with their system-> very stupid that clients have to be burnt enough to know something that the company should be publicly warning clients about. Namecheap cannot purchase premium domains. For example, if the domain is $50 (set by the tld owner, but normal tld price is $25) namecheap shows the domain as "not available".
    Wanna know how I found this out? I found this out recently when a new tld was released. I pre-reged via namecheap 4 domains that were critically important to me. There was no warning in the system to say they couldnt get them. No warning to say they would fuck it up. I had enough cash in my account to get 10 of these so trust me their was no issue on my end.
    And when it comes time to get them, as these are "premium domains" (defined as having a higher price by the owner of the tld then the standard price of the domains), the system did not register my domains and I woke up to 4 emails of failed to get the domain. The error in the email clearly stated that it could not be registered due to being a premium domain not at the standard domain price.

    Just think about how many people making use of the namecheap pre-reg system, only finding out after the domain is in GA, that namecheap system is faulty and cannot register the majority of domains. But you know what else I love about namecheap pre-reg system, not only does it not work, but you have to have enough credit in your account for all of them... but adding credit is non-refundable... excellent.

    best place (that I know of) for new domains, premium domains, and pre-reg domains, is actually godaddy and instra.
    Instra support is 2-5 days for replies to emails (sounds bad but recently is faster then namecheap). Domains that you pay for, (but failed to get due to others beating you to it), get refunded to paypal (or your account balance after about 10 days. But still, if you pre-reg with them they have a really good chance of securing it. Godaddy same thing, i really hate them but I have used them for a pre-reg and guess what, I got it.

    Once the domains are old enough, they will all be moved to namecheap.

    Note to others:
    If you pre-reg alot of domains, please share your preferred registrar so I can try them out.
    matt_62, Aug 30, 2014 IP
  11. robertgreen

    robertgreen Member

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    Both Godaddy and Namecheap are great! There is no absolute answer. Focus on internet marketing and get more.
    robertgreen, Sep 19, 2014 IP
  12. clubkitty

    clubkitty Active Member

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    I have transferred 200 domains to name in last 30 days
    including 24 today
    I will continue until my g dad count is <20 down from 400
    this will be me regging the 99 cent promos or when i missed the transfer date and got f*()(ked
    Name silo is another destination but a bit more.
    I am planning on them as a destination too
    clubkitty, Oct 26, 2014 IP
  13. toniya

    toniya Well-Known Member

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    I will suggest you to move to ResellerClub if you want peace of mind, safety of your domain and complete control and all rights on your domain.
    I wish you all the best,
    Warm regards,
    toniya, Oct 26, 2014 IP