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I didn't park the domain. But it is!

Discussion in 'Domain Names' started by jagan123, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. #1
    I registered a domain name 2 days ago and today i registered it with my host.
    When i who.is check the domain, i get the info with the name servers.

    But when i enter the domain name in the browser, to my surprise i found a parking page!
    What could be the problem?
    Someone help me out please.
    The domain is flmiami .info
    jagan123, Apr 25, 2009 IP
  2. tobycoke

    tobycoke Well-Known Member

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    Most registrars automatically st up a default parking page on new registrations- so they can potentially make money off it until to you re-point it. Enter your registrar's control panel to change your nameservers or forward it where you wish.

    It looks ok now so I guess you figured it out.
    tobycoke, Apr 25, 2009 IP
  3. jagan123

    jagan123 Active Member

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    I still have this problem here.
    May be DNS takes around few hours to point itself worldwide.
    Yes, i made the necessary DNS editings.
    I found the server to which i pointed to in the who.is lookup

    May be, i guess i have to wait for few more hours to get this parking page removed.
    And lol, never thought name .com would do these things :p
    jagan123, Apr 25, 2009 IP
  4. jagan123

    jagan123 Active Member

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    The problem is not yet resolved.
    Some one please help me with this issue.
    What could be the possible problem?
    I haven't parked the domain. Nor does name.com
    But still flmiami.info redirects to some parking page.
    There's no problem with nameserver allocation too.
    it's fine and i manually created an account with my own host.
    All other sites using the same dns are working fine.. but not this.. :-s
    jagan123, Apr 25, 2009 IP

    ROOFIS Well-Known Member

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    I ran a quick 'whois' check for your domain and noticed you have it pointed to IndyaLabs.com webhosting (I'm guessing you are trying to set up the site to publish on and not park it.) Anyway's I visited the site and it appears to be present online (minus the index.html page though :eek:) I live in Australia so I guess your DNS has started to propagate worldwide. The best way to see if your domain is propagating though the internet is to search for your domain though a VPN gateway or something similar (Google 'hotspot shield' as an example) Though this gateway you can see if your site is present though an American IP address, this seems to be where the most present updates for indexing occur in the world (Google is American company after all!)

    Please post us your result! cheers,

    ROOFIS, Apr 25, 2009 IP
    jagan123 likes this.
  6. jagan123

    jagan123 Active Member

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    I never knew that something like this exists!
    Googled hotspot shield, downloaded, installed, launched, typed my domain address and voila!
    The site worked showing an index page :D
    And yes, the DNS started propagation. Working in US, Australia and i'm waiting for it to reach India :D

    Thanks for sharing dude..
    It may take around 12hrs more for the site to work in India. No issues.
    But with a .com i never experienced this delay.
    I find this only at name.com and with a .info domain.

    Does the propagation time depends on the domain registrar too?
    jagan123, Apr 25, 2009 IP