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Kontera Email Appeal or Threat?

Discussion in 'Pay Per Click Advertising' started by alexdale, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. #1
    Been putting on Kontera irregularly, since they fluctuate on international advertisers for international traffic. So of course i decided to use infolinks and got much much better results from them...

    But, i received a very unexpected email from Kontera. No big deal, but kinda being too technical using their "terms". I mean, who reads 'em anyways? I generally do not.

    It's more of a threat than an email of appeal from how they said it.

    Here's an email i just received from them: (verbatim)

    They can do much better than threatening to hold my account revenues. At first, it was yeah, appealing. Asking why i chose another ad text provider. But when i read that freakin line telling me not to remove unless i give them at least 30 days notice before removing their tag. This kinda like a holding and binding contract of exclusivity? :D

    I really don't give a dang if they hold my account. This email actually made me stay away from them much more :rolleyes:

    If you were in my place, I'm sure you would do the same. I'm earning $15-22/day from them and $60+/day from Infolinks. The decision isn't too hard is it? Kontera just has to deal with it or get more advertisers.

    Just wanted to know your comments about this. :cool:
    alexdale, Jan 19, 2009 IP
    DomainMagnate likes this.
  2. VisionMaster

    VisionMaster Well-Known Member

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    i had the same threathen email from kontera from their managment office in Israel !! lol .. but who cares ..

    they had a big change in their policy in the last year, new terms and hidden things between the lines, (example: if you earn less than 5$ they take your money)

    they pay less than 1 cent per click, and they wonder why publishers leaving them !!
    I earn with infolinks 15x to 50x more than i had with kontera !!

    kontera sucks and big time, and thats why everybody left them.

    kontera is not recommended. and better to stay away from companies like this.
    VisionMaster, Jan 19, 2009 IP
  3. cldnails

    cldnails Well-Known Member

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    Wow, I'm surprised any company like Kontera would be brass enough to send emails like that out to Publishers. I mean, after all they don't need a reason or need to give you notice if they were to decide to give you the boot.
    cldnails, Jan 19, 2009 IP
  4. retsek

    retsek Peon

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    I expect to get one of those very soon. I got $200 in the account which took like 3 weeks to accumulate. I'll make it up with Infolinks in 3 days flat.
    Kontera sucks when it comes to anything regarding money. Otherwise I recommend them :)

    So how much are they taking from you ?
    retsek, Jan 19, 2009 IP
  5. alexdale

    alexdale Active Member

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    Got a response from them after my not-so-nice reply:

    Isn't telling me they won't send my balance if i don't give an explanation "blackmail" enough? :rolleyes:

    c'mon, Kontera, you can do better than that. :D
    alexdale, Jan 20, 2009 IP
  6. cldnails

    cldnails Well-Known Member

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    Wow! This really is enough for me not to consider Kontera on any of my websites. Bullying is not a way to 'work' together, especially on the internet.

    BTW, just because they may have it written in their 'Agreement' doesn't make it legal. Certain threats, and wording such as this could be taken to court and over thrown. Something like 'Right To Work'. But at any rate, they could boot you from the system, but you are at least owed your existing earnings assuming they reach the payout threshold.
    cldnails, Jan 20, 2009 IP
  7. mika.kontera

    mika.kontera Guest

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    This is Mika from Kontera. There is no “blackmail” involved and the clause is not “hidden” in any way. You sign a contract when you join any service. The assumption is that you are responsible to read the contract on which you place your signature.

    As the email mentions, Kontera has to carefully manage a network of publishers and advertisers. This is a complex business that relies on both the publishers and the advertisers to act as responsible parties. You are told of this before you agree to sign up. Kontera is not in the business of “blackmailing” anyone, we have better things to do with our time and resources.

    Cldnails, your claim that Kontera does not provide a reason for terminating accounts is untrue. Kontera makes it a point to contact the publisher, even in the case of obvious click-fraud.
    mika.kontera, Jan 21, 2009 IP
  8. deny

    deny Active Member

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    deny, Jan 21, 2009 IP
  9. alexdale

    alexdale Active Member

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    True. My bad, I guess I need to read policies/contracts from now on. Who knows if it's stipulated on a contract that i could be in jail if i remove an ad code and agreed on it. :rolleyes:

    But now that i know your contract and policy about having a 30-day holding period for your ad codes before we can remove it, I won't touch Kontera with a 10-feet pole. :D

    My 2 cents.
    alexdale, Jan 21, 2009 IP
  10. papek

    papek Peon

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    Today, 20 mins from now, I emailed Kontera regarding my earnings are roughly 11 dollars less in my K. account than they were one month ago, in the overal times span selection (since I started with them). Otherwie ok! Probably the currect reporting issue? Then I came to DP to search for a more info on this.
    papek, Jan 27, 2009 IP