how you do keyword research in google keyword planner

Discussion in 'Keywords' started by Bingout, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. #1
    Hey guys, I want to know and learn some lessons in the field of seo, earlier Google keyword planner use to show the approximately search volume of specific keyword in it's monthly search volume coloum. Now its stopped showing that.but still Google keyword is one of the trusted and relevant keyword research tool. When I pick the low competion keyword, I get confuse while picking the keyword cos its not showing the exact approximately search volume as I just pick the keyword with low competition without worrying the numbers shown in search volumr.. So my question is for those who using Google keyword planner ,how they pick the keyword ? Do you have any other way arounde
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    Bingout, Mar 22, 2017 IP
  2. Tutorials Feed

    Tutorials Feed Greenhorn

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    There are many other ways and tools as well for keywords research. When you select a search phrase, check it organically in google search engine. After that check it in your competitors' website. One of the most useful parts of the keyword research and selection is the ability to use competitor URLs to quickly dig up keywords. I thought the Keyword Planner had done away with that but apparently not!
    Tutorials Feed, Mar 28, 2017 IP
  3. Member

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    You can use the keywords planner tool to find keywords in below ways:
    1) For keyword: You can a word or phrase specific for your business.
    2) For landing page: you can also enter landing page on your website .The keyword planner scans & inserts pages to those pages
    3) For product category: you can select keywords from thousands of category of keywords
, Mar 31, 2017 IP
  4. Md. Faruk Khan

    Md. Faruk Khan Active Member

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    In Google keyword planner, Competition value is not for organic search, its for PPC. So if you pick a keyword just see the competition is low on Google keyword planner tools then it' not working.

    For, exact search value you need to run a campaign in Adwords or you should use keyword everywhere extension. It'll show you the exact monthly search value for each keywords.
    Md. Faruk Khan, Apr 1, 2017 IP