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Job Interviews - Waste of Time?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jaguar34, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. #1
    Even if you meets all the requirements of the job the recruiter calls to just do the job of "Pass there time" and they have no other work?

    Saw this trend on Freelancer.com where recruiters post jobs and usually not replying even after days?
    jaguar34, Jun 1, 2016 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    In New Zealand recruiters are paid on commission so they don't "pass the time", they're actively making contacts amongst employers and those who are worthy of head hunting - even at the lower levels.
    sarahk, Jun 1, 2016 IP
  3. nicelooker

    nicelooker Member

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    In the most countries, they have a stable salary, so it can be said that they do pass the time.
    nicelooker, Jun 2, 2016 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I wonder if what you are encountering is the ads that they place so they can fill up their database which will allow them to act more quickly if a real opportunity arises. I seriously don't think they do it to "pass the time". From your perspective it may be timewasting, but I'm sure from their point of view there is a purpose.
    sarahk, Jun 2, 2016 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Here in the U.S., just about all recruiters are paid on commission, though a small number may be hired on retainer to work on a specific job for an employer. Note that I have used recruiters both to find me candidates and to get me jobs and I am connected to over 500 of them on linkedin. I like recruiters. :)

    They will interview potential candidates "on spec" (without a specific position in mind) as a way to fill their database with potential candidates for future positions. Of course, they will only interview candidates that are a fit for positions that they are likely to be working on in the future. My policy, in this regard, is take any interview that is offered to me. You never know which interview is going to turn into a great opportunity and, more important, it is worth the effort if just for the practice of interviewing. Note that I have been a sales and marketing executive for decades and I know how to interview having been looking for jobs many times and having interviewed and hired hundreds of employees on the other side of the desk. But even with this experience, I find that I get rusty and it takes 5-7 interviews for me to get my pitch polished and perfect again. it also brings me up to speed on the latest questions and hiring trends that hiring managers are using. So, as I said, I NEVER turn down an opportunity to interview, even if I am not necessarily looking for a job at that time.

    One last piece of advice on this subject. I mentor quite a few people and they often ask me when they should start looking for the next job. My answer has been consistent for years on this question: "You should begin your next job search on Day 1 of your new job." Life is short and you never know when something better will come along or when something bad will happen with your current job.
    jrbiz, Jun 3, 2016 IP
    snakeair and sarahk like this.
  6. snakeair

    snakeair Notable Member

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    I agree with the above response which is spot on.

    16 years ago after I got my degree in computer technical support I went job searching. No large companies would hire me because I was entry level meaning I have no real experience in the field I majored in. 3 months after graduation and not even one call back from the Applications I filled out, I went to a temp agency and 1 week later they landed me a job interview. I went to the interview as a 20 year old and landed the job. Was hired full-time employee with all benefits 4 months later because I worked harder then everyone else and continued to educate myself and still I do this today to stay on top of the IT stuff because I communicate with big reps from the companies we do business with and explain about my recommendations that will help there company.

    My dad gave me tons of advice on how to conduct myself in an interview. My dad is now a retired senior manager for a large company that is involved planes and the military. (won't mention name)..... Anyways 16 years later I'm still at the current company I got hired from on my first job interview. I have many IT certifications and been the team lead (operations boss) for almost 4 years now. I'm 36 got almost 20 years at this company and even worked at the company longer then my own boss.

    I was lucky in how I got my job and have never did the whole apply for 30 jobs, go to a few interviews.... never hear back thing.
    snakeair, Jun 12, 2016 IP
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  7. robinbd4u

    robinbd4u Active Member

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    It is very hardest part, In my experience I see most of time giving interview is a wast of time.

    Here at Bangladesh unemployment reaching a critical level. See the report :

    Code (markup):
    Code (markup):
    I have seen in interview session that if any interview taken for 10 position there have huge amount of applicants. Hiring managers often fall in a big problem to select from huge amount of people. So they quickly pass lots of applicants. Most of time interview questions do not meet with needed skills and experiences. Most of time they have to select roughly or very speedy to cover time. Also there have many reasons. Very few amount of job circular posted every month but they do not meet with all peoples skills and experiences.

    At freelancing I have seen at freelancer dot com , there after applying huge amount of job very few reply have gotten.
    robinbd4u, Jun 12, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    @robinbd4u - you describe how people can't even get the interview. The OP was accusing HR companies of interviewing just to look busy.

    FWIW low skilled jobs are really hard to get in NZ too. My kids are looking for part time work and companies don't want to meet them, all applications are done online. It makes it really hard to stand out. Out of hundreds of forms filled only 1 got work and then for a measly 3 hours a week. A good thing they don't need the work to survive. They've seen the day labourer trucks in Indonesia so they know it could be a hell of a lot worse!
    sarahk, Jun 12, 2016 IP
    robinbd4u likes this.