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HTML entity for New Rupee sign?

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by krishmk, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. #1
    Hi all,
    I am trying to use the new Rupee sign in a html document.
    ₹ (& # 8377)
    Code (markup):
    but its not rendering as desired in my browser.
    If I use the old entity
    ₨ (& # 8360)
    Code (markup):
    its working fine...

    Any idea on how to accomplish this?
    krishmk, Dec 21, 2010 IP
  2. jeremyhowell

    jeremyhowell Member

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    I noticed Wikipedia is using a vector image for the new rupee sign, Im probably wrong, but I dont think the UTF has encoded the new rupee sign into UTF-8 yet. Not sure thats how you would word it, but you get the idea.

    I would suggest use a vector in the meantime as a quick fix.
    jeremyhowell, Dec 21, 2010 IP
    radiant_luv likes this.
  3. jezzz

    jezzz Notable Member

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    Yeah it is wise decision to use vector because Rupee is fairly new and would get some time for obtaining suitable encoding
    jezzz, Dec 21, 2010 IP
  4. backlinkexcellence

    backlinkexcellence Peon

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    Jeremy is right with it, saw the same on Wikipedia too the other day and it's your best bet to display it that way.
    backlinkexcellence, Dec 21, 2010 IP
  5. leadgeneration

    leadgeneration Peon

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    Indian rupee has their own symbol now that is really proud full movement for any Indian but how we can use it on our website that is really misty because there no key in keyboard currently so we are using image of it for the time being .The character is expected to be available on some keyboards in next 2 or 3 months. But if you need to write the Indian Rupee symbol on your website through HTML, you don’t need to use image as you can write that. Many blogger are using Indian Rupee symbol image to write the symbol in their blog posts, but there is a way to write that in such a way that the symbol will appear as text.

    There are few web resources to add that symbol in HTML and out of which, an option is to add a JavaScript in the footer area of your blog template which will convert the text “Rs.” on your site to “Indian Rupee Symbol”. Here is the script,
    view source
    1 <script src="http://cdn.webrupee.com/js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    2 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://cdn.webrupee.com/font">
    leadgeneration, Dec 23, 2010 IP