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I got BIG NEWS coming tomorrow at 5pm CST.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by m00d, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. #1
    Just letting everyone know I'm gonna spread the truth at 5PM CST September 22nd 2017.
    A company has ripped me off for $3800.00 bucks and they are poised to rip you off as well.
    I will not lie. I have my own self interest at heart. If they come clean then you will not hear from me again. That means they paid me. If not the shit is about to hit the fan. Get ready!!
    Cook up the popcorn!!

    I hope they don't pay me at this point because it's only $3800.00 bucks. I'm looking forward to fucking them up the asshole. They picked the wrong muther fucker to rip off. This is going to be FUN!!

    Don't believe me just watch!!


    After I post the truth here I will post it to every major forum on the internet. I already have a website created including all screen shots. I'm even going to go for the long ball and send it to all major news outlets. Once the initial barrage is over I'll simply take a few hours a week, my down time, my hobbie time to continue to post the truth about this company. Trust me, they have HUNG themselves. I will make it a mission to cost them 100 fold what than they stole from me. I don't care about the paltry $3800 bucks I just don't like fucking thieves. I ain't no peach, I'm a snake oil salesman. But I must convince my customer to purchase and if they are unhappy I must refund them. I play by the rules and have been doing so since I started in this business back in 1999. This company is the worst group of pick pocket thugs I have ever come across. They have summoned up a thunder cloud.

    Tomorrow at 5pm CST.
    m00d, Sep 21, 2017 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I always find this threat amusing - especially when made by straight men, which your posts suggest you are

    had to look that up

    We wait with excitment. If they do settle things with you let us know that too.
    sarahk, Sep 21, 2017 IP