I WANT YOU for my Pinterest Group Boards

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by ErgoPrime, May 23, 2017.

  1. #1
    Are you tired of sending dozen of group board invite request and not getting any replies? Tired of looking for Group Board Exchange Threads? Or do you just lack a good amount of group boards to get a good momentum in your Pinterest Strategy?

    I think I found a solution for your problem.

    Don't worry, I am not gonna sell you anything. I have the same problem as you. I have a handful group boards, which I can exchange, but not nearly enough to see good traffic and to receive a lot of invitations to other group boards. So why not make my own group boards for every interesting topic and fill it with great contributers, ergo: You!

    For the start I want to create 6 group boards. 2 "Health & Fitness" Boards, 2 "Wellness and Beauty" and 2 "Healthy Recipes".

    3 of these group boards are free to invite anyone you want. You can use them for group board exchange and add your other accounts.

    The 3 other boards are stricter and only I will invite people with more than 500 Followers.


    To split test them. I want to test which group boards bring more visitors, clicks and repins. You can also see it in your analytics, if you have a business Pinterest account.

    You are invited to all group boards if you have more than 500 followers. If you have less you can participate in 3 of them and invite everyone in these 3 group boards.

    Why you should care:

    The bigger our group boards growth the more visitors you can reach (I know the smartfeed doesn't show your Pins to everyone and that's the reason we are going to have 3 group boards which are dedicated to quantity and 3 which are for quality, ergo: only tall, high quality pins with good description. To test which one is better!).

    If this approach to group boards works, you know a method to reach a big audience in a short time and can create group boards by yourself. You will have the connections to add other contributers to your boards, therefore gaining a higher reach in your niche.

    In addition to that you gain 3 new group boards that you can exchange for invites in other ones. Basically everyone wins.

    Tell me what you think about this. How can we improve this strategy? How uses this method? Are you interested? Write it down or PM me.
    ErgoPrime, May 23, 2017 IP