Increasing the earnings and CTR from adsense

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by Ribice, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. #1
    I posted here few weeks ago asking on how to improve CPC. And I did that. Read some ebooks, stuff etc. and my cpc has increased a lot. I get 1 euro clicks now. But the real problem is CTR, it's bizarre.

    Lately I started posting article every day (I write articles on my own) and I do get some traffic. I used to get 100-150 uv per day, but when I post an article and submit it on social networks I get approximately 700 unique visitors (sometimes more, sometimes less).

    I tried blending my ads (colors are matched), changing position, size but nothing helped (yes I could do more tryouts but I'd like if someone gives me a suggestion). I guess it has something to do with the niche, it's kinda targeting the tech-savy visitors, which easily spot the ad and don't click on it.

    I have several websites (most of them localized, but the biggest one is on English) and I'd desperately want to earn like $20 per day (it's not that much, but getting there is hard). I have prepared few articles, so I'll still be posting it daily.

    I would like to hear you suggestions should I still stick to AdSense (and if yes I'd really be thankful if someone could analyze my website, I will provide you link on PM as I don't want to promote it this way, I can even pay some money) or move on to infolinks and CPA like clickbank?

    All suggestions are highly welcome,

    Kind regards and thank you.
    Ribice, Sep 10, 2012 IP
  2. Jarodboy

    Jarodboy Prominent Member

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    I haven't seen your website but Adsense usually is the way to go... Sent it via PM, I will check it out if I have the time...
    Jarodboy, Sep 10, 2012 IP
  3. Ribice

    Ribice Peon

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    Sent you PM :).
    Ribice, Sep 10, 2012 IP
  4. Ribice

    Ribice Peon

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    I'm still waiting for your answer :D. Or if someone else could give some hints, would be great.
    Ribice, Sep 11, 2012 IP
  5. Spawned

    Spawned Member

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    Check your placements again.. look at sites like to see where they display ads. Put your ads in similar spots and then maybe place them within the content but above the fold. We would like to see your site so we can pinpoint anything that sticks out. what is the site???
    Spawned, Sep 11, 2012 IP
  6. Ribice

    Ribice Peon

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    Well I thought it's kinda rude posting a link immediately (but many of new visitors due it, without even knowing proper English).

    You can find my website on:
    Ribice, Sep 11, 2012 IP
  7. Rupam Das

    Rupam Das Active Member

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    Having played with AdSense for over past one year I can tell you a generalized rule.

    Your earning will be capped by Google. My experience gives following theory
    UV upto 500-$1 a day
    UV upto 1200- $2.5 a day
    UV upto 3000 $4-$6 a day.

    Assuming an average page view of 2/UV and 75% search visitor. However they might depend upon Niche/your Country and many other aspects.
    If you increase CTR, CPC will adjust, when CPC increases CTR will decrease. You should be looking towards RPM. and Ensure it increases.

    One more important thing: Red/Blue/Green are three themes that attracts more visitors and are proved better for Adsense(IMO). Black is not a great Adsense theme.

    Google traffic gives you better RPM than referral traffic. So spend more time on content writing and Linking. As site grows, earning grows automatically.
    Rupam Das, Sep 13, 2012 IP