1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Just joined CB - HELP!

Discussion in 'ClickBank' started by JS92, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. #1
    I read around the forum and joined CB. Wanted to know which products are easiest to sell for newbies? What methods are newbie friendly and doesn't require initial investment?

    Really need help from people making good money from CB.
    JS92, Jul 10, 2011 IP
  2. Sickthing

    Sickthing Peon

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    JS, the answer to that question would take hours. :)

    You need to do keyword research, learn how to pick a good keyword, how to get traffic that is where you should start.

    If you have zero dollars to invest you'll probably make zero dollars but you don't need a lot of money. $20 bucks a month to get started but it will probably take you some time to get make money.

    You can setup a free webpage at blogger to get started but until you know about keyword research, niche and traffic, you're spinning your wheels in most cases.

    You need to spend time reading or better yet, take a low cost course from a reputable person. Lots of junk courses out there.
    Sickthing, Jul 10, 2011 IP
  3. fruzzlies

    fruzzlies Member

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    JS92, There is no quick way to make money online. Get all the free information you can online, including reading through the forums and ask questions in the forums, most people are willing to give you the answers you need without purchasing anything. There is lots of free information out there so you don't have to spend money.

    #1: Have Patience.
    #2: Pick a niche that interests you (start off by targeting hobbies, it might be easiest for you), people like to spend money on their hobbies. Type in hobbies online and you'll find sites that offer lists of them.
    #3: Do some research on whatever you chose.
    #4: Go to the Google Keyword Tool, find some keywords that relate to your niche.
    #5: Go to WordPress.com (it's free) and start your website.
    #6: Use your best keyword in the url of your site.
    #6: Put your researched information together on your site and link what ever product that you chose from Clickbank within the site. Make sure that you put your keyword throughout the post as well. Put it in your url, title, first line of your site, and a couple more times throughout. Do not over use the keywords.
    #7: Advertise

    Another thing you might want to do is join the Amazon Affiliate Network and whatever your chose for your niche, find what the hottest item is within Amazon related to it (such as the most purchased recently) and put that on your site as well to possibly earn a little more.

    Hope this helped a little.
    fruzzlies, Jul 10, 2011 IP
  4. marketingeeze

    marketingeeze Peon

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    The ones I found easier to sell had been the ones in the health niche. Most of my sales came through one of my Facebook fan pages which is targeted to that audience (I currently have almost 12,000 fans in one of my pages, so it's converting quite well). However I will agree entirely with "fruzzlies" in the sense that it will require some groundwork to get rolling... Hope that helps :)
    marketingeeze, Jul 12, 2011 IP