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Is starting a blog worth it in 2024?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by FarrisFahad, Sep 12, 2024.

  1. John_Collinson

    John_Collinson Banned

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    Look for micro-niches within saturated topics.
    Big sites often miss specific angles or audience segments.
    Success comes from:
    • Solving unique problems
    • Personal experience + deep expertise
    • Better answers than current results
    • Targeting long-tail keywords
    Don't chase broad topics. Find what you're genuinely passionate about and dive deep.
    Quality content from real expertise still ranks, regardless of site size.
    John_Collinson, Nov 28, 2024 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  2. nvidura

    nvidura Well-Known Member

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    Yes for sure, starting a blog in 2024 is definitely worth it! Focusing on micro-niches and targeting long-tail keywords can help you stand out.
    nvidura, Nov 29, 2024 IP
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Well-Known Member

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    If you enjoy writing, why not?

    I mean, it takes a while to get anywhere, and if you just rely on SEO and search to be the only way people reach you, it might be overwhelmingly slow to gain traction.

    A blog is a great website to experiment with in terms of marketing and profit. All you need to do with it, is write the best content you can write. Then you can do different experiments in terms of marketing.

    I've found social media to be my biggest traffic generator. I have a hiking blog, and my hiking page (21K followers) and hiking group (46K members) are a great way to cross-promote my blog content.

    I have ads on the blog for now and they're making money monthly. It's more than enough for the blog to pay for itself.

    The biggest thing in blogging is choosing the right niche and thinking of it as a narrow niche. I didn't just choose a general hiking blog niche because it's too broad. Thousands of general hiking blogs would take forever to compete with. Instead, I narrowed it down to a local hiking niche, and after a few years, I became the top blog in that local hiking niche. Choose a topic you know a lot about and can see yourself writing about for years to come, and then narrow it down to a sub-topic that you are an expert at the most. I know how to hike really well, but I know how to hike in my local area even better.
    Shawn Gossman, Nov 29, 2024 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  4. Laraparker

    Laraparker Peon

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    yes why not
    Laraparker, Dec 3, 2024 IP