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Israeli terrorist millitary attacks a civilain aid ship heading to Gaza

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by mi25, May 30, 2010.

  1. Squealer

    Squealer Peon

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  2. National

    National Peon

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    I Feel here some people have double standards maybe because they dont have moderate view but just an anti islam view...neways these people i guess shouldnt be even indulging in debates

    ill tell you why this is double standrad

    When North Korea attacks a ship these people are against the attack

    When Israel attacks a ship these people support it

    anyways remember guys these were not terrorist as you guys claim infact if yu see there people are from many countries and on that not all were muslims too

    Israel is just killing people for their fight for land remember one day these people will be stronger than US too and then all of us US Guys will be talking something less
    National, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  3. Will.Spencer

    Will.Spencer NetBuilder

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    The U.N. is dominated by the OIC. The U.S. and Israel would be smart to pull out of the U.N. and let the OIC simply run it into the ground.

    Only in a crazy Islamist fantasy could a group of thug beating a cop to death with clubs be defined as "innocent people."

    The moral turpitude inherent in your world view is appalling.

    Ahem. The Israeli's attacked no one. The Israeli's are forced to stop and inspect every ship going into Gaza because of all of the arms shipments that are sent to Hamas from Islamists overseas. Those shipments are used to murder and mame innocent children across Israel and no reasonable nation expects Israel to allow arms shipments to Hamas. Hamas has an official policy which calls for the compete destruction of Israel. It is the sacred duty of the Israeli government to keep Hamas from succeeding in that goal.

    1. Those obviously weren't peace activists. Peace activists don't ambush people and beat them to death with clubs. Please try to be at least a little bit honest.
    2. If the intention was to help people, all they needed to do was follow the Israeli Navy to the port of Ashdod where the shipment would have been inspected and forwarded to Hamas. Obviously this confrontation was staged as a media event.

    That is what the evidence clearly shows.

    Where it was stopped legally, in full compliance with International law.

    Which is illegal and will hopefully result in prosecutions, convictions, and significant prison sentences.

    One of the strengths of modern societies like Israel is that is has the ability to learn and adapt. Islam's shame-based culture lacks that ability, because everyone is so constantly afraid of admitting the slightest error.

    Ignore viewpoints and focus on the facts. The facts are that this was a planned ambush by the Islamists with the goal of creating a publicity stunt.

    North Korea attacked the South Korean ship illegally.

    Once again, for the slow people in the crowd, Israel did not "attack" a ship. Israeli sailors boarded the ship in full compliance with International law.
    Will.Spencer, Jun 1, 2010 IP
    browntwn likes this.
  4. iggysick

    iggysick Guest

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    Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Guess that doesn't apply in case where Jews are both judges and prosecutors.
    iggysick, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  5. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    From The Electronic Intifada:

    Early this morning under the cover of darkness Israeli soldiers stormed the lead ship of the six-vessel Freedom Flotilla aid convoy in international waters and killed and injured dozens of civilians aboard. All the ships were violently seized by Israeli forces, but hours after the attack fate of the passengers aboard the other ships remained unknown.

    The Mavi Marmara was carrying around 600 activists when Israeli warships flanked it from all sides as soldiers descended from helicopters onto the ship's deck. Reports from people on board the ship backed up by live video feeds broadcast on Turkish TV show that Israeli forces used live ammunition against the civilian passengers, some of whom resisted the attack with sticks and other items.

    The Freedom Flotilla was organized by a coalition of groups that sought to break the Israeli-led siege on the Gaza Strip that began in 2007. Together, the flotilla carried 700 civilian activists from around 50 countries and over 10,000 tons of aid including food, medicines, medical equipment, reconstruction materials and equipment, as well as various other necessities arbitrarily banned by Israel.

    As of 6:00pm Jerusalem time most media were still reporting that up to 20 people had been killed, and many more injured. However, Israel was still withholding the exact numbers and names of the dead and injured. Passengers aboard the ships who had been posting Twitter updates on the Flotilla's progress had not been heard from since before the attack and efforts to contact passengers by satellite phone were unsuccessful. The Arabic- and English-language networks of Al-Jazeera lost contact with their half dozen staff traveling with the flotilla.

