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idea for blog

Discussion in 'Blogging' started by diego diego, Sep 4, 2020.

  1. #1
    i would like to start a blog , but I m not sure about the topic i will talk about
    i thought about dreams, astrology or fantasy but i don't know if there are many things to talk about, what do you think? should I change? how can i found lots of things to talk about?and if you thonk i should change..in what?
    diego diego, Sep 4, 2020 IP
  2. Ayoub benali01

    Ayoub benali01 Active Member

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    You should find a niche that you're interested in, the inch should be very specific, I don't know much about Astrology but I'll give you an example about a niche, let's take cars for instance, cars is a broad topic it's not a niche, Fords, Teslas or any other car brand is a niche, I hope you got the idea you should be precise, just do something you like.
    Good luck!
    Ayoub benali01, Sep 4, 2020 IP
    JEET likes this.
  3. diego diego

    diego diego Peon

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    i'm not expert in any topic, i like football, drawing, astronomy, dreams but i don't know many things
    how can i decide the niche?
    diego diego, Sep 4, 2020 IP
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  4. Zone06

    Zone06 Well-Known Member

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    Learn about something and you will become an expert. You have to check the competition, use seo tools to check for keyword difficulty and to see if you have a chance of ranking. The meanings of dreams/dream psychology focused website might be do-able.
    Zone06, Sep 4, 2020 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    @diego diego - what's the purpose of your blog - to share your creative writing?
    to make you famous?
    to earn some ad revenue?

    The answer leads to a stack more questions.

    The usual answer for people who end up at this forum is that they want to earn money. So the next set of questions is to find out what you are interested in, what your passions are, and what expertise you have. Is there something you really wish a website would do and you know how to make it do that thing?
    sarahk, Sep 4, 2020 IP
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  6. diego diego

    diego diego Peon

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    I would like to open a blog
    I have difficoulties to find a niche
    My goal is that someone read what I write
    How can I found and decide a niche?
    I am thinking on writing about dreams or astronomy and just talk about them, bring curiosities..
    Could it be a good idea?
    For you Will someone read that or will be a waist of time?
    diego diego, Sep 5, 2020 IP
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  7. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Maybe blogging isn't for you?

    Why do you want to become a blogger?
    If it's money, there are easier, more certain ways to earn
    If it's fame, then you need to be tiktoking, or instagramming
    sarahk, Sep 5, 2020 IP
  8. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    @diego diego
    These days "nothing" is waste of time, and "everything" is waste of time.
    Yes, we are living in a very very weird time!

    You can literally write about anything, just anything, and someone will read it.
    Not just one or two, but many will read it.
    That is how "social media" works.
    All sorts of potheads are also on social media, and someone will definitely find something interesting in whatever you write.
    The craziest of the craziest theories are getting lot of attention these days.

    So, if you want to write about dreams, go ahead do it,
    and someone crazy will surely agree with you.
    Build a fan base of crazy people using facebook pages and twitter followers!
    Not very easy, but not very difficult either.

    By the way, I think dreams are just brain filling blanks on its own.
    Not enough "light" reaches brain when you are sleeping (eyes are closed), but some reaches, and this is where brain decides to fill in the gaps and creates a picture of its own.
    That could be a scary picture or a happy picture, depending on other chemicals that your brain is secreting at that time.
    JEET, Sep 6, 2020 IP
  9. Zone06

    Zone06 Well-Known Member

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    People just like to simplify things, perhaps now more than ever because society it getting more and more complicated. Carl Jung did much work on dream psychology, hes one of the most intelligent, well educated and deepest thinkers that has ever lived. But I'm sure you know better.
    Zone06, Sep 7, 2020 IP
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  10. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Your comment is a good example of what I said above the part you quoted from my comment.
    People do waste lot of time on things which do not matter...
    Some even get a PHD doing just that!

    I don't completely believe that dreams reflect psychology of a person, unlike your belief.
    At the best, our brain takes info from our recent memory database and fills the gap in the insufficient lights falling on retina.
    Since there is no scientific way to prove Karl's work, or mine, both his and my theories will be left open for debate.
    There's only acceptance or rejection.
    No proof.
    Dream study is like those theories of astrology.
    Nobody can prove those, but still some people accept, while some reject astrology completely.

    If dream psychology theories are correct and evidence of psychology of a person, then,
    2 people who both saw themselves falling from a height, they both would have same kind of nature.
    Does not happens that way.
    Like those astrology theories. 2 similar star positions, but the person is affected differently each time.
    This is when these people start inserting what they call "assumptions", and "variations".
    Truth is, these people are trying to find a connection between 2 unrelated things.
    Dream psychology analysts surely have a better chance of getting closer in showing this connection, but it still will not be 100% true.

