I haven't uploaded any Video on Youtube (or others). Do they brings visitors ?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by www.techdo.com, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. #1
    Please help me understand this:

    if i put a good (interesting) video on Youtube, that page will (could) be soon visited from many people.

    Why would i expect that traffic to bring visitors to my website ?

    Isn't much better to:
    - upload a video on youtube
    - embed that video on a page of my website
    - get traffic directly on my page ?

    thank You for your explanation


    www.techdo.com, Jun 9, 2009 IP
  2. JonRhodesUK

    JonRhodesUK Active Member Affiliate Manager

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    Yeh - I've done this. A good video on your site can hep you attract more visitors for sure.

    If you make a good useful video, put your link or logo on the video, plus your link on the description, then you can expect some traffic from YouTube. That way you can benefit from some YouTube traffic plus some directly to your page because of good content. It would probably be a good idea to write some sort of an article about the video in order for the search engines to grab some keywords about it.

    PLUS if your video is that good - lots of other sites will hopefully embed it on theirs, all with your logo and/or web address on it - free viral advertising!
    JonRhodesUK, Jun 9, 2009 IP
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