    Clearly it was an unprovoked attack by the Israelis.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  6. newbie191

    newbie191 Notable Member

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    I see except a bunch of war mongering blood thirsty Zionist wannabes everybody who has some sort of decency is condemning and criticizing the acts of illegal state of Israel and that is a good sign imo. which means the world is still not short of good people.
    Doesn't matter what these Islamophobes say here you will find them in every other thread arguing pointless poop over and over again the thing which matters is what international media is saying.
    newbie191, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  7. Squealer

    Squealer Peon

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    @Will.Spencer ;
    Are the Israeli state attorney ? (objectively) Our religious vilification.. On the basis of Islam, culture & modernity has. Islam agains at the present time bias has.
    Squealer, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  8. samser_m

    samser_m Well-Known Member

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    You have pointed out some real truths!

    Actually these people are so sick and confused that they have forgot own moral values.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
    samser_m, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  9. agitsan

    agitsan Peon

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    i hate Israel, the real terrorist is ISRAEL,
    agitsan, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  10. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Unbelievable. 10 pages in two days on this thread and somehow I missed it? It is a fascinating read. Seems the majority of those who condemn Israel spit out fact less one liners like, "Israel is the terrorist", though more than one went the extra step to call Jews animals and say Hitler was doing the world a favor. I also found statements like this one:
    to fit in Nicely with the mentality that supports Blogmaster's conspiracy theory threads. The truth is out there, so long as you ignore all evidence to the contrary!

    If the whole thing was a media stunt to build anti-israeli sentiment, they need to get their people to stop clamoring for another purging of the Jews. Its hard to cry pacifist when you are lauding genocide as a solution. Seriously. Its also hard to cry pacifist when you attack someone with a knife. A real mission of peace would not have perpetrated violence of any sort. When you get right down to it, the "Free Gaza" movement could have sent all those "humanitarian supplies" to Gaza via an Israeli port where the "supplies" would have been inspected to be sure they were free of weapons, but instead they chose to run a military blockade. I wonder how many of those who condemn Israel for this attack would try to drive their car past a group of armed men in their country.

    Babak, how do you feel about this posting? Though he doesn't like your president either, he seems to hope he'll kill everyone in Telaviv, regardless of whether Israel would respond by dropping a nuke in Tehran. Is this a common view in Tehran?
    Obamanation, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  11. AlexL

    AlexL Peon

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    I ask again,
    Where all this "peace activist" when Turkey was bombed Kurdian people?
    Where the was when Turkey was make genocide on Armenian nation?!
    Now Turkey wake up...

    Where was world when North Korea killed 40 people from South Korea?

    Where all this people was when Russia was killing "civilian" people in Chechnya?

    What about one solder, 23 years old? where did all "peace activist" was? and where you and they now?

    Where everyone was? a?

    But when Israel try to stop TERRORIST of ElQaida and Hamas who used regular peace activist to make this provocation.
    Peace activist doesn't need masks to hide his faces.

    Marmara came to Ashdod without normal humanitarian mission and еxpired medicament's.
    Maybe stop this disinformation and escalation? what did you get whit this? nothing.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
    AlexL, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  12. Squealer

    Squealer Peon

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  13. Will.Spencer

    Will.Spencer NetBuilder

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    It looks like most of the Islamist apologists in this thread have internally accepted the reality of these events, except for a few who are just too stupid to input and process information. The next step, though, is impossible for them. The next step is to admit that the ship sailed with the express purpose of ambushing a group of Israeli sailors and beating them to death (or achieve martyrdom trying) in order to make a political statement.

    We have video footage of the ships passengers discussing this and we have footage of the ambush being carried out. The facts are not open to question. People may be entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. But... that next step of admitting wrongdoing -- even group wrongdoing is shameful for Muslims and cannot be rationally considered. As a culture, they simply do not possess the emotional maturity to say "We screwed up. Our bad. Sorry." Everything must be blamed on someone else.

    As Honor and Shame in a Middle Eastern Setting says:
    When there is failure, often outside forces are blamed. Anger, resentment, and violence are focused on outside elements in order to shift the blame to them. In the case of other Orientals with similar shame/honor type cultures, failure is often focused on the individual, and, for example, a Japanese businessman may take his life when faced with tremendous shame. In an Arab situation, the Arabs will assign blame to someone else and react violently towards him.​

    But where to go now, if the Muslims refuse to admit wrong? Again from the same document:
    Beyond this, shame is not only an act against the accepted system of values, but it can also include the discovery, by outsiders, that the act has been committed. Dr. Hamady puts it this way: "He who has done a shameful deed must conceal it, for revealing one disgrace is to commit another disgrace." There is an Arab proverb that says, "A concealed shame is two thirds forgiven."​

    Perhaps the Muslims are learning internally and this event will have a positive effect on them in the long-term. They will never be able to admit this, but perhaps this learning can happen quietly and without admission.