    By the way, try to recall all your dreams, whichever you can, and try to put them in categories.
    There are only 2 types, happy and scary.
    There is no third type...
    Try this.

    One can surely take a screwdriver and keep digging in a person's head with questions like "why do you think you saw this",
    and the person can keep coming up with reasons of their own, "convincing themselves",
    but ultimately, it was just brain playing fill in the blanks in a fantasy comic book.
    You can actually see this happening in a non-dream stage of people who have very bad eye-sights, very very bad.

    Anyways, this post is not about dreams, so am letting this go now.
    JEET, Sep 7, 2020 IP
  11. Zone06

    Zone06 Well-Known Member

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    Neither do I, so you are jumping to conclusions in a rigid black and white way about my beliefs, which is how you think, not me. Sometimes dreams are simply wish fulfillment's, as Freud believed, and sometimes they're more complicated.

    I can't believe you're using astrology as a comparison, psychology is always going to be difficult to prove, some deny psychology as a science. Some believe the big 5 traits, which is a scientific model of personality is comparable to astrology, it's just arrogance and ignorance.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    Zone06, Sep 7, 2020 IP
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  12. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Psychology is surely science, but dream psychology is not.
    Astrology is a very good comparison here.
    Astronomy is the scientific study of stars, like psychology is for people's behaviour.
    Astrology is the non-scientific version of the same study (astronomy), and that is what dream psychology also is when compared to psychology.

    If you want to chat on this topic, start a thread in the "chat section" of this forum, tag me, will talk there.
    Lets not discuss this here in content management section.
    JEET, Sep 7, 2020 IP
  13. Mike Douson

    Mike Douson Peon

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    Also, you can open a blog on different sites in this niches as an author and earn money:)
    Mike Douson, Sep 8, 2020 IP
  14. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    When you build a blog its very important to choose a niche where you like as you will stick with it for years and if you dont like you will give up .Dont think only in terms of the best niche or where you can make the most money ,you must find a niche where you like and you have a passion for it .Many succesful business starts from a passion
    Spartan14, Sep 8, 2020 IP
  15. NicoleW

    NicoleW Member

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    The most important reason to start a blog is your ability and desire to write and the area you are crazy about. So, think about it
    NicoleW, Sep 16, 2020 IP
  16. Vivsmei

    Vivsmei Greenhorn

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    maybe your blog will be about IT , this topic very popular and a lot people will be interesting .
    Vivsmei, Sep 17, 2020 IP
  17. Hely55

    Hely55 Peon

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    It is worth choosing the topic in which you are well acquainted and which you are interested in.

    You need to understand that you need to have enough information to write posts every week. Your posts should be expert enough to make people interested in reading. They should think that you really understand what you are writing about, and that they can use your information.

    It can be related to your work or your hobby.

    You can have a lifestyle blog if you have an interesting life, and if you know that people will be interested in watching it.

    You should start blogging not when you think "Probably blogging is great, I want it too, but I don't know about what", but when you think "I have something to write about in a blog, I know how I can be useful to people". Only then will the blog be successful.
    Hely55, Nov 19, 2020 IP
  18. brack nelson

    brack nelson Greenhorn

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    Agree, Mr. Ayoub Blogging is nothing but find your correct niche. If niche is clear there is no need to ask someone about the topic.
    brack nelson, Jan 8, 2021 IP
  19. andine

    andine Active Member

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    I has experience to manage a blog and it succeed to reach PR 1. it around 8-15 average traffic per day.
    but before it talk about, niche, I am actually has no idea, at all, at that time. just make it sense and being indexed and so, visitors knock my blog into. i decide - without doubt - to review a famous gadgets. till the content numbers reach 70, and it enough to lead me to get PR 1. within short period of time only.

    if the goal is traffic, or blog visitors, the famous one settled you to reach your goal.
    all everything about, "the famous one", or the close one potentially, is what people tried to look for. if you use that theme, you'll get what you want.

    but if you tried to do something else - like release pheromone or spermatophore - it similar to write a diary, your thought, consist along to tell your true nature about, no hiding, just be honest. sympathy is the only content story goal, to drive visitors to knock into.

    and then, we can try to put ads to get money.
    andine, Feb 9, 2021 IP
  20. usaukclassifieds

    usaukclassifieds Well-Known Member

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    As per my opinion health is the best topic for the blog, There are lots of keywords in health-related topics like weight loss, hair loss, snoring, smoking and etc
    usaukclassifieds, Feb 9, 2021 IP