    This is the most positive spin I can put on these events. I cannot make myself believe that any person with even a slight tinge of moral sense could find a way to justify the actions of the thugs on that boat -- once all the facts are presented to them. I cannot believe that the people with whom I am discussing are such debased animals that they do not possess even that slight tinge of moral sense.
    Will.Spencer, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  14. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    <snip rest of nonsense>

    Yada, yada, yada....rather than wading through all this plethora of irrelevance (the organisers involved are not even Muslims, much less "Islamists"), these videos from Democracy Now should educate those who are keen to simply paint a picture of some sort of mysterious terrorist "conspiracy" rather than seeing for what it is....that Israel fcked up big time.



    Ibn Juferi, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  15. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Lets see. So far we have the Palestinian supporters posting links to David Duke and Democracy Now. I find myself excited to find out who the next witness for the defense might be. The Black Panther party? Perhaps some representative of Anarchy groups in America (besides Democracy Now!)? Finding a mainstream spokesperson is tough when you are trying to promote those who support terrorism as pacifists. Fortunately for you, it is possible to hire an effective spokesperson, whether or not he believes in your cause:
    Obamanation, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  16. gworld

    gworld Prominent Member

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    Where have you been attacked with a knife? Don´t you ever get tired of making up BS? As I remember from your previous posts, your wife is the one who carries gun and will protect you while you hide, so if anyone was going to hurt you, wouldn´t they attack the person with the gun and not you? :rolleyes:
    gworld, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  17. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    Was this supposed to be a joke? How is Democracy Now even affiliated with David Duke and how did you even make the connection?

    Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television (DISH network: Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410; DIRECTV: Link TV ch. 375); and on the internet. DN!’s podcast is one of the most popular on the web.

    Nothing about "David Duke" there.

    This is simply a classic case of poisoning the well on your part. You don't attack the arguments made, you simply make fallacies in the hopes that people will overlook it. Too bad, but nobody's falling for it.

    Ibn Juferi, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  18. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Tsk Tsk. Not keeping up with the self proclaimed racists your fellow Palestinian supporters are using as "credible" witnesses I see. Let me clarify it for you. The connection between David Duke and Democracy Now, outside of the fact they both represent fringe groups with extremist viewpoints, is the Palestinian support group on this forum. By the way, I absolutely love the fact you pasted in the "About Us" link from Democracy Now's website, as if anyone would put "We are a fringe group of lunatics that support every anti-capitalist enterprise on the planet" in their marketing text.

    I'll save you the trouble for David Duke.
    Sounds like a great guy! You just have to ignore the fact he is a white supremacist (means he hates brown skinned people from Pakistan every bit as much as he hates Jews, in case you needed that clarified). I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when someone from Pakistan started quoting him.
    Obamanation, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  19. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    So just because David Duke criticises Israel, it means that the Palestinian cause is based on white supremacy? That is a really far-fetched accusation to make. If Hitler were to say that 1 + 1 = 2, it does not change the fact that the answer is correct, no matter who says it. That does not make someone who says that the answer is correct to be a "Nazi"!

    I do not know who is David Duke, nor do I care. In any case, he has no connection to Democracy Now which you falsely try to claim. That is the whole point of your tale anyway, which was already shot down by a simple "About Us" page on Democracy Now. Unless if you have evidence that David Duke is running the show or is funding the initiative, please shut up and stop trying to bore us with your "poisoning the well" logical fallacies.

    I nearly fell out of my chair laughing too when you thought that I was from Pakistan. I am not from Pakistan and I am every bit as white as you are. My father was Welsh and served in the British Army.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2010
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 1, 2010 IP
  20. iggysick

    iggysick Guest

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    Name me one country (democratic and civilised) where police (or military) shot to death protestors (even violent ones) and it's ok thing to do. There's no such thing.
    The fact is (even we know facts only based on what Israel showed so far) there were violent protestors who attacked military and got murdered. If that's ok than I guess Greece would had 100s of funerals because they are notorius for very violent protestors. Ever seen violence on soccer games? Never heard that british hooligans (just for example) got murdered and I would bet that they were on occasions more violent than those people on board.
    On a side note I wouzld never do what they did simply because Israelis don't give a shit about goyims lives and they showed that too many times so far killing innocent people right and left.

    I do not justify violence but their violence are not excuse for killing them. Talking about moral heh...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2010
    iggysick, Jun 1, 2010 IP